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Some Acceleration Practice Problems

1) While drag racing out of our school parking lot, I time myself at a speed of
40 meters per second seven seconds after starting. What was my
acceleration during this time?
) !sing this information, how far have I gone during this seven seconds?
") If I were to accelerate at this rate for another ninety seconds, how fast
would I #e going?
4) If I were to drop a #all out of my car while I was traveling at a velocity of $
m%s, and it underwent a deceleration of .0 m%s%s while rolling to a stop,
how long would it take for it to stop?
$) &ow far would it roll in this time?
2004 Cavalcade Publishing, All Rights Reserved For chemistry help, visit wwwchem!iestacom
Acceleration Practice Answers
1) While drag racing out of our school parking lot, I time myself at a speed of
40 meters per second seven seconds after starting. What was my
acceleration during this time?
Acceleration = (40 m/s) / 7 s = 5.7 m/s/s
) !sing this information, how far have I gone during this seven seconds?
d = at
= (5.7 m/s/s)(7s)
= 140 meters
") If I were to accelerate at this rate for another ninety seconds, how fast
would I #e going?
= at = (5.7 m/s/s)(!7 sec) = 550 m/s
4) If I were to drop a #all out of my car while I was traveling at a velocity of $
m%s, and it underwent a deceleration of .0 m%s%s while rolling to a stop,
how long would it take for it to stop?
12.5 s
$) &ow far would it roll in this time?
d = at
= (2.0 m/s/s)(12.5 s)
= 15" m
#ote$ St%dents ma& correctl& sa& t'at t'e acceleration o( t'e ball is
)2.0 m/s/s rat'er t'an t'e 2.0 m/s/s t'at * %sed in t'is +roblem. ,'en
&o% %se t'is n%mber- &o% .et an answer o( )15" m- w'ic' s%..ests
t'at t'e ball moes bac/wards 15" meters. 0'is doesn1t ma/e sense-
beca%se t'e ball act%all& rolls (orwards (rom w'ere it was dro++ed.
0o sim+li(& t'e idea 'ere- %se t'e idea o( absol%te al%e to describe
2004 Cavalcade Publishing, All Rights Reserved For chemistry help, visit wwwchem!iestacom

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