Tricks To Solve Time and Distance Problems

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Rule 1
Theorem: If M, persons can do Wj works in D, days and
M 2 persons call do W
works in D2 days then we have f!.
very general formula ill the relationship of
= M
Illustrative Examples
Ex.y 16men can do apiece of work in 10 days. How many
'-../ men are needed to complete the work in 40 days?
Soln: Detail Method: To do awork in 10 days, 16men are
needed. or, to do the work in Iday, 16x 10 men are
16xl0 =4
needed. So to do the work in 40 days, 40
men are needed.
QuickerMethod: MjDjW
:= M
M, =16,D
=1 and
M2 = 7, D2 =40, W
Thus, from /IlfJ~.jWl = M1D2Wj
16xI0 = M 2 X 40
16xl0 .
or, M: =---=4 men.
.. 40
40 men can cut 60 trees in 8hours. If 8men leave- the
job, how many trees will be cut in 12 hours?
Detail Method:
40 men - working 8hrs - cut 60 trees
or, 1men - working 1hr - cuts 40 ; - i trees
Thus, 32 men - working 12 hrs - cut 40 x8 = 72 .
Quicker Method:
At] = 40, D, = 8 (as days and hrs both denote time)
Time and Work
Wj = 60 (cutting of trees is taken as-work)
M2 =40-8=~2, D2 =.12,W2 =?
Putting the values in the formula, .
We have, 40 x 8 x W
=32 x 12 x 60
or W
= = 72 trees
, 40x8 .
Ex.3~can do a piece of work in 5 days. How many days
~ will he take to complete 3 works of the same type?
Solo: Quicker Method:
As 'A' is the only person to do the work in both the
cases, so M, :=M2 :=1(Useless to carry it)
D, :=5 days, WI = 1, D2 =? and W
= 3
Putting the values in the formula we have,
S x 3 =D2 X lor, D2= 15 days.
Exercise .
.1. 8 men can do apiece of work in 5 days. How many men
are needed to complete the work in 10 days?
a) 8men b) 4 men c) 2 men d) None ofthese
2. 15 men can do apiece of work in 6days. How many men
are needed to complete the work in 3 days?
a) 30 men b) 25 men c)35 men d) 40 men
3. 20 men can cut 30 trees in 4 hours. If4 men leave thejob,
how many trees will be cut in 6hours?
a) 30 trees b),36 trees c)40trees d)Noneofthese
4. 10men can cut 15 trees in 2 hours. If 2men leave thejob,
how many trees will be cut in 3 hours?
a) 15 trees b) 20 trees c) 16trees d) J 8trees
5. A can do apiece' of work in'o days. How many days witl
he take to complete 2 works of the same type?'
a) 12 days b) 10 days c) 6days d) 3 days
l.c 2.a ,3..b 4.d S.a
'Rule 2
Theorem: If M
persons call (/0 W
works in Dr days work-
ing :r; hours a day and M 2 persons call do W; , works ill
D2 days working T 2 hours a day then we have a very gen-
eralformula in the relationship of M
I; W

IIJ ustrative Example

Ex: /sinen can prepare 10 toys in ,6days working 6hours
oaday. Then In how many days can 12 men prepare 16
toys working 8 hrs a day?
Soln: By using the above theorem
5x6x6xJ 6 = 12x Dl x8xlO
D ;;;:5x6x6x16 ~3 d"~
2 12x8x IO ay
Note: Number of toys is considered as work in the above
1. The work done by a ..,,'ohalfin 8 hours is equal to the
work done byaman in 6hours and by.a boy in 12 hours.
Ifworking 6hours per day 9 men can complete awork in
6days then in how many days can 12' women
, and 12 boys togetherfinishthe same work'work1ng 8
hours per day?
I 2 J
a) 12days b) 3)- days c) 3 days d) 1
(BSRB Patna PO-200J )
2. to men can prepare'20 toys in 3 days working J 2hours a
day. Then in how many days can 24 men prepare 32 toys
working 4 hrs a day?
a) 2 days b) 3 days c) 4 days d}6 days
3. 20 men can prepare 4.0toys ii124 days working 18 hours
a day. Then in how many days can 36 men prepare-tx
toys working 16hrsa day? '
a) 16days b) 12 days c)2ldays, d) 18 days
I.d; Hint:8WQm~n,=QM~l.1=.J 2Boys,
12M +12W+ J 2B~ 12M,+9M+6M=2- 7M ,
Now, applying the above formula, we have
9x6x6=27x8x D2
9x6x6' J
. Do =--- ,=1'- days
.. - 27 x8, 2
, ,
2. a 3.d
,Rule 3
Theorem: 1f A and Bean do a piece of work ill x days, B
and C iny days, C and A inz days.then (A +B +C) working
2xyz ]
together will do tile same work ill - + +' days.
xy yz xz
, 2xyz )
Let xy+yz +xz be=r+then
'A' alone will do the same work in
yr ),
- - (Jays or
y- r
2xyz )
xy +yz - z x days,
'B' alone will do the same work ill
z r )
days or,
'2X Y Z ) ,
yz +z x - xy days and
'C' a/one will do the same work in .(- ~) days or
,X -r '
C z :;;~ yz ) days.
Illustrative Example
Ex: nd B can do apiece of work in 12days, Band C in
15 days, C and A in 20 days. How long would each
, take separately to do the same work?
Soln: Using the above theorem;
2x12x15>;20 '
'r = ---,-------'----- =10 days,
12x 15 +12x20+ IS x20
, J OxJ 5
Now, A can do the work in 15 -10 =30 days,
B can do the work in 20 _ I0 = 20 days.
. IOx12 _ 60
,C candotheworkm 12,-10 - days.
I. A and B can finish apiece of work in 30 days, Band C in
40 days while C and A in 60 days. How long will they
take to finish it together?
2 2
a) 26- days b) 16-da)'s c)25 days d)24 days
, 3 ' 3
2, AandBcandoapieceofworkin 10 days,B andC in 15
days and, C and A in 20 days. They all work at it for 6
days, and then A leaves, and Band C go on together for
4 days more, If B then leaves, how long will C take to
complete the work?
a)20day,s b) 25days c) 10 days d) 15 days
Time and Work
A and B can do a piece of work in 6days, A and.C in Illustrative Example
I . . Ex.: Acan do apiece of work in 5 days, and B can do it in
52" days, Band C In4 days. In what t!IJ 1~_,c9uldeach do. ~,./" 6days. How long wi IIthey take if both work together?
't? ~
I. ..]
4 16 t 9 16 4 '19 Soln: Detail Method: 'A' can do '5 work in 1day.
a) 20- 8- 7- b)8- 20- 7-
13' 31' 35 31 ' 13' '35
J .
7~ 8~ 20~
c) 35' 31' 13
d) None of these
1 '"
A and B can mow a field in 32' days, A and C in 4 days,
Band C in 5 days. In what time could they mow it, all
working together?
3 75
a) 104
2 74
b) 103
3 74
c) 103
I, a
2. c: Hint: A, Band C together can do the work in
2xlOx15x20 120
------- ='- days
IOxI5+20xI0+15x20 30
work done by all in 6days = 20
work done byBand C in 4 days = 15
13 4) J
Remaining work = 1- 20 +15 =12 'which. isto be
done by C .
Now, from the question,
120 x 10 .
C alone can do the whole work in _1_3 = 120 days
[See Rule-6)
1 . 120
.'. 12 of the work is done by C in 12 = 10 days.
) 1
Hint: Here x =6,.y = 4 and z = 2" Now apply the
given rule.
Rule 4
Theurern: [fA call do a piece of work ill x days and B can
d, r' in ; days then A and B working together will do the
sante W,IT /. ill (~) days.
'X + y
. I
'B' can do '6 work in 1day.
Thus 'A' and 'B' can do (~+~) work in I day.
:. 'A' and 'B' can do the work in T'Tdays
5 6
30 8
= -=2- days.
r , 11 J J
Quicker Method: Applying the above theorem,
A +B can do the work in 5+6 days

30 8
= -=2- days.
11 II
l. can complete a piece of work in 15 days and 15
women and complete the same work in 12 days. Ifall the
10 men and 15women work together, in how many days
will the work get completed?
2 1
c) 6
d) 6
(SBI Associates PO-1999)
A can do apiece of work in 20 days and B can do it in 30
days. How long would they take to do it working to-
gether? .
.a) 12 days.' b) )0 days c) 15 days d) 16days
3. .A can do a piece of work in 6 days. B takes 8 days. C
takes as long as A and B would take working together.
How long will it-take Band C to complete the work to-
\ ...
. I"; ?
a) 2sday b) 2i days c) 6days
d) 4'-'days
4. A does TO of a piece of work in 15 days. He does the
remainder with the assistance of B in 4 days. In what
time could A and B together do it?
a) 13
days b) 12 days
c) 12"3 days d) None of these ,
5. Acan do apiece of work in 16days, B in t()days. Aand
Bwork at it together for 6 days and then efinishes it in
3 days, in how many days could ehave done it alone?
a) 40 days b) 80 days c) 90 days d) 120days
6. A can do apiece of work in 4 hours, Band ecan do it in
3hours, A and ecan do it in2 hours. How long would B
alone take to do it?
a) 14hours b) 12hours c) 10hours d) 16hours
7. A can do apiece of work in 30 days while B can do it in
40 days. A and B working together can do it in
3 1 1
a) 70 days b) 42'4 days c) 27"7 days d) 17"7 days
(Railways 1989)
8. Acan do (1/3) ofa work in 5 days and B can do (2/5) of
the work in 10 days. In how many days both A and B
together can do the work?
c) 8S-days d) 10 days
(Railways 1991)
I. c; Hint: x =IS days, y=12days, Now apply the above
6X 8 24)
3. b; Hint: ecompletes the work in 6+8 =-;;-days
.. Band e together complete the work 'in
24 J T
12 2
--=-=2- days
24 +8 5 5 . .
7 3) .
4. a; Hint: ,1- 10 =T O work is done byA and B in 4
. . ,~ '.' Vf (.' . ; ,
.'. The whole work is done byAand B in -3-
40 I
= '3=13"3 days.
5. d; Hint: A and B together can do the whole work in
16xlO 80
16+10 =13days.
13 6 39
:. In 6days A and B together can do 80 x = 40
Now, remaining work (I - !~=4
0) isdonebyein3
:. The whole work isdone byein40 x 3=120days.
6. b;. Hint: A, Band etogether can do apiece of work in
4X3 12)
4+3 =7hours.
B alone take to complete apiece of work
12 x2 J
7 -12
= 2 _ 1; - hours.
'8. b; Hint: A can do the whole work in(5 x 3= 15) days.
Bean db.~e whole work in Co; 5 = 25) days.
A and B together can do the work in 25+15
75 3
=8=9'8 days.
Theorem: If A, B andC can do a work in x, y and z days
respectively then all of them working together call finish
the work in ( +xyz + ) days.
xy yz xz
Illustrati xample
Ex.: can do apiece of work in 5 days, and B can do it in
6day's. If e, who tan do the work in 12 days, joins
them, how long will they take to complete the work?
Soln: Bythetbeorem:
: A, B ahci Gcan do the work in
5x6x 12 360 2
-=2- days.
5x6+6xI2+5xI2 162 9
Exercise .
1. A can do apiece of work in 5days, B in4 days and A, B
-. and etogether in 2 days. In what time would C do it
a)25d~y's, l?)12days c)15.days d)20days
2. Atakes half aslong to do apiece of work as B takes, and
if'C does it intliesame time asAand B together, and ifall
three working together would take 7 days, how long
would each take separately?
Time and Work
a) 21 days, 42 days, 14 days
b) 20 days, 40 days, """3 days
c) 15 days, 45 days, "4 days
d) None of these
3. Five men can do a piece of work in 2 hours, which 7
women could do in 3 hours, or 9 children in4 hours ..How
long would 1man, Iwoman and 1child together take to
do the work?
1260 1270 1221
a) m b) 23l c) 260 d) None of these
4. A takes twice as much time as Band thrice as much time
as C to finish apiece of work, working together they can
finish the work in 2 days, find the time each will take to
finish the work.
a) 12,6,4 b) 18,9,6
c)24, 12,8 d) None of these
5. If A does apiece of work in 4 days, which B can do in 5,
and C can do in 6, in what time will they do it, all working
a) 2 days
b) 27 days
6 .
c) 37 days d) None of these
A. Band C can do a piece of work in 6, .12 and 24 days
respectively. They altogether will complete the work in
" . . >
a) ">'1 days
7 4 5
b) 24 days c) 45 days d) 24 days
(C lerical Grade Exam, 1991)
I. d: Hint: Applying the given rule, we have
'. _ 5x4xz - 2
the required answer - 5 4 5 2 4 -
x: + x + x z
or,20z =40+ 18z '!,
or, 2z = 40 :. z = 20 days.
2. a; Hint: Let A takes x days to complete the work.
:. Btakes 2x days
From the question, C takes to complete the work =
2xxx 2
---=-x days
2x+x 3
or - =7 . x = 21 days
. ' 3 . . .
.Herice, A completes the work in 21 days, B in
(21 x 2 =42) days andC ill (%X21:-::14) days.
3. a; Hint: 1men can do apiece of work in (2 x 5== 10) days
1woman can do the same work in (7 x 3=21) days.
I child can do the same work in (9 x 4 = 36) days.
Now, applying the given rule, we have
, IOx21x36
the required answer = lOx 21+21x36+ IOx36
7560 1260
= 1326 = m days.
4, a; Hint: Let A takes x days to complete the work.
x x
Btakes 2' and C takes '3days.
Now, applying the given rule, we have
x x
xx- x-
___ -=2'---3::C ..... __ =2
x x x x
xx- +- x - +xx-
2 2 3 3
:. x= 12 days.
:. A takes 12 days, B takes ( = 6) days and C
takes (I: =4) days 'to' complete the work.
5. c 6. a
Rule 6
Theorem: If A and B together can do a piece of work ill x
days and A alone can do it in y days, then B alone can do
the work in - - days.
ow, applying the given rule, we have
/ lIIustr . eExample
(See Rule 4) Ex: A and B together can do apiece of work in 6days and
A alone can do it in 9 days. In how many days can B
alone do it?
xx 2xx- x
3 =7
. 2 2x
xx2x+ 2xx- - x+ xx- -
3 3
S?ln:- Detail Method: A and B can do '6 of the work in I
'Time and Work
a) 21 days, 42 days, 14 days
b) 20 days, 40 days, 3days
c) IS days, 4S days, '4 days
d) None of these
3. Five men can do a piece of work in 2 hours, which 7
women could do in 3 hours, or 9 children in4 hours. How
long would 1 man, I woman and 1 child together take to
do the work?
1260 1270 ) 1221
a) m b) m c 260 d) None of these
4. A takes twice as much time as B and thrice as much time
as C to finish apiece of work, working together they can
finish the work in 2 days, find the time each will take to
finish the work.
a) 12,6,4 b) 18,9,6
c)24,12,8 d) None of these
5. If A does apiece of work in 4 days, which B can do in 5,
and C can do in 6, in what time will they do it, all working
a) 2 days
b) 27 days
6 .
c) 37 days d) None of these
A, Band C can do a piece of work in 6, .12and 24 days
respectively. They altogether will complete the work in
,,3 7 4 S
a) "'7days b) 24 days c) 45days d) 24 days
(C lerical Grade Exam, 1991)
!.d; Hint: Applying the given rule, we have
the required answer =- S- 4- 5 2 4 = 2
x + x + xz
or,20z =40+ 18z 'I;
or, 2z =40 ., z =20 days,
2. a; Hint: Let A takes x days to complete the work.
:. B takes 2x days
From the question, C takes to complete the work =
2xxx 2
---=-x days
2x+x 3
or, 4X 2 -
or, 3~7 :,x =21 days
Herice, A completes the work in 21 days, B in
(21 x 2 =42) days and C in (~x 21= 14) days.
3. a; Hint: can do apiece of work in (2 x 5"=10) days
.i 1woman can do-the same work in (7 x 3 =21) days.
1child can do the same work in (9 x 4 =36) days.
Now, applying the given rule, we have
. lOx 21x36
the required answer =IOx21+2Ix36+IOx36
7560 1260
=1326 =illdays.
4, a; Hint: Let A takes x days to complete the work.
x x
B takes "2 and C takes 3' days.
Now, applying the given rule, we have
x x
xx- x-
2 3 = 2
x x x x
xx- +- x- +xx-
2 2 3 3
:. x= 12days.
.'. A takes 12 days. B takes (I; =6) days and C
takes (I: =4)days to complete the work.
5. c 6. a
Rule 6
Theorem: If A and B together can do a piece of work in x
days and A alone can do it in y days, then B alone can do
the work in - - - days.
ow, applying the given rule, we have
/ llIustr 'e Example
(See Rule 4) Ex: A and B together can do apiece of work in 6days and
A alone can do it in 9 days. In how many days can B
alone do it?
xx2xx- x
____ . 3 =7
2 2x
xx 2x +2xx - - x +x x---
3 3
. 1
Soln:" Detail Method: A and B can do "6 of the work in I
36 4
A alone can do 9" of the work in 1 day.
, (I 11 1
.', B alone can d~, 6- 9) =-)-8 ofthe work i~,~day.
:. B alone call do the whoie work in 18days.
Quicker Method: Bythe theorem:
, 6x9 54
B alone can do the whole work in -- ==- = )8
9- 6 3
1. A, Band C can doa piece of work in 6, )2 and 24 days
respectively. In what time will they altogether do it?
4 . 2 3 3
a) 3
days b) 3
days c) 37days .d) 27 days
2. A and B workingtogether could mow afield in 28 days
and with the help of C they could have mowed it in 21
days. How long would C take byhimself?
a) 86days b) 48 days
c) 84 days d) None of these
3. B can do apiece of work in 6hours, Band C can do it in
2 '
.4hours and A, Band C in 2-:;-,hours. Inhow manyhours
can A and B do it?
" ,,-'
a) -'7 hours
c) 3- hours
b) -'-hours
d) None of these
A and B together can do apiece of work in 45' days, B
and C together can do it in 8 days, and A, Band C
together in 4 days. How long would A and C 'together
take to do it? In what time would B do it alone?
a) 8days, 12days b) 4 days, 8days
c) 6days, 12days d) 8days, 16days.
A does -; .of apiece of work in9 days, he then cal~sin B,
and they finish the work in 6days. How long would B
take todo the whole work byhimself?
a) J 8days b) 16days cy'12 days d) 2J days'
A and B together can do a piece of work in 6days, B
alone could doit in 16days. If B stops after 3 days, how
long afterwards will A have finished the work?
'4 4 4, I,
a) 75'days b) 55'days c) 4~5days d) 45'days
7. A and B can reap a field in 30 days, working together.
After. I I days, however, B is called off and A finishes it
by himself in 38 days more. In what time could each
alone do the whole?
a) 60 days each b) 15days,30 days
c) 20 days, 60 days d) None of these
8. A, Band C together can do a piece of work in 6days,
which 13alone can do in 16days and Band C together
can' do inJ 0' days, in how many days can A and B to-
gether do it?
240 242 241
a) -_. b) .- c) --- d) None of these
31 31 3I
9. A and B together can do a piece of work in 8 days. 13
alone can do it in J 2 days, supposing B alone works at it
for 4 days: in how many more days could A alone finish
it? '
a) 18days b) 24 days c) 16days d) 20 days
10. A and B can together do a piece of work in 15 days. B
alone can do it in 20 days. A alone can do it in:
a) 30 days b) 40 days c) 45 days 'd) 60 days
(Railways 1991)
II. A and B finish ajob in 12 days while A, Band C can
finish it in 8days. C alone will finish thejob in:
a) 20 days b) 14 days c) 24 days d) 16days
(Hotel Management t991)
, 2. c;
Hint: Required answer =28_ 21 =84 days.
Hint: Applying the given rule, we have
6X4 )
C can do athe whole work in 6_ 4 = J 2 days.
Now from the question,
3. a;
.' ' " 12x- 96 24 3
required answer =__ 3 =- =- =3- days.
, 12-~ 28 7 7
- - - - x 4
Hint: C alone can do the work in _5__ = 24 days.
.,' , 24
A alone can do the work in (:: ~ = 8) days.
Now applying the Rule-4, we have
A and C together can do the work in
24X8 _ 6)
24+8 - days
36 6
Quicker Method:
Number of days taken by B, t ,
== (Number of days taken byA +B +C ) x (3 +I)
== 10 (3 +1)== 40 days
Number of days taken by C == 10 (2 +I) == 30 days
Exercise :
1. A, B and C together can finish apiece of work in 12days,
A and C together work twice as much as B, A and B'
together work thrice as much as C . In what time could
each do it separately?
4 ,
a) 28- 4248'
5' ,
, 4
b) 28-,36,48
c) 28,36-,48
d) None of these
2, To do acertain workB would take 4 times as long as A
and C together and C 3 times as long as A and B to-
gether, The three men together complete the work in 5
days, How long would take Band C to complete the
I I 2 3
a) 9
days b) 119 daysc) 26
daysd) 285days,
3. To do a certain work B would take 2 times as long as A
and C together and C 3 times as long as A and B to-
gether, The three men together complete the work in 16
days. How long would take Band C to complete the
a) 27 -::; days b) 27 days
3 4
c) 27- days d) 27 - days
7 7
Answers ,
1, b; Hint: B cOl~pletes the work if) U2(:? +I) == 36] days
C completes the same work in [12(3 +1) == 48] days
Band C together complete the work in
36X48 144)
36+48 =-7 days,
Now, from the question,
A takes to complete the same work
12x--- 144 4
'--_-'-7_~ _' = 28- days,
14~_12 5 5
2, b; Hint: B alone can do the work in (4 +1) x 5 =25 days
C alone can do the work in (3 +1) x 5 == 20 days ,
25 x 20 I
Band C toz ether can do the work in ---- == 11,.
'" 25 +,20 <}
3, c
Rule 8
Theorem: If XI men 0l.& ,Y I women can reap afield ill 'D'
days, then "x
men and Y 2 women take to reap it
lIIustr tive Example
. Ex.: [f3 men or 4 women can reap afield in 43 days, how
long will 7 men and 5 women take to reap it?
Soln: First Method:
, "
, 1
3 men reap 43 of the field in J day,
I I'
1 man reaps '43x3 of the field in 1 day,
4 women reap 43 of the field in I day.
:. 1 woman reaps 43x 4' of the fieId in J day.
7 5 ') 1
.', 7 men and 5 women reap -4" :; +4,":;"-4-')::: i-)
, .J X.J J X ,_,
of the field in Iday,
.. 7 men and 5 women will reap the whole field in 12
Second Method:
3men= 4women
'r. r.
, 1man == - women
" 3
.'. 7 men =28 women
28 43
7 men +5 women == - +5 = -- women
3 3
Now, the question becomes:
1f4 women can reap a field in 43 days, how long will
3" women take to reap it?
The "basic-formula" gives
Time and Work
4x43 =-::.;-XD2
or D = ---=12 days
'2 43 .
Quicker Method:
Required n~mber of days = [_7__+~]
43x3 43x4
43x3x4 -12
7 x 4 +5x 3 - days
.I. The above formula is very easy to remember.
If we divide the question in two parts and call the first
part as OR-part and the second part as AND-p~rt then
7 Number of men in AND!- part
43 x3 Number of days x Number of men in'OR - part
Similarly, you can look for the second part in denomina-
. 43X3X4)
2. Second step of the quicker method re 7 x 4 +5x 3 is
the form .of'formula given in the Rule 8. ,
I. If3 men or 5 women can reap afield in 43 days, how long
will 5 men. and 6women take to reap it?
a) 15 days b)25 days c) 18 days d) 12 days
) If2 men O f' 4 women can reap afield in 44 days, how long
'11 ~ d . 3
,VI ., men an 5 women take to reap '4 th ofthe field?
a) 10 J ays b) 8 days c)12days d) None of these
3. If6 men or 10 women can reap a field-inSo.days, how
long wilt 10 men and 12women take to reap it?
a) 30 days b) 35 days c) 25 days d) 40 days
4. If4 men or 6boys can finish a piece of work in 20 days,
In how. many days can 6 men and I I boys fmish it?
a) 8 days b) 6days c~:7 days d) 9 days
- (LIC Exam, 1991)
5. 10 men can finish a piece of work in 10 days whereas it
takes 12 women to finish it in 10 days. If 15 men and 6'
IWll10n undertake to complete the work how many days
will they take to complete it?
a)11 b)5 c)4 d)2
(Bank PO Exam, 1991)
I a 2. c 3. a 4. b
5.b; Hint: 10menand 12women can finish apiece of work
in the same no. of days ie 10 days. Hence we can say
that 10 men or 12women finish the work in 10days.
Now we can apply the given formula .
Rule 9
Theorem: If G] men and b] boys call do apiece of work in
X days and G2 men (IIUI b
boys can do it in y days, then
tirefollowing relationship is obtained:
1 man = [Y b
- xb
]bOY S
. xa
- ya
Illust tive Example
Ex: If 12 men and 16boys can do apiece of work in 5 days
and 13 men and 24 boys can do it in 4 days, how long
will 7 men and 10 boys take to do it?
Detail Method:
12men and 16boys can do the work in 5 days (1)
13men and 24 boys can do the work in 4 days (2)
Now it is easy to see that if the no. of workers be
multiplied by any number, the time must be divided
bythe same number (derived from: more workers less
time). Hence multiplying the no. of workers in (1) and
(2) by 5 and 4 respectively, we get
5 .
. 5 (12 men +lti.boys) can do the work in '5 = 1day
,:' i 4
4 (13 men +24 boys) can do the work in - = I day
or, 5 (12 m+16b) =4( 13 m+24 b)
or, 60 m+80 b = 52 ll1+96b ". (*)
or, 60 m- 52 m==96b - 80 b
01';8 m= 16b
.'. 1man= 2 boys.
Thus, 12 men +16 boys = 24 boys +16boys = 40 _
boys .
and 7 men +10 boys =14 boys +10boys =24 boys
The question now becomes:
"If 40 boys-can do apiece of work in 5 days how long
will 24 boys take to do it?"
Now, by "basic formula", we have
40 x 5 =24 X D2 ..... (*) (*)
__ 40x5_
01, D~- ~4 - j days.
During practice session (*) should be your first step
to be written down. Further calculations should be
done mentally. Once you get that 1man =2 boys,
your next step should be (*) (*). This way you can
get the result within seconds.
Quicker Method: Applying the above.theorem,
24 x 4 - 16x 5 16
1men = =- =: 2 boys.
12x5-4x13 S
36 8
. Thus, J 2men +16boys= 24boys +16boys =40
and 7 men +10 boys =14 boys +10 boys =24boys
Now. by basic formula, we have
40 x 5=2.4 >:))2
40>:5 1
' D =--=8-days I I
2 24 3
l. If! 2 me.i and J 6days can do a piece of work in 5 days
an.l !3 men and 24boys can do it in 4 days. compare the
daily work done by a man with that done by a boy.
a)I:2 b)2:1 c)I:3 d)3:1
2. 1[30 men and 1'4[jG;'S can reap afield in 21 days, in how
many days will 20 men and 4 boys reap it. supposing
that 3 men can do ,:15 much as 5 boys?
<:)36days b) 3(: J ays c) 42 days d) 45 days
3. If:' meu and 2 boy> working together can do 4 times as
much work per hour as a man and ri boy to~ether, com-
pare the work of a man with that of a boy.
a)'2:1 b)3:J c)4:1 dj Drua inadequate
4. If : must hire 2 men and 3 bo~s for 6days 10 do the same
piece of work a!'. limen and 5 boys could do in 1~
days, compare- the work of a boy with that of a man ..
il}7:3 b)3:7 c)2:5 d)5:2
5. 8children and 12men complete acertain piece of work in
S days. Each child takes twice the time by aman to finish
rhe work. In how many days will 12 men finish the same
a)8 b)9 c) 12 d)15
(Bank PO Exam, 1988)
I. h; Hint: Applying the above theorem,
a man's work
a boy's work
/5 =.!Y =2:I
12><:5-4xI3 8 ..
2. a: Hint: Here relationship between men and boys is
.3men =, 5 boys ,', 1man =3' boys.
Now 30M ~14B=--+14=64boys and
, . 3
From the-formula, 64 x 21:: 112 cD;
3 -
:. D
=36 days.
.1.a; Hint: Let 5 men and 2 boys can do the work inx days .
Hence a man and a boy together can do the same
work in4x days.
Now, applying the given rule. we have
4xx l-xx2
the required answer =_ .._-- =2:I. 01
xx5- 4xx I
Note: Also see Rule-IS
4. b; Hint: Applying the g'ven rule, we have
6x2--x II
. Boy: Man = 3 : 7.
, 5. c; Hint: 2 children =1man
., 8children +12 men =16men
From the question,
Since lemen can complete acertain piece of work in
16x9 I
.. 12 men finish the work in 12 =12) days.
Rule 10
Theorem: A certain number of men can do a work in 'D'
days. If there were 'x' men less it could be finished ill 'd'
days' more, then the number of men originally (Ire
lIIustr . Example
El: A certain number of men can do awork in 60 days. If
there were 8 men less it could be finished in 10 days
more. How many men are there?
Solo: Usingxhe above formula, we have
, '. 8(60+ 10)
r the osiginal number ofrnen = --1-0 - =56men.
\. A certain number of men can do a work in 45 days. If
there were 4 men less it could be finished in 15 days
more. How many men are there?
a)28 men b) 16men c) 24men d)20inen
2. A certain-number of men can do a work in 30 days. If
there were 6men less it could be finished in 20 days

more. How many men are there?

a) 15men b) 12 men
c)I8men d)20men
3. A certain number of men can do a work in 50 days. If
there were 6 men less it could be finished in 12 days
more. How many men are there?
Time and Work
e .I
a) 30 men b) 32 men c) 28 men':' d)u1 men.
4. A certain. number of men can do a worklirr, 70 .days. If
there were 2 men less it could be 10 days
more. How many men are there? ,;
a)15men b)17men c)16men d)12men
1.b 2. a
3.d 4.c
Rule 11
Theorem: If A is 'n' times as fast (or slow) as B, ,(Inti is
therefore able 10finish a work in 'D" days less (or more)
than 8, then the time ill which they call do it working to-
-' ,
Dn ) .
gettieris given by ,,1-1 days.
Illustrative Example
Ex: Ais thrice as fast as B, and is therefore able-to finish
\...,./ awork in 60 days less than B. Find the time in which
they can do it working together. \'
Soln: Detail Method
.-, , .,. I, '
A i".thrice as, fast as B, means thatifA does awork in
I dav then B does it in 3 davs.
I-kn~e, if the differencebe'2 days, then A does the
work in 1day and B in 3 days. BUL the difference is 60
days. Therefore, A does the work in 30 days and B in
(jO days. -
Now A and B together will do the work in
., - It'
/" 30)(90 45~;, -, ,;,.
/" - - - davs =--==22.5 days
30 +90 . . 2 ; ':! ..
Quicker Method: Applying the above theorem, we
60x3 60x3 45
the required answer =--- =. --_. __..- = -
_ '3" -I R 2
=22.5 days. '.
Exercise . \ \,
l. A is twice as fast as B, and ,is therefore able to finish a
work in 30 days 'less than B. Find th'c:time i11WHitntney
can do it working together.
a) 18days h) 20 days c) 24 days d) 22 days
2. A is 4 times as fast as B and is therefore able to finish a
work in 45 days less tha'1 B, Find the time in which they
can do it working together. '
a) 12 days b)16days cj S days d)20days
3_ A is thrice ,5fast as B, and is therefore able to finish a
work in -1Odays less than B_ Find the time iri1which they
can do it working together. .
a) 16days - b) 10days - c) 15 days d)Noneofthese
4. A is thrice <15 good aworkman a~B andis therefore able
to finish a work in 80 days less than B. Find the.time in
which they ell'! do it working together.
a) 30 days b) 20 days c) 24 days d) 25 days
1. b 2. a
'.c 4.a
Rule 12
Theorem: If a person can finish a work in d, days at hi
hours a (lay ami another person canfinish the same work
in d
days at 112 hours a day, then the no. of daysin which
the,y canfinish the works workingtogether 'II' hours a day
. r
lJ/X '!l
i) .]~ da s
IS - (/f'i/- ) +'(II ~il") 1z" y .
L / J -,1 2
Illustrarlvg Example
EX; -can finish a work in 15 days at 8 hrs a day. Y ou can
. 2
_ fifnish it in ?3days at 9 hrs a day. Find in how many
days we can finish it working together 10 hrs a day.
Soln: Detail Method: First suppose each of us works for
only one houra day.
Then I canfinish the work'ill 15 x 8 =- 120 days
, . 20
and you can finish the work in --:;--x9 =60 days
Now, we together can finish the work in
~20x!50 k'40 da '05
120+60 :>- .
But here we are given that we do the work 10 hrs a
day, Then clearly we can finish the work in 4 days,
Quicker Method: Applying the above formula, we
['15x8x?~ X9]
- _ I 3 1_
the required answer =\'-------" -- - 4 days ..
, _ 20 10
bxR+--x9 -
... 3
I. I can finish a work in 10 days; at 4 hrs a day. Y ou can
finish it in 15 days at 5 hI'Sa day. Find in how many days
we can finish it working together 10 hrs a day.
50 70 60 40
a) -2::: days b) rdays c) -2--;:;days d). ")3" days
J _J .1 _
2. - 1can 'finish a work i'l16 days at 5 hI'S 11"day. Y ou can
finish it in '12 'days at 4 hI'Sa day. Find in how many days
we can finish it working together 6!li S a day, .,
a) 5 days b) 4 (jays c) 6days d) None of these
3. I can finish a work in 14 days at 6 hrs a day, Y ou can
finish it in 8 days at 2 hrs a day. Find in how many days
we can finish it working together 4 hrs a day.
Time and Work '/
a) 30men b) 32 men c) 28men .d) 3'] men
4. A certain number of men can do a work irr.70 days. If
there were 2 men less it could be 10 days
more, How manymen are there?
a)15men b)17men c)16men d)12men
1. b 2. a 3. d 4. c
Rule 11
Theorem: If A is '11' times as fast (or slow) (IS B, ,anti is
therefore able to finish (I work ill '.0' days less (or more)
tlian 8, then the lime ill which they call do it working to-
DIl J .
getlieris given by ,,1-1 days.
Illustrative Example
Ex: Aisthrice as fast as B, and istherefore able to finish
\./ awork in60 days less than B, Find the time inwhich
theycan do it working together, \
Soln: Detail Methode
A i-:. thrice as fast as B, means that ':f1\ does ~work in
1dav then B does it in 3 davs.
I'kn~e, ir the difference 'be' 2 days, then A does the
work in 1dayand B in3 days. But thedifference is60
days, Therefore, A does the work in30 days and B in
0() days. . .
Now A and B together will do the work in
~ 30x90 45 ~ .
/' - - - days =- =.n.5 days
30+90' 2:' .....
Quicker Method: Applying the above theorem, we
60x3 60x3 45
the required answer =3~-1 =. -g-" = 2
=22.5 days. I,
Exercise .' \,
l. A istwice as fast as B, and istherefore able to finish a
work in30 days less than B. Find thc'time in'which,they
can do itworking together.
a) 18days b) 20 days c) 24 days d) 22 days
2. A is4 times as fast as B, and istherefore able to finish a
work in45 days less than B. Find the time inwhich they
can do it working together.
a) 12days b) 16days c) 8days d) 20 days
3. A isthrice LS fast as B, and is therefore able to' finish a
work in.. H) days lessthan B. Find thetithe in
which they
can do itworking together.
a) 16days b) 16days c) 15 days d)Noneofthese
.f. A isthrice asgood aworkman a. B and istherefore able
to finish awork in 80 days less than B. Find the.time in
which theycan do it working together.
a) 30 days b) 20 days c) 24 days d) 25 days
1. b 2. a '3.c 4.a
Rule 12
Theorem: If (I person can finish a work in d, (lays at hi
hoursa day ami another person cauflnish the same work
in d
days lit ~ hours (I (lay, then the 110. of {/tlys in which
they can fill ish the worksworking'together 'li' hours a day
. [.. (1'/(/1 X/t ]d]) ] ~ days
IS (h/(1
)+'(h](/')) 11'.
Itlustranve.Example ,
Ex: can finish awork in 15days at 8 hrs aday. Y oucan
. 2
finish it in 6~ days at 9 hrs a day. Find inhow many
-' .
days we can finish it working together 10hrs aday.
Soln: Detail Method: First suppose each of us works for
only one houra day.
Then I canfinish the work ill 15x 8:= 120days
and you can finish the work in ~-x9 =60 days
Now, we together CQ!1 finish the work in
~20x 60 =40 d. '05
120+60 G}
But here we are given that we do the work 10 hrs a
day, Then clearly we can finish the work in4 days.
Quicker Method: Applying the above formula, we
roo 15x8x~9 X91
. I ." 1
the required answer =\ .__ 2-.__., .- =4 davs.
. ')0 10 J.
15x8+ ~.. , x9
t 3
I. I can finish a work in 10 days at 4 hrs a day. Y ou can
finish it in 15days at 5 hI'Saday. Find inhow manydays
we can finish itworking together 10hrs aday.
50 70 60 40
a) -2::; days b) -2" days c) '2-=days d). ')3 days
-' .) " -
2. I can finish a work in 16days at 5 hrs a day. Y ou can
finish it in 12days at 4 hrs aday. Find hi how'manydays
we can finish if working together 6!:rsaday.
a) 5 days b) 4 (jays c) 6days d) None of these
3. I can finish a work in 14 days at 6hrs a day. Y ou can
finish it in 8days at 2 hrs aday. Find in how manydays
we can finish it working together 4 hrs aday.
" 8
a) .J 25 days
b) 9 25 days
d) 4 25 days
c) 3- days
I. c 2. a
'Rule 13'
Theorem: if A call d~ a 'work ill x days, B tak~s y days to
complete it and C takes (IS long as A and B would take
working togetlter, then Band C together take to complete
xy J .
tile work = 2x ,+y. days. A an,d C ~ogether take to corn-
'. [ xy J
pletethe work =x +2y days and A, Band C together take
xy ].
to complete the work =2(x +y) =. .
Illustrative Eample .
Ex:/ A can do awork in 6days.' B takes 8days' to complete
~ it. C takes as long as A and B would take working
.together. How long Will it take Band C , A and C , and
A, Band C to complete the work together?
Soln: Using the above formula, we have,
(B +C ) together take to complete the work = 12+8
48 12 2
=, -- =- =2- days
20 5 5 .
(A +C ) together take to complete the work =6+16
48 2
22 11 .
(A +B +C ) together-take to complete the work
6x8 I 48 12 5
= 2(6+8) =2S -='7=I7'da
1. A can do 3 days. B'takes 4 days to.complete it.
C takes as long as.A and B would take working together.
How long will it take B and C to complete the work to-
a) -- days
6 4
b) 5 days C ) '3 days
d) '4 days
2. A can do a work in 4 days. B takes 5 days to complete it.
C takes as long as A and B would take working together.
How long will it take Band C to complete the work to-
b) -
d) -
.3. A can do awork in 6 days. B takes 7days to cc nplete it.
C takes as long as A and Bwould take working together.
. How long will it take. ,A and C to complete the work to-
1 -. I " 1
a) -days b)2days c) L--- daysd) J -days
5 10 10
.4. A can do a work in 8days. B takes 6days to complete it.
C takes as long as A and B would take working together.
How long will it take A and C 'to complere the work to-
123 2
a) 25 days b) 3
days c) 25 days d) 25 days
5.. A can do a work in 10 days. B takes 15 days to complete
.' it. C takes as long as A and B would take working to-
gether. How long will it take A, Band C to complete the
work ~pe~her? _
a)6 days b) 3 days c) 4 days d) 8 days
6 . A cando a work in 20 days. B takes 5 days to complete
it. C long as A and B would take working TO -
gether. How long will it take A, Band C to complete tile
work together?
a) 2 days b) 4 days c) 3 days d) 6days
I~b 2.a '3.c 4.d 5.b 6.a
Rule -14
Theorem: A is ntimes as good a workman as B. lf together,
theyfinish the work in x days, then A and Bseparately CIIIl
d~ in:( Il: /)x (lays and (11+l)x days re-
Illustrative Example
Ex: ~is twice as good a workman as B. Together, they
~ finish the work in 14 days. In how many days can it be
.done by each separately?
Soln: ,Detail Method:
Let ~finish the work, in 2x days.Since A is twice as
active as B therefore, A finishes the work in x days.
(A +B) finish the work in 3;= 14
:. A finishes the work in 2 Idays and B finishes the
work in21 x 2=42 days.
Time and Work
Quicker Method I: Using the above theorem:
. (2+1)xI4.' r ,
A finishes the work in 2 =:= 21days.
B finishes the work in (2 + 1) 14 =4!2days ..
Quicker Method II: Twice +One time =Thrice active
person does the work in 14 days. Then one-time ac-
tive person (B) will do it in 14 x 3 =42 days and twice
14 .
active person (A) will do it in '2 =21 days.
Efficient person takes less time. In other words we
may say that "Efficiency (E) is indirectly prqpor- \
tional to number of days (D) taken to complete a
work ". Then mathematically
Eo. D or, E =D' whee Kis a constant
or, ED =constant
or, E,D, =E2D2 = E3D) = E4D4 = - r-E"Dn' And we
see in the above case: E,D, =E
=E3D3 or, 3 x
14'=2 x.21=1x 42
Thus. our answer verifies the above statement.
J . A and B together can do a piece of work in 7.days. If A
does twice as much work as B in a given time, find how
long A alone would take to do the work?
a)21 days b)20days c) 10 days d) 10'2 days
2. A andB together can do apiece of work in 8 days. If A
does twice as much work as B in agiven time, find how
long A alone would take to do the work?
a) 10 days b) 12 days c) 14 days d) 16days'
3. A and G together can do apiece of work in 9 days. If A
does thrice as much work as B in a given time, find how
long A alone would take to do the work?
a) 12 days b) 14 days c) 16days d) 18 days
-4. A and Btogether can do a piece of work in 6days. If A
does twice as much' work as B in agiven time, find how
long A alone would take to do 'the work?
a) 16days b)9days c) 18 days d)21 days
5. A and Btogether can do a piece of work in 3 days. If A
, does thrice as much work as B in a given time, find how
long A alone would take to do the work?
a) 4 days b) 10 days c) 14 days d) 12 days
l.d 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.a
Rule 15
Theorem: If Q, men and b, boys working together can do n
limes as milch work per hour as a2 men and b
boys to-
f .
gether, then the comparison of the work of aman with that
Man nb] - b
of a boy is given by Boy =-;;1- na 2 .
Illustrative Example
Ex: 5 men and 2 boys working together can do 4 times as
much work per hour as a man and a boy together .
.C ompare the work of aman with that of aboy.
Solo: Applying the above formula, we have
Man 4xl-2 2
'-"---B =;5 4 1=-1 [Here, a2 = 1and b
~ - x . .
That is, a man is twice as efficient as a boy.
L 6men and 3 boys working 'together can do 5 times as
much work per hour as a man and a boy together. C om-
pare the work of a man with that of a boy.
a)2:1 b)3:1
c)3 : 2 d) 4: 1
2. 8 men and 4 boys working together can do 6times as
much work per hour as aman and a boy together. C om-
pare the work of a man with that of aboy.
& )2: l up: t c) 1: I d) 1: 2
1.a 2. c
Rule 16
Theorem: If A and B can do II work in x andy days respec-
tively, they began the work together, hut A left after some
time and Bfinished the remaining work in z days; then the
no. of days after which A left is given by
x+y y. . .
Illustrati eExample
EX:. and B can do awork in 45 and 40 days respectively.
They began the work.together, but A left after some
time and B finished the remaining work in 23 days.
After how many days did A leave?
Solo: Detail Method: Bworks alone for 23 days.
Work done by B in 23 days = 40 work
23 17
. A +B do together 1--=- work
40 40
40x45 40x45
Now, A +B do 1work in 40 +45 =---gs days.
17 40x45 17
. A +B do - work in --- x- =9 days
.. 40 85 40 .
Quicker Method: ApplY ing the above formula,
. ,(-40X45X40-23)
the required answer = --- = 9 days.
, 40+45 40 .
I. A and Bcan do a work in 40 and 35 days respectively.
They began the work together. but A left after some time
and Bfinished the remaining work in 10 days. After how
many days did A -leave?
a) 13f days b) 13 days c) J 3jdayS d) 14 days
2. A and Bcan do a work in 35 and 25 days respectively.
They began the work together, but A left after some time
and Bfinished the remaining work in 15 days. After how
many days did A leave?
5 .5
a) 5 days b) 5 days c) "6 days d) 6 "6 days
3. A and B can do a work in 20 and 15 days respectively,
They began the work together, but A left after some time
and Bfinished the remaining work in 8 days. After how
many days did A leavev
a) 4 days b) 5 days c) 3 days d) 6days
4. A and B can together finish a work in 30 days. They
worked for it for 20 days and then Bleft. The remaining
work was done by A alone in 20 more days. A alone can
finish the work in:
a) 54 days b) 60 days c) 48 days d-) 50 days
(C enfral Excise 1988)
I. c 2. c 3. a
4. b: lIint: Inthe given formula, we have
. xy "'O d
--=.' ays.
Now, from the question, .
Bleft the work, iey=time taken by Ato complete the
whole work and z =10 days. .'
~ .
Now, applying the given formula, Volehave
~. t :. 4 f J rt
(Y - 20) .
30 xl- y- . - =20 :. y =60 .days.
Rule 17
Theorem: If x/ men or x2 women or X3 boys can do a
work in 'D' days, then tile no. of days in which 1 mall, I
woman and 1 boy do the same work is given by tile follow-
illg formula, number of required days
- . days.
LX /X l +x/x
+X 1
3 J
IIIustr veExample
Ex: I man or 2 women or 3 boys can do awork in44 days
Then in how many days will I man, 1woman and !
boy do the work?
Solo: Applying the above formula, we have
44x I x2 )(3
the no: of required days =Ix2 +2 x3+Ix3
24 days.
I. 2 men or 3 women or 4 boys can do a work in 52 days.
Then in how many days will 1man, I woman and Iboy
do the work?
a) 24 days b) 42 days c) 36 days d)48 days
2. 3 men or 4 women or 5 boys can do a work in 47 days.
Then in how many days will 1man, 1woman and 1buy
do the work?
a)40 days b) 50 days c) 60 days d) 45 clays
3. Iman or 3 women or 4 boys can do a work in 38 da) s.
Then in how many days will Iman, Iwoman and Ib(1;-
do the work?
a) 24 days b) 12 days c) 18 days d)3ti days .
4. 1man or 2 women or 4 boys can do a work in 56cia s.
Then in howmany days will Iman, Iwoman and Iboy
do the work?
a) 24 days b) 28 days c) 20 days d) 32 days
I.d 2.c 3.a 4.d
Rule 18
Theorem: A group of men decided to do a work in x days,
but 'n' of them became absent. If the rest of lite group did
the- work in ~'/ays, then tile original number of men is
flY )"
given by - - . - men.
. y- x
/\ ! ..~:\
Illustrative xample
Ex: group of'rnen decided to do a work in 10 days, but
.five of them became absent. If the rest of the group
did the work in 12 days, find the original number of
Solo: Applying the above formula, we have
. 5xl2 ..,
the required answer = 12 _I 0 =.,.0 men.
I. A group of men decided to de awork in 13days, but 6of
them became absent. If the rest of the group did the
work in 15 days, find the original number of men.
Time and Work
. a)30men b)35 men .c)40'men d) 45men
2. A groupof men decided to do awork in 12men; but 8of
them became absent. If the rest of the group did the
work in20 days, find the original number of men.
a) 18men b) 20 men c) 22 men d) 24 men
A group of men decided to do awork in 15days, but 2of
them became absent. If the restof the group did the
work in25 days, find the original number of men.
a)5men b)4men c) 7 men d)6men
I.d 2.1? 3.a
Rule.:J 9
Theorem: A certain number (~J'l1lellcan do tl work in 'D'
days. If/here were 'x' men more it could beflnished ill 'd'
X (D- d)]
days less, then tile number of men originally are d
No. of more workers x Number of days taken by tile seeo!,!! group
No. of less days
Illustrative Example
Ex.: A certain number of men can do awork in 60 days. If
rthere were 8men more itcould ~efinished in 10days
~ . less. How manymen are there?
Soln: Applying the above rule, we have .
o r i g i n al number of workers \.. .
= !-J o.of more workers x No. of days taken bythe second group
No. of less days
_ 8x(60- 10) _ 8x50 _ 40 .
- 10 -l()" - men.
I. A certain number of men can do a work in 50 days. If
therewere3men more itcould be finished-in 5'days less.
How manymen are the f!?
a)36men b) lSrnen c)27 men d}30men
.., A certain number of men can do a work in 75 days. If
there were 6men more it could be finished in 15 days
less. How manymen are there?
a) 20men b) 24 men
c) 28men d) 32 men .
3. A certain number of men can do a work in 35 days. If
. :f
there were J 0 men more it could be finished in' 10days
less. How manymen are there?
a) 25men b)20men c)15men d)30men
l.c 2.0 3.a
, .
Rule 20
Theorem: A builder decided to build afarmhouse ill 'D'
days. He employed 'x' men- in tile beginning and 'y' more
me." after 'd'days mid completed the construction in stipu-
lated time If he II ad not employed tile additionalmen, then
tile men in the beginning would have finished it ill
: .. '
D(X +y)- .Y d] " [Y (D- iJ)]
- - - x - - . - days and it would have. been x
da~s b~hi~d ihe schedule. .
01' "'- J J .' t , -
Illustrative Example I.
Ex.: A builder decided to build afarmhouse in40 days. He
employed 100 men in the beginning and 100 more .
after 35 days and completed the construction instipu-
lated time. Ifhe had ~10temployed theadditional men,
how many days behind schedule would it have been
Soln: Detail Method: Let 100men onlycomplete thework
in x days. ,
Work done by 100 men in 35 days +Work done by
:fOOmenin .
(40-35'=) 5 days =L'
or 35 +200~5 =1
'x 100x . ,\
or -=1:.x=45day s
, x
Therefore, if additional men were not employed, the
work would have lasted45-40 =5daysbehind sched-
Quicker Approach: .
200 men dq the rest of'thework in40-r- 35 ~5days.
. 5x200
100men can do therest of thework in J OO = 10
:. required number or days = 10- 5=5days.
Quicker Method: Applying th~above theorem, we
the required number of days =, 100 =5days.
I: A builder decided to build afarmhouse in 45 days. He
employed 150 men inthe beginning and 120 more after
30 days and completed the construction in stipulated
time. If he had not employed the additional men, how
manydays behind schedule would ithave been finished?
a) 12days b) 10 days c) 15days d) 8days
2. A builder decided to build a farmhouse in 50 days. He
employed 50men inthe beginning and 50 more after 40
days and completed instipulated time.
If hehad not employed theadditional inen, inho";'many
days would it have been finished bythe men in the be-
ginning? .
a) 80 days . b) 60days c) 40 days d) 75 days
3. A builder decided to build a farmhouse in qO days. He
employed 150 men in-the beginning and 130 more after
'45 days and completed the c~n~truction in stipul~teq
time. If he had not employed the additional men, ho~
manydays behind schedule would ithave been finished?
a) 10days b) 23 days 'c) 13 days d) 15days
4. A builder decided to build a farmhouse in 20 days. He
employed 40 men in the beginning and 20 more after 10
days and completed the construction in stipulated time.
If hehad not employed the additional men, inhow many
days would it have been finished bythe men in the be-
a) 50 days b) 60 days c) 40 days d) 5 days
La 2.b 3.c 4.a
Rule 21
Theorem: A, Band C can do a work in x, y and z days
respectively. T hey all begin together. If A continues to work
till it isfinished, C leaves after working. d} day find B d,
days before its completion, then the time in which/work is
X (Y Z +d1Z +d })I)]
=: is given by xy +xz +yz days.
Illustrative Example
Ex: A, Band C can do a work in 8, 16, 24 days respec-
tively. They all begin together. A continues to work
till it is finished.iC leaving off 2 days and B one day
before its completion. In what time is the work fin-
Soln: Detail Method:
Let the work be finished in x days.
Then, A's x day's work +B's (x - 1) day's work +C 's
(x-2)'day's work =1 .
x x-I x- 2
or - +-- +-- =1 . x =5 days
'8 16' 24 .. .
Quicker Method: Applying the above formula, we
. . 8[(16x24)+(lx24)+(2x 16)]
therequired answer = (8x16)+{16x24 )+(8x 24)
= 3Q72+448 = 3520 = 5 da s.
704 404 Y
1. A, Band C can do apiece of work in 16,32 and 48 days
respectively,' they start working together but C leaves
afte~working 4< days ~d B, 2 days before the comple-
tion of work. Find in how many days the work was fin-
a) 5 days b) 8 days c) 10 days d) 12 days
A, Band C can do apiece of work in 10, 12and 15days
respectively, they start working together but C leaves
after working 3 days and B, 4 days before the comple-
tion of work. Find in how many days the work was tin-
. 2 1 2' 2
a) 6-days b) 5- days c) 7- daysd) 6- days
15 ~ 15 5
A, Band C can do a piece of work in 5, 8and 10 days
respectively, they start working together but C leaves
after working 2 days and B, 1days before the comple-
tion' of work. Find in how many days the work was tin-
ished? .
a) 3 days
I.c 2.a 3.d
Rule 22
Theorem: T here is a sufficient food for 'M' men for 'D'
days. If after 'd' days 'm' men/eave theplace, then the rest
of the jood will last for the rest of the men for
!?- d xM]days .
M- m
Illustrative Example
Ex: /There is a sufficient food for 400 men for 31days.
J After 28days, 280 men leave the place. PO I' how many
days will the rest of the food last for the rest of the
Soln: Detail Method: The rest of the food will last for
(31- 28) =3 days ifno body leaves the place.
-;,,~f;!l\.l~,th~rest ofthe food will last for {~~~ ]days for
the, 140men left.
I (400)'
. Ans = 3 - = 10 days.
.. 120
Note: For less persons .thefood will last longer, therefore, 3
ismultiplied by 120 ' amore than one fraction.
Quicker Method: Using the above formula, we have
. _ 31- 28 x 400-
The required answer - 400 _ 280 - 10days.
1. There isasufficient food for 200 men for 36days. After
33 days, 140 men leave the place: For how many days
Time and Work
will the rest of the food last for the rest of the men?
a) 5 days b) 10days c) 18days ' d) 15days
') There isasufficient food for 116men for 25 days. After
:!Idays, 100 men leave the place. For how many days
will the rest of the food last for the rest of the men?
a) 19days b) 24 days c) 29 days d) 15days
3. There isasufficient food for 300 men for 32 days. After
29 days, 210 men leave the place. For how many days
will the rest of the food last for the rest of the men?
a) 12days b) 14days c) 15days d) 10days
4. There isasufficient food for 150 men for 1'5days. After
10days, 75mehleave the place. For howrnany days will
the rest of the food last for the rest of the' men? .
a) 10days b) 8days c)l5(days d) 15days
I.b 2.c 3.d 4.a
Rule 23
Theorem: A takes as much time as Band C together take to
finish ([job. If A and B working together finish the job in x
days. C alone can do the same job in y days, then B alone
can do tile same work in (::.~) days ami A alone call do
2xy )
tile same work ill - - days.
Illustrative Example
Ex: A takes as much time as Band C together take. to
finish ajob. A and B working together finish thejob
in 10days. C alone can do the samejob in 15days. In
how many days can B alone do the same work?
Solo: Quicker Method I: Using theabove theorem, B alone
2x 15x 10
C an do the same work in 15-10 =60 days
Quicker Method II:
(A +B) +(C ) can do in ~lo- ==6 days.
Since A's days =(B +C )'s days.
B +C can do in 6x 2 =12days.
J 5x12
.. B[B={B+C }-C ]candoin 15-12 =60 days.
I. Acan do acertain work in the same time inwhich Band
C together can do it. If A and B together could do it in'l 0
days. and C alone in 50days, in what time could B alone
do it?
a)25 days b) 30 days c) 24 days d) 20 days
2. A can do acertain work inthe same time inwhich Band
C together can do it. If A and B together could do it in 15
days, and C alone in 30 days, inwhat time could B alone
do it?
a) 40 days b) 60 days c) 45 days d) 35 days
3. A can do acertain work inthe same time in which Band
C together can do it. If A and B together could do it in 12
days. and C alone in24 days, inwhat time could B alone
do it?
a) 36days b) 40 days c) 44 days d) 48 days
4. A can do acertain work in the same time inwhich Band
C together can do it. If A and B togethercould do it in 10
days, and C alone in15 days, in how many days can A
alone do the same work?
a) 12 days b}60 days c) 24 days d) 48 days
La 2.b 3;d 4.a
Rule 24
Theorem: A team of x persons is supposed to do a work in
'Dt days. After 'd,' days, y'more persons were employed
and the work wasfinished' d 1 'days earlier, then the num-
ber of days it would have been delayed if 'x' more persons
Y {D- (tl/ +tll)}- d?X ]
were not employed is given by x-
days ami the number of days ill whiclt the work would have
(x+ yX D- dl)- d/y]
been finished is given by x - - - - days
Illustrative Example
Ex: A team of30 men issupposed to do awork in38days.
After 25 days, 5 more men were employed and the
work finished one dayearlier. How manydays would
ithave been delayed if5 moremen were not employed?
Soln: Quicker Approach:
35 men do the rest of thejob in 12days (12 =38- 25
:. 30 men can do' the rest of the job in
12x35 = 14 days.
Thus the work would have been finished in 25 +14
=39 days that is, (39 - 38) = Idayafter the scheduled
Quicker Method: Applying the above formula, we
have .
. 5{38-(25+1)}-lx30
the required answer =-- 30
5xl2- 30=ld
30 ay.
l. A team of 40 supposed to do awork in 48 days.
After 35 days, 15more men were employed and thework
finished 2 days earlier. How many days would it have
been delayed if 15 more men were not employed?
i I
a) 2 days b) 28 days c:) 18 days d) I day
2. A team of25 men is supposed to do a work in 44 days.
After 18 days, 2 more men were employed and .the work
finished 1day earlier. How many days would it have
been delayed if2 more men were not employed?
a) 1day .b) 2 days c) 1.5 days d), None of these
3, A team of20 men is supposed to do a work in 30 days.
After 12 days, 5 more men were employed and the work
finished 2 days earlier. In pow many days would it have
been finished if5 more men were not employed?
a) 30 days b) 28 days c) 32 days d) 34 days
4. A team of27 men is supposed to do a work in 36 days,
After 30 days, 9 more men were employed and the work
finished 3 days earlier, h1 how many days would it have
been finished if9 more men were not employed? -
a) 35 days b) 28'days' c) 34 days d) 39 days
I. b 2..a 3. c 4. c
Rule 25
Theorem: A, Band C can do a work ill x days, y days and z
days respectively. T hey started the work together but after
d, days A left. If B left the work d
days before the compte-
tion of the work, then the whole work will be completed in
.Illustrative Example
. . . 4
A, Band C can do a work in 16days, 125' days and
32 days respectively. They started the work together
but after 4 days A left. B left the work 3 days befere
the completion of the work ..In how many days was '
the work completed? .
DetailMethod: ,
Suppose the' work is completed in x days,
A's 4 day's work +B's (x-3) day's work +C'sxday's
work =I
4 (x- 3)S x
or --+---+-=1
, 16 64 32
16+5x - 15+2x _ I
or, 64 -
or,7x+I=64 ".x='9days.
Quicker Method: Appiying the above formula, we
have .
. . 32[64(16-4)+(3XI6)']
5 .
. the required answer ,= T6 --~~+32.j
.' . . =2 x 4.5 =9 days.
I. A, Band C can do a piece of work in 12, 18and 24 days
respectively, they work at it together, A stops the work
after 4 days and B i~called off2 days before the work is
, done. In whattime was finished?
a)12days ,bY .14 days c) 16days d) 8 days
2. A, Band C can do a piece of work in 6, 9 and 12 days
respectively, at it together, A stops the work
after 2 days and B is called off I day before the work is
done. In what time was the work finished?
a) 4 days b) 6days c) 7 days d) 3 days
3. A, Band C can do a piece of work in 18. 27 and 12 days
respectively, they work at it together, A stops the work
after 6days and Bis called ofT3 days before the work is
done. In what time was the work finished?
. 6
a) 6days b) 8 days c) 10 days d) 613 days
4. ' A, Band C can do a piece of work in 24, 36 and 48 days
respectively, they work at it together, A stops the work
after 8days and B is called off 4 days before the work is
done. In what time was the work finished?
a) 10 days b) 8 days c) 16days d) 14 days
I. d 2. a 3. d 4. c
Rule 26
Theorem: A started a work and left after working aI days.
T hen B was called and he finished the work in bI days.
HadA left the work after working for a2 days, B would
huve flnished the remaining work in b
days. T hen, each
of them ie A andB, working alone finish the whole work in
a/ - bja21 , .. ' [a
bj - a/b
- b/ J days and a2 - a/days respectively.
Illustrative Example
Ex: A started a work and left after working for 2 days.
Then Bwas called and he finished the work in 9 days.
Had A left the work after working for 3 days, B would
have finished the remaining work in 6days. In how
many.days can each of them, working alone, finish
the whole work?
SoIn: Detailed Method: Suppose A and B do the work in x
.and y days, respectively. Now, work done by A in 2
days +work done byB in 9 days = 1
Time and Work
2 9 3 6
or. _. +-- = 1 Similarly, - x +-y. ==1
, x : Y J
.. 1 1
To solve the above equation put - = a and '- = b ,
x y
2a+9b= 1....,(1) and3a+6b=.' .... (2)
Performing (2) x 3 - (1) x 3 we have
5a = I 'a =- or x =- =5 davs,
., 5 ' a .
and y = b = 15 days.
Quicker Method: In such case: (Using the above theo-
3x9- 2x6 15
A wi IIfinish the work in - 9 _6 -:= 3'= 5 days.
For B, we should use the above result.
2 3 . '.
Bdoes 1-- =_. work III9days.
5 5
B does 1work in 9 x -::;-=IS days.
I. A started awork and left after working for I day. Then B
. t
was called and he finished the work in 42' days. Had A
1 ~
lefl thework after working for 1- days, B would' have
finished the remaining work in 3days. In how many days
can each of them, working alone, finish the whole work'?
,I) .5days, IS days b) 2.5 days, 7,5 days
c) 3.5 clays, S.5 days d) None of these
I i\ started awork and left after working for 3 days. Then
B was called and he finished the work in \32' days. Had
. I
A left the work after working for 42' days, B would
have finished the remaining work in 9 days. In how.many
days can each of them, working alone, finish the whole
a) 7.5 days, 22.5 days b) 7 days, 9 days
c) 5 days, 15 days d) 23.5 days, 8.5 days
3. A started a work and left after working for 4 days, Then
B II'.:IS called and he finished the work in 18 days. Had A
left the work after working for 6 days, B would have
finished the remaining work in 12 days. In how many
dayscan'each of them, working alone; finish the-whole
a) 5 days, 20 days'
c) IS days, 30 days
b) 10 days: 30 days
d) 5 days, 30 days
l.b 2,a3.b
;Rule 27
Theorem: A Co/I do a workin x days and B call do tile same
work ii, y clays. If they work togetlter for 'tl' days and A
goes ~way, then the number of days ill which Bfinishes the
work is given by y - (J +~)d days.
IIlu ,rrative Example .
A can do a work in 25 days and B can do the same
work in 20 days, They work together for 5 days and
then ~ goes away. Inhowmany days will 8 finish the
work? .
Soln: Detail Method
" [ I I] A +B can do the work in 5 days = 5 -+_.
25 20
"5x45 9
25x20 20
9 II
Rest of the work = I - - :=: ---
20' 20
B will do the rest of the work in =1_ .?." L~. days.
20 20
Quicker Method: Applying the above theorem, we
20) .
the required answer =20 - .I +25 x 5
=20 - 9 = II days.
" 2 .
1. A can do a piece of work in 6-;;- days and B in 5 days .
They work together for 2 days and then A leaves B to
finish the work alone. How long will B take to finish it?
a) 12' b) 3 days c) 2 days d) I day
2. A can do a piece of work in 50 days and B in 40 days,
They work together for 10 days and then A leaves B to
finish the work alone. How long will B take to finish it?
a)11 days b) 18 days c) 22 days d)26 days
3. A can do a piece of work in 20 days andB in 15 days.
They work together for 6 days and then A leaves 8to
finish the work alone. How long will ~take to finish it?
I 1
a) 3 days b) 4 days c) 3'2 days d) 4'2 days
4. A can do apiece of work in 12'2 days and B in 10days.
I .
Theywork ~ogether for ~2: days and then A leaves B
, to finishthe work alone. How long will B taketo finish it?
11 11'
a) 3" days b) 5 days c) 6days
d) Tdays
I. a 2. c
3.d 4.d
'Rule 28
. a~ ..
Theorem: If A call complete b part of a work ill x days,
then the d part of the work will be done ill y days. We call
. x y
calculate the value ofy from the given equation al b =cl d .
No. of days worked
Note: . =constant for aperson
Part of work done
Illustrative Example
~fu::;<C 3 .
.>.A can do ~ ofa work in 12 ~ays.ln how ~any days
can he finish 8" of the work?
(SBI PO Exam 1987)
Soln: Using the above theorem, we have
12 Y 12 I
. 314 = 1/8 or Y =3 x4x8"=2 days.
I. 'Ram can do '3 Of awork in 16idays. Inhow manydays
1 .
can he finish T2 of the work?
a) lday . b)3 days
d) 2- days
c) 2 days
. ..1
2. Vinaycan do '4 of awork in 5 days. In how manydays
can he fmish '5 of the work?
a) 20 days b) 5 days
.c) 4days d) Data inadequate
3. Sudhir can do '5 of awork in8days. Inhowmanydays
. 1
can he finish TO- ibfthe work?
a) I day 'b)2days c)3days d) None of these
1.c 2.c 3.a
Rule 29
Ex.: 38men, working 6hours adaycan do apiece of work
in 12,days. Find the number of days in which 57 men
working 8hrs aday can do twice the work. Assume
that 2 men of the first group do as much work in 1
. I
hour as 3 men of the second group do in 1'2 hr.
Soln: Detailed Method:
. 2 ~1men of first group =3 x 1.5menof second group
" 01',2 men of first group =4.5 men of second group
. 38men of first group = ~x38=19x4.5
'.' 2
.,' (19 x 4.5) mendo 1work, working 6hrs/dayin
..'. I man does 1work working 1hr/day in
(12 x 19 x 4.5 x 6) days.
57 me, 2 work working 8hrs/day in
=27 days.
Quicker Method:
Ratio of efficiency of persons in first group to the
second group
== E, :E2=(3x~.5):2xl=4.5:2 .....(*)
Now, u~ethe formula:
MIDITIEIW2 = M2D2 T2E2 WI ..... (*)(*)
= 38x~2x6x4.5x2_ =27 days.
(*) Less number of persons fromthefirstgroup
do the san~ework in less number of days,
so they are more efficient.
(*)(*) M represents the number ofmen.
D represents the number of days.
T represents the number of working hours.
... E represents the efficiency,
.r " . WTepresents the work and
the suffix represents therespective groups.
, ,
Time and Work
40 men, working 8hours adaycan do'apiece 'o~fworkin
15days. Find the number of days inwhich 60 men work-
ing 4 hrs a day can do twice the}world Assume that 3
men of the first group do as much work in 2 hour as 4
men of the second group-do in 3 hrs, _
a) 60 days b) 40 days c) 80 days d) Non~of these
30men, working 4 hours adaycan do apiece-ofwork in
10 days. Findthe number of days inwhich 45,men work-
ing 8 hI'S-a day can do twice the wqrk. Assume that 2
men of the first group mu~ '.orki.i!h~.bour as 4
men of the second group do in 1 hr.
1 62 53 \,t~, ,I
a) 3" days b) 3" days c) 6 ' days dy3- days'
, 6
Answers '. I
l. c; Hint: 3 x 2 men of first group ""4 x 3 men of second
. Ratio of efficiency of persons-in first group to the
second group = EI: 2 =2: I. Now apply thegiven
formula. ;
Rule 30 " t ,t,
Theorem: If A working alone takes 'x' days. more than A
ami H, and H working alone takes y' days more than A and
Htogether then lite number of days taken by Abnd B work-
ing together is give~ by [[xY ] days. '- , :.::. 1
Illustrative Example
Ex; A alone would take 14hours more to complete thejob
than if both A and B would together.jlf'B worked
I '--,l'
, alone, he took 3
hours more to .complete the job
than A and B work~d together. What'iiJ 11e,' ~ould they
take if both A and B worked togeihef?' ..
Soln: Applying the above theorem, we have.
.!, I ...
the required answer =1/-;2-2-. =, 7 ho~rs,
A alone would take 8 hours more to complete the job
than if both A and B wouldtogether, liB' wOJ ;kedalone,
, ,I,
I ' ..', ~
hetook 4- hours more to complete thejob than A and
2 -If)
B worked together, What time, wouldthey take ifboth A
and B worked together?! .,,:, '
a) 6hours b) 5 hours c) ':]hoqrs.'qc,d)r8 hours
(Income Tax and, E,xci~eFv""m, 1985)
, ,'h -;j rV
A alone would take 16hours more to'corriplete the job
, j 1
" 379
than ifboth A im~If""oUI((togeth~r.l(B\v()rked alone,
he took 4 hours more to complete thejob than A and B
worked tog~thktt\What time', would they take jfboth A
andB'worked together?
a) 5 hours b) 8 hours c) 9 hours ' 'cl) Norieof these
3. A alone would take 27 hours more to cornple : \h 'Q.b
II~, thanjfboth ~al}d Bwouldtogether. IfB worked alone,
.'1,' hejook 3\~01,lr,smore to,c(nnpJ ~te thi job-than If..and B
-1, ,w,orkedr}:9ge,~herl Wh~t,>tim,e,would, tl\e,Y 'ta\<eif both A
~. "an,d aW9f,kefi!l9g~t!1(?!~I!"",. dp'''' ",. (I 'J l
a) 8-hours b) 10 h?urs c) 9 hours ~.,d),6'hQ!lr~
Answers '{t' ,'" ;, i ,I t, '~J ', i
I. a 2. b 3. c
)'1 .
"Rule 31- Li It'.
'Flieorein: If A, B"dnd (i'lcan do a'jolJ' afone in
days mid z (laysirespectively." , ) 11(' be
.'. alone time for A =x days' ."f' I ')' ",,:1
J " alone time for B =Y days'
alonesbne for 0'= z Jiiiys f"" '"
..Now co'lrsldefthefolio 'iitltr/ases,
C ase [:,Iq'o firiC t,itlie'arfiounttof work 'do'i1eby'~: B and C
, " .separately, r' I ),'f(,'
. Using the'formula,"
r ; t f kL(.tIumber of-davs actually worked
oun 0 wor _, ' v , ,
\ ;,.,(,1 I, ,. alone time t '!
-and assuming, that" A;( B 'and C have. worked for
d, days,' 'd
"days' and !iNi}days resp~~ti~ely, then
. !" ., '.. ~
'I , "'dt'I,; i '
, : amow:t or work by, f ~()'oc .' arJ }p.ur:{of.,w
',' r (~~~:~." ('l(~ -t , ,,:,,;,.
:.' I I~ Ii .
,d2 'd f '~k b dJ ~ "I~?
B =-'-"an amount 0 wor y C =-- :
'''"Y " ' 'j Zl
C ase II: If thejob iscomplete, 'th~niadd the amot)nt' of work
.,.done byA, Band C and equate it to' I : ~
, "J I. I " . l.. ) , J r. -:'
d~ d, " ',: r e-
Ie - +- +- =I , If the J ob IS half complete the
,'''' d f Y Z
c"following equation is obtaih~d,
)i t, ... i~ iLh Ii" ,I
d, d
,L .
.... ) ~+-+-'-=...:.-'!:."
r xi ..ell:' ,z )::["~r"~,1'(
iliustrative:Ex.~r"~iel .' iif' ' , ",. r '.
Ex: A man, awoman 91'aboycapdo ajob. irt)Ojdays, 30
pays or, 60'days. respe~tiv.~'Y "How.many boys must
assist 2 men and 8women to qR,tpe,work i~:2.'days,
c, '" ; , ,,' .; , ~{MB 1992)
SQlp:, L:e\the required number of boys be x.
Now, using th~above theorem, ,) .'
(2 men's work for 2 days) +(8 women's work for
2days) +(xboy's work fs>r<tdays) =1
~I o~,'(2X2X-
)+(8X2X_1 )+r xx2x-
)= 1
20 '30 ~ . 60
'll. ;
1. ,A and 8 together-can -do a piece of work in 12 days
which 8and,C' together can do in 16days. After A has
been working at itfor 5days-and 8 for 7days. C finishes.
it in 13days. In how many days could each do the work
byhimself?' ~
a) 16,48 and 26days respectively
b) 16, 48:and 24 days respectively
c) 26, 48'~nd24 days respectively
d) 16,46and 24 da:y$respectively
,2. J :.. cando a,job)n 20 days, 8 in 30 days and C in60 days.
If A ishelped on every 3rd day.byBand C , then inhC i),w
manydays, thejob is finished?
a) 20 days b) 15days c) )..8 days d) 24 days
3. A can do ajob in 12 days, 8 in,'15 days. They work-
together for 2.days. Then B leaves and A alone contin- '
ues the work. After I day C J oins A and work is com-
pleted in 5 more days. In how many days can .C do it
a) 15days b) 20 days ' 'c) 25 days d) 30days
4. A and B can do ajob in 15 days and 10 days respec-
tively: They began the work together but A leaves after
some days and B finished the remainingjob in 5 days.
After how manydays did A leave?
a) 2 days b) 4 days c) 3 days d) 6days
, . 'I
'5. A and 8can do ajob in 16days and 12 days respec-
tively. 4 days before finishing thejob, A joins B. B has
started the work alone. Find how many days 8has
worked alone? ' [BankPOJ 9891
a) 8days .b) lO days c) 4,days d) 5 days.
6. A man, a.woman or a boy ajob in 20 days, 30
days or 60 days respectively. How many boys must as-
sist 2 men and 8women to do the work in2 days?
a) 8boys b) 10.boys c) 12boys d) 16boys
7. A can do ajob in 3days less time than 8.A works at it
alone for 4days and then 8takes over and completes it.
If altogether 14days were required to finish thejob, how
manydays would each of them take alone to finish it?
a) 13days, 16days b) 12days, 15day~
c) 15days, t'2 days " d) 15days,' 18days
8. A can doapiec~of work in24 days, while B aloriecando
it in 16days. With the help ofC theyfinish thework in 8
days. Find inhow many days alone C can do the work?
.t [MBA 1988]
a) 48 days b)-36days c) 40 days d) 5Qdays
1.b; ,Hint: Let thewhole work be 1
:' f A and B in Iday do 12 .
Band C in 1daydo 16 .
A's 5 day's work +B's 7 day's work +C 's 13day's
work =1
Or, A's 5day's ork +B's 5day's work +8's~day's
work +C 's ~day's work +C 's II day's work =1
" 1
2+I~:+C ' s ) 1day's work =1
5 2) 1I
.:. C 's 1I day's work= 1- 12+16 = 24
, ,
I .
C 's1day's work =-
.. 24
1 I I
8's 1day'swork =---=-
. .. 16 24 48
1 1 I
A's day's work =--- =-
.. 12 48 16
) t
,'. A"B and C can do the work in 16,48 and 24 days
2. b; Hint: Since A ishelped byBand C on every3rd day.
A works for 3days while Band C work for 1day
,1' 1 1 1
-x3+-xl +-+1 =- C, BandC helponlyon
, ..20; ,30 60 5
3rd day]
, :. Total time for thejob =3 x 5= 15days.
3. c;" Hint: Let C do'it alone inxdays
A'samount ofwork +B's amount of work +C 's amount
of work =1
J 'f -) 1 ( 1) ( 1)
or 2+1+5 -+2x- + 5x- = I
, . 12 15 x
~ =1- (.!.+~) or ~ =! .x=25
, x 12 15 x 5"
:. C can do it al'one in 25 days.
.Hint: In this problem, total time for the work isnot
'known and also it isnot to be found out. Hence total
..'ti " ."
time for the work isnot to be considered.
If A leaves after x days ieA works for x days and B
works for x +5days,
then/applying the given rule, we have
" No. of days A worked +No. of daysB worked ==1
'Alone time for A Alone time for B
Time and Work
x x+5
r - +-- =1or x=3
. 15 10 '
.'. A leaves after 3 days.
5. d; Hint: IfB works alone for x days; A's amount of work
+B'samountofwork =1
or, I: +(\~
)=I .'.x =5'.. : '01 ,.' '.i
6. a; Hint: Using the given rule we'hilve(2 men'swork) +
(8women's work) +'(x boy's workp=I
or, (2X '2X 2
0)+(&x,2x 3~}+tl~~i.'~~y= b, .
1 8 x
or -+-+-=1
'5 15. 30
6+16+x -1 _'
or, 30 -:. x - 8boys.
7, b; Hint: Let A alone takes x days to finish the work and
hence B alone takes (x +3) days.
Now, using the given rule, we have
A's amount of work +B'samount of work =1
4 10
or - +-- =1 . x'" 12
'x x+3 ..
.'. A alone takes 12days-and B,aldne takes (11'2 +3 =
15) days to complete the work..
8 8 8
8 a.Hint: -+-+-=1
" 24 16 x
, ,"toJ
.',,' f ,"
:. x ~ 48 days.,
Rule 32
Theorem: T wo persons A and B can finish ajob alone in x
and y days respectively. If they start working on alte~na!e
days, then to find the total job completion time,lollowing
, steps ate taken.
Note: This formula is applicable only whenx andy are inte-
C ase: If A starts the work
StepI: First calculate the value of p; 'where p =nearest inte-
ger value to be consider~d =(2L)
(a) When, x- y =2, 4 then, apply the following
, . .. xy+ p(x- y)
T (Total J ob completion tune) = .
. x
(b) When, x - y =1, 3 , then apply the following
T (Total job completion time) =xy - p~x - y)
llIustrative Examples
ELI: A and B working alone ~an finish ajob in 5days and
7 days respectively. They work at it alternatelyfor a
day. IfiA,star\S the ~~rf.'\fmd!tn ?0W,~i\flY days the
job will pe fmished?
Soln: Applying the above theorem:
. . xy I 5x7 35 .'..... ':... ,
Step!" P =-- =-- =- Rl 3 (nearest integer value)
x+ y 5+7 12
Stepll: x - y =5-7'=_2,1Here, formula (a) will be applied
Total time to fmisIl the jo'b if A starts the work
. i} f~. ,I ~.c.',.. ,. I
'. xy'+ p{x ~ y)' '5'x 7 .;.3(5- 7)
= =
x ,5
'. ,r!'
29 4
="5=5'5 days,
Ex. 2: ~d B working separately can do a~o~k in 9and 12
days respectively, A starts the work and they work
on alternate days. In how many days will the work be
completed's. , Ii
Sola: Applying the above theorem,
. 12~.Q 108 5 '
Ste~I: P ~J .2+9 ~ 2,1Rl (~ea~estintegerva~e)
Step ll:.x-y =9-12=-3, Here formula fb) will beapplied.
.'. Total time to finish the'jeb if A starts the work
xy- p(x- y) , (9x12)~5(9-12)
l' '12
= 108+15 = 4J =10L days
12 4 4
Now we try to solve the above examples by Detail
Ex.!: Detail Method: "
. 1
In tpe first day A does '5 of the work,
In the second day B does '7of the work
1 1 12)
in the first 2days 5'+'7=.35 . of the work
12 24
. in 4 days - x2=- of'the work
.. 35 35
" ,.
24) 11'.
Now, 1- 35 =35 of the work remains to,bedone.
In fifth dayA does '5 of the work
. (11 1) 4
Bwill finish the work 35- 5' =3s ofthe work
2days) +(x boy's work f9.r.t days) =I
/ o~((2X2X-1 )+(8X2X~)+(~X2X_l ) = 1
~, 2'0 30 " 60.
,j , "
:. x= 8boys,
1. A and B together can do a piece of work in 12 days
which B and.C 'together can do in 16days. After A has
, been working at itfor 5dayst'and B for 7days. C finishes .
it in 13days. In how many days could each do the work
byhimself? '~ '; 0'
a) 16,48 and 26days respectively
b) )6, 48:and24 days respectively
c) 26, 48'~d 24 days respectively
d) 16,46and 24 days respecti ely
,2. .f:. cando a,job,i!l20.~ays, B jn,30 days and C in60,days.
If A ishelped on every 3rd day byB andC , then inhe,w
manydays, thejob is finished?
a) 20 days b) 15days c) J 8 days d) 24 days
3. A can do ajob in 12 days: Bin 15 days. They work-
together for 2,days. Then B leaves and A alonercontin- '
ues the work. After I day C joins A and work is com-
pleted in 5 more days, In how many days can ,C do it
a) 15days b) 20 days ~c) 25 days d) 30 days
4. A and B can do ajob in 15 days and 10 days respec-
tively/They began the work together but A leaves after
some pays and B finished.the remainingJ ob in 5 days.
After how many days did A leave?
a) 2 days b) 4 days c) 3 days. d) 6days
'5. A and B can 'do ajob in 16days'''and 12'days respec-
tively. 4 days before finishing thejob, A joins B. B has
started the work alone. Find how many days B has
worked alone? . [Bank PO J 989]
a) 8days ,b)10day,s c)4days d)5days
6. A man, awoman or a boy can,Po ajob in 20 days, 30
days or 60 days respectively, How many boys must as-
sist 2 men and 8women to do the work in2 days?
a) 8boys b) I D.boys .'c) 12boys d) I 6boys
7. A can do ajob in 3 days less time than B. A works at it
alone for 4days and then B takes over and completes it.
If'altogether 14days were required to finish thejob, how
manydays would each of them take alone to finish it?
a) 13days, 16days b) 12days, 15days
c) 15days, t'2 days d) 15days; 18days
8. A'candoapiece of work in24 days, while B alone cando
itin 16days. With the help ofC theyfinish the work in8
days. Find inhow many days alone C can do the work?
, '[MBA 1988]
a) 48 days b) 36days c) 40 days d) 5Qdays
I. b; .Hint: Let thewhole work be 1
, .' 1.
I' ' !i', ;' "f. 1 "
~" .Aand B .in I day do 12 .
Band C in 1daydo 16 .
A's 5 day's work +B's 7 day's work +C 's 13day's
'"I -work =1
) J Or; A's 5'day's ork +B's 5day's work +8's ~day's
work +C 's ~day's work +C 's 11day's work = I
5 2' C' '
" -+-+ S II dav's work = I
", 12 16 ,.
, (52) II
,:.C 'stl~aY 'swork=I-12+16 =24
I .
C 's 1day's work =-
.. 24
1 I I
B's 1day'swork= ---=-
, .. 16 24 48
1 1 1
A's day's work =- - - =-
.. 12 48 16
:. A, Band C can do the work in 16, 48 and 24 days
2. b; Hint: Since A ishelped byBand C on every3rd day.
A works for 3days while Band C work for I day
. l' 1 1 1
-x3+-xl +-+1 =- [:. B and C helponlyon
. '20; . 30 60 5'
, 3rd day]
, :. Total time for thejob =3 x 5=15days.
3. c; , Hint: Let C doit alone inxdays
A'samount ofwork +B's amount of work +C 's amount
ofwork =1
~" o 1 ( 1) ( 1)
or 2+1+5 -+2x- + 5x- =1
, ,12 15 x
or .? =1- (.!.+~) or .? =.!. . x=25
, x 12 15 x 5"
.', C ,can doit alone in 25 days.
.Hint: In this problem', total time for the work isnot
known and also it isnot to be found out. Hence total
thhe for the work is not to be considered.
If A leaves after x days ieA works for x days and 8
works for x +5days,
(ilien(applyihg the given rule, we have
. ,
" No. of days A worked +No. of days B worked = 1
.Alone time for A Alone time for 8
Time and Work
5. d;
x x+5 '
Or - +-- =1or x=3
. 15 10 '
. A leaves after 3 days.
Hint: IfB works alone for x days; A's amount ofwork
+B' samount of work =1
6. a;
or, I: +(\~
) =1 .'.x =5 . t ! .t ',1
Hint: Using the given rule we-have (2 men'swork) +
(8women's work) +(xboy's workj=!
2X '2 x_I )+(8X '2X '!'\+(; ~~'~~X = 1[",,,
, 20 30~' t!-' 6QiJ
1 8 x
or -+-+-=1
'5 15 30
6+I6+x =1
or, 30 :. x = 8boys.
7. b; Hint: Let A alone takes x days to finish the work and
hence B alone takes (x+3) days.
Now, using the given rule, we have
A's amount of work +B's amount of work = 1
4 10
or -+--=1 . x""12
'x x+3 ..
.'. A alone takes 12days 'and Balone takes (11'2 +3 =
15) days to complete the work.
8 8 8
8 a.Hint: -+-+-=1
., . 24 16 x
:. x "7 48 days"
Rule 32
Theorem: T wo persons A and B can finish ajob alone in x
and y days respectively. If they start working on altermu
days, then to find the total job completion time, following
, steps are taken.
Note: This formula is applicable only whenx andy are inte-
C ase: If A starts the work
StepI: First calculate the value of p; 'where p =nearest inte-
ger value to be consider~d = (~)
(a}When,' x - y = 2, 4 then, apply the following
. . .. xy+ p(x- y)
T (Total job completion time) =~---=--'---::...<..
. X
(b) When, x - y = 1,3, then apply the following
T (Total job completion time) =, xy- d
- y)
llIustrative Examples
ELI: A and B working alone ~an finish ajob in 5days and
7 days respectively. They work at it alternatelyfor a
day. If
sFU1S the ~~rf..'.~md,~nhow many days the
job will pe fmished?
Soln: Applying the above theorem:
, ,'xy '5x7 35 . ~ .i ''J. , '
StepI" P =-- =--'=- ~3 (nearest integer value)
x+y 5+7 12
-StepIh x- y =5-'7'=-2, Here, formula (a) 'will be applied
:. Total time to fmislf thejob if A starts.the work
"~l ~;'+~i(X ~ ; )' . 51~'7:'3(5':' 7j
x .5
" ,d'
29 4
Ex. 2: ~d B working separately can do awork in9and 12
days respectively. A starts the work and they work
on alternate days. In how many days will the work be
completed? II
Soln: Applying the above theorem,
, 12x,?, 108 5 '
StepI: P =-- =- ~ (nearest integer value)
, ' , J ,2+9 ,21, '," '
Step ll:.x-y=9 -12 =-3, Here formulafb will be applied.
.'. Total time to finish the job if A starts the work
; y- p(x- y) ; (9xl-2)~5(9-12)-'
= Y = h'
. = 108+15 = 4J =10L days
12 4 4
Now we try to solve the above examples by Detail
Ex!: Detail Method: '
In ~e first day A does '5 of the work
In the second day B does -;; of the work
1 1 12)
., in the flrst 2 days 5'+-;; =35 , of the work
12 24
. in 4 days - x 2 =- of the' work
.. 35 35
24) 11_,
Now, 1- 35 =35 of the work remains to,bedone.
In fifth dayA does '5 of the work
, (11 1) 4
:.Swill finish the work 35 -5 = 35ofthe work
4 I 4
in, J 5 +7.or ,5,days. ""&1.:
, " , r (4' I 4) 54 . ,
the total time 'required = +' +- = - days,
.. , If' 5 5
.,i. 16;,
, I I 7
Ex.2: Detail Method: (A +8)'s day's work =- +- =:;-
, ' 9 12 ,,6
r , r ~
,Wesee that: 5-x, ?:.=~,Uust less than l).ie (A1' B)
, ,36 36
: l~ I .
work f~r 5 pairs of days iefor 10days.
,. ~~.,' .' , ; ~
~~wre;t of the work (1- .~!) =3
6 isto be done by
A c
) ki I.' .1 d .:1
Acan 0~36 wor In 9x~=- ay
,1, ": 36 4',{ J i
..\ '1 ,t tfi .~ i} '~'1 '~r'Pi' ' ~: ", . ,t
Total days =10+-= 10- days.v-
.. . 4 A'"". {'
Note: T wopersons A and B can finish ajob alone in x and
y days respectively: If theystart working. on alter-
nate days, Ihe':/to find the total job completion time,
following steps .are taken.
C a~e:,I(Bstartsthe;work "
Step I: First calculatethe value ofp; ,
where p=nearest integer value to be considered
a) when, x - y =2, 4 , then apply, the following, ,
, xy- p(x- v)
T (Total job completion time) = .
i Y
b) wh:eii'x - y'= l, 'j, \h~nlapplyth~-'}ollowing
. \. .
, -. ' t,,:~ iy +p(x _y)
T(Totaljob completion time) = x
Illustrative Examples
Ex.I: A and B working alone can finish ajob in 5 days and
7 days respectively. They work at it alternately for a
(J ay. IH~st~rts~the'-wol'k,-find in-how marlydays the
job will be finished?
Sola: Apply the above theorem:
Xl' 35 .
Step I: P =---'-- =-- ",,;3 (Nearest integer value)
,r +y J 2 ~ , .
Step II: x- y=5 - 7 =-2; Here, formula (a) will beappl ied.
:. Total time to finish thejob ifB starts the work
=xy- p(x- y) =(Sx7)- 3(5- 7)
y 7
35-3(-2) 41, 6
=--, -7-- = '-7- = 57 days.
Ex.2: A and 8 working separately can do awork in9and 12
days respectively. B starts the work and theywork on
alternate days, In how many days will the work be
Solo: -Applyingtheabove theorem, we have
I2x9 108' .
Step I: p = --- = - "" 5 (nearest Integer value)
12+9 21 .
Step II: x- y= 9 - 12=-3, Here formula (b)will beapplied,
:. total time to finish the job is 8 starts the work
xy+ p(x- y) ,
.' ~ J x
,;",9,x12-t5(9:-12) =~08-15 = 31=10~. davs
9 9 3 3 'J'
L ~wQmen, Ganga and J amuna, working separate I)' call
~ mow afield in 8 and 12 hours respectively, If theywork
for an hour alternately. Ganga beginning at 9 am, when
will the-mowing be finished?
1 8 1 ., 1
a). -ipm b) 2pm c)"2pm dj None ofthese
2. R~Al 'aha'M~han can do a job alone in lOamI 8 davs
,c_!.;~ \ ~"'I, j.. f\ . 'i~ ~' ,':,d ~ \ w
"'''resp'~cti'yelY . On 1st J anuary. Ram starts thejob and then
II'~ "'t~ ':" .
; theyworJ <on alternate days. When will the work be fin-
a) 8th J anuary b) lOthJ anuary
c) 9th J anuary d) None of these
3. A and B working separately can plough a field in6and,
-"" ~'1~. ..:. c, ';' ., ,
.'to BUrsrespectively. At 8 AM A starts the work and
theywork in sttctchesof one hour alternately, when wi II
. '\ . ~, . 1,- l-
the ploughingbe completed?
a)3:20PM b) 2.20 PM
c) 12.3p,PM d) None of these
8x12 .
Hint: P=g-+12 ""5, Herex=-y=B> 12= ..4
Hence appiy the formula (a).
96-20 76 19 1
. reqd answer =--- =--':: -- =9- hours
.. 8 8 2 2 .
Ganga started at 9 am hence she completes the work
Time and Work
I' I
at 9 am+92" hrs =62" pm.
8x10. .
2. c; Hint: P = 18"" ~,here x - ':!=10.- 8-;-rt-1,hence
apply the formula (a). 'n ,) J I
.J '}; :
. SO+10 9 "r '
.. required answer =-1-0- = days:"
Since Ram starts on 1st J anuary
., work will be completed pn 9th day ie on 9th of
J anuary.
'. .
3. a;
Hint: p=~,,"4 .
. ', .,.. 1:_1 ~Il
Here x- y=6-10=4, hence formula(a),\yiIl ~:app'Ii~.
.'. 6xI0+4(6-1O)
required time = 6
22 / 1
= T =73" hours.
. 1 .
. required answer =8am +73" hours ~3:2R pm.
Rule 33
Theorem: If A, Band C together can do a work Inx days, A
alone can do tlte work in 'a' days andB alone can do the
work in 'b' days, then C will do tlte same work in
,. -
, ,
[ab _X x(: +b)] days.
Illustrative ~xample . .I ' .-:";\',,..11'1]1 !~'l .
Ex: A, Band C together can do awork in 6days. A alone
can do the work in IS days and B alone .can do the
same work in 27 days. Find in wh,at time C alone can
do that work?
Soln: Applying the above formula, we have
6x 18x27
the required answer =I'S 2 6~ 2)
, x 7- 18+ 7
=13- days ..
I. A, Band C together can do awork in 2 days. A alone can
do the work in 6days and B alone can do the same work
in 9 days. Find in what time C alone can do that work?
a) 42"days b) 6'4days c)9days d)INo~eofthe6e
2. A, Band C together can do awork in ~,days. A alone, can
do the work in24 days'and 'S' alorte can do the same work
in 36days. F;ind in what time C 'alone can do
,I a) 9days, 'bt l5 days c) 18days, .d) 24 days'
3. A, Band C together c~p.dq awork in4 days. A alone can
. \ If, k
do the wor;I5:.!J l.r1,2 daysand, B~I~tw;,C~n Q~\~e;samewar
in 18days. Firld in what time C alone can do that work?
a) 8 days b) 27 days c) 9 days: d) 18days-.
4. , A, .~:and 9, togethe~.cC \.n~doa\~or~)n q,days. A alone..,
,.c~~4...1"<; wO,~kin 36 . Qily.-s ~\lq ~, alo,ne}:an do :thesame
work i~?4 days. Find in what tirne-C alone can do that
work? I., ' . " .,
a) 9 days b) IS days c) 24 days d) 27 days
',' ..
l.a 2.c 3.c 4.~
Rule 34
Theorem: if A and B can do a work ill x andy days- respec-
.,.\ .,t . I (, \
tlvely and A leaves the work after doing-for 'a' (lays,then B
. 1 . } ( . ,
" ." " ;>,. " ,,[(x- a)y] ,
do~ the remaining work III x (lays..
I ~.
IlIus,tr rveExample
Ex:. A can c01J lpJ eteatw9rkllin 25 days and B can do the
. ";i same O\ql:\Y ~;.lfA after. doing.d.days, leaves
the work, find in how many days B will do the remain-
, ing work? 'J . Ii
Soln:. Applying the above formula, we-have
the required ansWer " .
., (25.:.4)xlO _ 2t'klO _ 42. _82
- ----,-- - - days
25 25 5 5 .
1. A can complete awork in 20'days andB can do tlie same
work in25 days. If A after doing 5 days, leaves the work,
~~d in how ~aryy days awill do the remaining work?
3 3
a) 18- days b) S- days
4 4
c) 17'4' days "P, d) None of these
: ' r' ; ~. ' . , '...
2 A can complete awork in 35 days and B can do the same
. _ w6x:k~in~8 dllys:.f(b after doingI 0 days, leaves the
work, find in howmany days B will do the remaining
, 1<?'
wor ;." ...:1 ,) " , " .
a) 25 days b) 20 days c) 27 days d) 24 days
3. A can complete awork in 24 days and B can do the-same
work in 18days. If A after-doing 4 days, leaves the work,
ofmdm:h'UW::f'I'I'ItH1 ~~~u,ttfe~ainml;~?
a) ]0 days b) 12 days c) 15days d) 16days
I. a 2. b
in 35';- -:; .or :5,days,
, '. '. , (4 1 4) 54 . ,
.'. the total time required = -i-' +'5 = 5' days.
I I 7
Ex. 2: Met~od: (A +B)'s day's work = 9'+12 = 36
We see that 5,x.2.- =~ (just less than I)ie (A +B)
36 36
. ,
work for 5 pairs of days ie for 10days.
' 35) I
Now rest of the work 1 - 36 =36 is to be done by
) . - I. J
A can do 36 work In 9x~ =- day
, .,,: -,6 4 ,( .
I ' , 1" ;'1
. Total days = 10+-=10- days
.. 4 4 .
Note: T wopersons A and B can finish ajob alone in x and
y days respectively. If they start working. on alter- ,
nate days, Ihe,/u) find the total job completion time.
following steps are taken.
C ase: If B starts the work
Step I: First calculatethe value ofp;
where p =nearest integer value to be considered
a) when, x - y =2, 4, then apply the following .:
, xy- p(x,- v)
T (Total job completion time) = .
, Y
b) wh:en' x- ; '= l, :i', J th~nl~pply thci'}ollowing
'T' '1''b ' I ." . ) xy +p{x - y)
Iota J O comp etion time =
Illustrative Examples
Ex. I: A and B working alone can finish ajob in 5 days and
7 days respectively, They work at it alternately for, a
-day, If 8starts the work, find in how many days the
job will be finished?
Soln: Apply the above theorem;
xy 35 .
Step I: Ji =---'-- ==-- ",;3 (Nearest integer value)
,ny )2 ' .
Step II: x - y==5-7 =-2; Here, formula (a) will be applied,
Total time to finish the job if 8starts the work
=xy- p(x- y) =(5
y 7
35-3(-2) 41 6
= , 7 = -7- = S-:; days,
Ex. 2: A and 8 working separately can do awork in 9 and 12
days respectively. B starts the work and they work on
alternate days, In how many days will the work be
Solo: Applying the above theorem, we have
12x9 108' .
Step I: p =-- =- '" 5 (nearest integer value)
12+9 21
Step II: x- y= 9 - 12 =-3, Here formula (b) will be applied,
:. total time to finish the job is 8starts the work
=xy+ p(x- y) ,
1. 0women, Ganga and J amuna, working separately can
mow a field in 8 and 12 hours respectively, If they work
for an hour alternately, Ganga beginning at 9 am, when
will the mowing be finished?
1 8
., I
a) '2pm b) '2 pm c) -''2pm d) one of these
2. Rain and Mohan can do a job alone in 10 and S days
, - respectively. On ) st J anuary Ra1n starts the job and 11](;n
they-work on alternate days, When will the work be tin-
a) 8th J anuary b) l Oth J anuary
c) 9th J anuary d) None of these
3. A and 8 working separately can plough a field in 6and
. ";ieO 8u~~re'spective'ly. At 8 AM A starts the work and
they work in stretches of one hour alternately, when wi II
the' ploughingbe complete'd?
a)3 : 20 PM ' b) 2.20 PM
c) 12.30, PM d) None of these
1. a;
8x12 '
Hint: P=g- +12 :;:;S,Herex--y=8--12=-4
Hence apply the formula (a).
96-20 76 19 I
, rcqd answer = --- =-, = - = 9- hours
.. 8 8 2 2 '
Ganga started at 9 am hence she completes the work
Time and Work
J ' 1
at 9 am+92' hrs =62' pm.
8x10. '
2. c; Hint: P =-1-8- ""5 , here x - y=10,- 8""'+1, hence
applythe formula (a). ' T! " r: ,lio' j
0) ~.!t.'" 1"
. . . _. 80 +10 _ 9 "
.. required answer - 10 - days.
Since Ram starts on 1st J anuary 'iI' OJ ..i'lt
., work will be completedon 9th day ie' on 9th of
J anuary.
, 'J
3. a;
Hint: p=16""4 .
,'. . } ,t
Herex- y=6-10 =4, hence formula(a) will beapplied.
.'. 6xlO+4(6-IO)
:. required time = 6
22 '71
=3='3 hours.
, ' 1 '
:. required answer =8am+ 7'3 hours= 3:2.Qpm.
Rule 33
~ . r:\ ,
Theorem: If A, Band C together can do a work inx days, A
alone can do lite work ill 'a' days and B alone can do the
work in 'b' days, then C will do the same work in
x ab ]
ab - x(a +b) days.
. ,~..
, ,
Illustrative ~xample ":.,, ',l" .h'irj;H'm !)~1,:"
Ex: A, Band C together can do awork in 6days. A 'alone
can do the work in 18 days and Balone .can do the
same work in27 days. Find inwhat time C alone can
do that work?
Soln: Applying the above formula, we have
the required an~wer =18x27 - 6118+27)
'C o',
=13- days..
1. A, B and C together can do awork in2 days. A alone can
do the work in6days and B alone can do the same work
in9 days. Find in what time C alone can do that work?
1 3 .
a) 4-days b) 6-days c)9days 'd)iNoneofthese
2. A, Band C together can do awork in ~I.days.A alonecan
do the work in24 days'andB alone can do thesame work
in 36days. Eind inwhat time C 'alone can do that work?
. a) 9days , .b}) 5.dllY S c) 18days.r.-<I)24 days '
3. A, Band C together can.dq awork in4 days. A alone can
do the wo~l,<;\ipJ L-2 day'sa'rid:a~l~tw:~~I1. QPI\h~,samewcrk
in IS days. Firld in wbat time C alone can do that work?
a) S days b) 27 days c) 9 days: d) IS'days '
4. , A, a;and C togethercan do awOl'k)n l2 days. Aalone,
,c~t.t4oJ ht; ~o~kin, 3~.~J lY .s~! dothe same
work il1;?4,d~ys. Find in what.dme-C elone can do that
work? 1,_ ' "
a) 9 days b) 18pays c) 24 days d) 27 days
1.a 2.c 3.e 4.d
Rule 34
Theorem: If A and B c~n do a work ill x andy days- respec-
tively and A leavt!J'i/,ewb~kafte~dbing'Jor 10' days, then B
r.. : . I" [(x~a)y] ., ',.
does the remaining work ill .x .days..
I ~.
Illustr rveExample
Ex: A can complete-aiworkjin 25 daysand B can do the
, ,;' same work invl 0*days. If A after doing 4 days. leaves
the work, find inhow manydays B will do theremain-
, ingwork? J ' I!' '
Soln: Applying the above formula, we-have
the required answer
, ' ' ., (25':'4)x'lO _ 21'~10 _ 42, _ 2
- 25 '-25-'5- -S'5 days.
1. A can complete awork in20'days and'B can do tlie same
work in25 days. If A after doing 5days, leaves thework.
find inhow rya~ydays awill do the remaining work?
a) IS- days
c) 17'4 days,,~ d) None of these
. r -v: ., ",. ,', It, ..
2: A can complete awork in35 days and B can do the same
~ ," . "', \" ~. , . . ....
, _ work-in ~S days. Kbafter doing 10 days, leaves the
work, find in howmany days B will do the remaining
;d. (., I1'. ~) t,' . r, .
a) 25 days b) 20 days c) ~7 days d) 24 days
3. A can complete awork in24 days and B can do the-same
work in 18days. If A after-doing 4 days, leaves thework,
find in how many days Bwilldo the remaining work?
a) 10 days b) 12 days c) 15days d) 16days
I. a 2. b
A.oII "m" "01' '0 ffth.l':.Ruleb30'fI':!) ..III ;['10<1 ,';,
T h~tll'emr1f; 4'.andr.Bftall'(Jo'a' wOr'k'ili 'x:andy"daysrespec-
lively, andilfieaves'lhe work aftei: doingfor 'a' days, then
i, i, ... cl" '.' '; t"[CV~~)X 1 \ ) 'f"', '.
A- doestl; ~\te'hiaiiiihgwork in] I. '.:'" ' lady's.:! '1ft /
.j _ .It-f\ "i~:~ J 1".,d(q rj t\j I J![(.. ,,.;v ,', (lJ
llluative(Exaniple l i c. /,:,,! \, f
'of I, N'c~n ~d:AWork-in 15 days-and B'alone can do that'
.1i wor~in Q5 daY s~tfBfhfter doiJ ig5 days leaVe~thejob,
, 'i' 'fino inHowmanyIaays 'A wilra<i therertlainihkwork.
Soln: Applying the above formula, we have, '/' '
~/i:,r": 1 ~ r
.; .., 7'!.; A :~~ I' .J~
the required answer ==(25:' 5)x 15
==~Ox 15 =12 days
Exercise , ., " ,...
. ~;"'~.f .} t h} ~:1h ,1 \' . -'I \' t U l 1-' L' .Uti" \Aa.~9,Bt w~rkil{gt<?&t~~.\a.n.f10!'.~!ecJe" f~O,I; in 6"
days, Balone it in 8 days. Supposing B works
at it for 5 days, in how many days A alone could finish
theremain:ingwork? ' i\ I' ",\HI ml1 ,'..j;',\.
a) 9 days b) 8days c) 6days. d) 12days
2. A and B working together can do apiece ofworklfn.lld~
r'days, B alate could do itiinZ O days..Supposing Bworks"
at itfor 4 days,' imhow many days lA'alone/coulo finish
theremainingwdrk? t . 0(, . ,:!",j ,:' .' 'I .1!
a) 9 days b) 12days c) 16days 'd)J lO days
3. A and B wcrkirig-togetherrcan-doisspiece ofwotk in BO ~' .
days, Balone could do it in 50.daysfS'uPPbSill'g.-B'works
at it for 10q!l-ys,r!ph,o~v1ll~nY t4jlys~alonecould finish
.theremaining work?
. e) 12days b) 60 C lays c) 16days d) 18days
4"1,I A and.B.werking-together can do a-piece ,ofwofk:in 7 ~
,"t'l .J f. fl" if - j" ,i',"
days,g';a'I'orfe')~6ujd do' it i~12~/'days. Supposing B
works at it rt)~i(~s, i~how m,aiiY ' ~ay~~ Mone
could finish the remaining work?
a) 5 days . .b) 8'days.. c) 7 days .d) 15days
5. A can complete ajob in 9 days. B in 10days and C in 15
f' ) _,,.,~ !'{> ft~; It.f' I,)' ,~Ir,," '
. days, B andC sfa'nthe work and'are forced to leave after
;'. 2Gays. Thetime talSento co~plrite tlle [~maihing'{york
I' 'is: ., r 'I '- ' w l' \rl(NDA'E~1h19871
a)~]}?ay,.s bn~ ?~~~}<;),9dft~~j ~)6~aysr
Answers r'l' ~; ?":.~t,' .
1:a;, Hint: ,Eirst~p'plyt~e Rul!'-6 "and find the nor of days
.in which ,A.. alo~~I(jOuld do the, whole work ie
. ""
1>1 6x8 (., a'i' " "
8-6 =24 <fays.
Now, applying the given rule, we have
. ,(8-5)24
the required answer =--8 - =9days.
2.c 3.b 4.d
5:d;i 'IHint: Band C together can do thework in 15+10 =6
days. (See Rule-S)
Here, y=6days, and x =9 days.
Now applying egiven rule, we have
'\ . (6-2)'x9
the required answer = 6 = 6days,
Rule 36
Theorem: A and B can do apiece of work ill x andy days
respectively and bot" of them starts thework together. If B
leavesthe work 'a' days before the completion of work,
thenlthe total time, 'in which the whole. work is completed,
=[(:++a: ] days.
llIus ativeExample
Ex: A and B can do a piece of work in 15 days and 25
days. Both starts the work together for some time,
but B leaves the job 7 days before the work iscom-
pleted. Find the time inwhich work isfinished.
Solo: Applying the above 'formula, we have
L. \ ihe.i~guired ~swer ;",(25+:')15 =12 days.
" \,\ i' <,>\. ';;~, .,. ' I. ,'" 25 +15
~;'~'''' ,I~i' ~,.1:' 1'.t .t
Exercise .
1.' A and B can do apiece of work in20-days and 30 days.
Both starts thework together for sometime, but Bleaves
the job 5 days before the work is completed. Find the
time inwhich work isfinished.
lA) 7'dayJ b)'li'day's' 1 c) 14days d) 16days
2:' A andpcah do apiece of work in25 days and 35 days,
t' Bbillrst{rts1fie'worl( together for some time, but B leaves
the jQb' 7 days before, the work is completed. Find the
.01'{ r C ' ~l ":t'.l....... :' "
time InwhlcliworK is'finished. .
. . 1 '
a)17d~y.s b) 17
days c) 18days d) 20 days
3. A and B can do apiece of work in 30 days and 45 days.
Both starts the work together for sometime, but Bleaves
thejob '15 days before the work is completed, Find the
time inwhich work isfinished.
, ',. af,24, daY S'ir;;~b)28 days c) 20 days d) 16days
4. A andB can do apiece of work in 16days and 24 days.
Both.starts the work together for some time, but Bleaves
the job 6days before the work is completed. Find the
,timein-which work isfinished.
a) 18days b) 14 days c) 12days d) 8days
5. A arid B can do apiece of work in 17days and 33 days.
rime and Work
Bothstarts thework together for some time, but B leaves
thejob 7 days before the work is completed. Find the
time inwhich work isfinished.
a) 3- days
b) 5- days
\ 13
c) 13- days
.c 2.b 4.c 5
d) None of these'
Rule 37
Theorem: A ami B can (/0 a piece of work in x and y days
respectively and both of litem starts the, H?o.rktogether; 14 ~
leaves lite work 'a' days before the comp/~f/l!n, O J,t!'f1 worly',
then the total time in which lite whole work is completed
I I'
(x +(I)Y
= (x +J~T days.
Illustrati Example
Ex: and B can do apiece of work in 10days and 20 days
respectively. Both starts the work together but A
leaves the work 5 days before its completion time.
Find thetime inwhich work isfinished. I.
5010: Applying the above formula, we have
the required answer =(10+5}20 =10 days.
. 10+20
!. A can do apiece of work in 14 days and Bin 21days.
Theybegin together. But 3 days before the completion
of thework, A leaves off. In how many daysis the work
completed? ,
l' 1
a) 10 days b) 5 days c) 5- days d) 10- days
5 , 5
A can do apiece of work in 15 days and B in 25 days.
Theybegin together. But 5 days before the completion
of thework, A leaves off. In how many d ys isthe work
a) 12~days b) l3~ days c) 112. days d) 25 days
2 2 4',
. ' .
A can do apiece of work in 20 days and B in 40 days.
Theybegin together. But 10days- before the completion
of thework, A leaves off. In how many days isthe work
a)IOdays 'b)ISdays c) 20 days d)25 days
A can do apiece of work in 5 days and B in 10 days.
Ihey begin together, But 2'2 days before the cornple-
IIOIl of the work, A leaves off. In how many days isthe

work completed?
a) 2 days b) 4 days" c) 5 days
l.d 2.a 3.c 4.c
d) 8days
Rule 38
Theorem: A can do a piece of work in x days. If A does the
work only for 'a' days anillhe,remalnlng work is done by B
~ ,
In ''b
days: the B afonJ'cair"'do ;h~ work In ( ',~ .) d~ys.
~~ J l \ ,~ ,OT ~ x - a
III S" ative'Example' ,," " .,
t ~
Ex: A can do apiece of work in 12 days. A does the work
for 2 days onlyand leaves thejob, B does the remain-
ing work in5 days..Inrhow many days B alone can do
the work?
Soln: Applying ,tl)e~b9v;/-9r"J ~la, we h~v~
'h . J .I '\5 I ',12x5. 6d
t e reqUlreu anSwer =-- = ays.
. 12-2
1. A can do apiece of work in 15days. A does the work for
3 days only and leaves the job. B does the remaining
work in 8 days. In how"manydays Balone can do the
a) 12days b) 10 days. c) 15days d) 8days
Acan do apiece of work in25 days. Adoes the work for
'5 days only and leaves the job. B does the remaining
work in 4 days. In how many 'days B alone can do the
a) 5 days b) 15days
c) 9 days d) None of these
Acan do apiece of work in23 days. Adoes the work for
11\days only and 'leaves the job. B does the remaining
work in 9 days. In h,~':-Vmany days B alone can do the
, '.i I -3
.a) 17 days b) 18day~ .c) 174' days d) 174' days
4. A can do apiece of work in22 days. A does thework for
12'claysonly and leaves the job: B does the remaining
work in 5 days. In how many days B alone can do the
~, a) 11days b) 10 days c) 12days d) 14days.
5. Acan do apiece ofwork in80 days. Heworks a i~for 10
days and then B alone finishes the work in42 days. The
two together could complete the work in:
a) 24 days b) 25 days c) 30 days d) 35 days
(C lericai'Grade Exam, 1991)
1.b 2.a
4..a 3.c
80X42 l- '
5. c; Hj~,t:,Balone can do the work in 80 -10 =48) days.
The two together could complete the work' in
48X80 '\
80 +48' = 3C ) days. . " (See Rule-4)
Rule 39
i, ."
Theorem: A and R can do a piece of work ill x ami y days
respectively. Both starts the work together. But flue to some
problems A leaves the work after some time, and B does the
remaillillgworkill.f!.days.thelltheti.; .eafterwhi~h.l1
J ' .
. . ' 'i(y- a)x] .
leaves tile given by l.!. days.
'J , , ' x+.y, , .
IlIust tiveExample ' .
A andB can 'do apie~J lat'work in45 'days 'arid'40 &iys'
respectively. They start the work too-ether but after
.,,' , " b .I
some days, A leaves the job. B alone does the re-
maining work in 23 days. Find after how many days
does A leave the job?
Soln: Usin'g'the'llbove'thlorem, we have
the required answer' =(40 - 23)45 =9 'days.
I. A and ~ carydo.a piece of work in 20 days and 25 days
respectively. They start the work together but after some
days, A leaves the job. B alone do~s the remaining work
in 10 days. Find after how many days does A leave the
. job?
-: 62 , I 2
a) '3 days b) 6'3 days c) 6d~ys d) 53' days
. 2.. A and B can do apiece of wdrk in 25 flays and 30 days,
respectively. They start the work together but after some
.days, A leaves thejob, B alone does the remaining work
in 8, days: Find' afJ ~rl how mal y' days does N leaY 6' the
, b? '
J o. . ,-,'
, ,'" ," I
a) 12 days .~),.8 day,s " 9) 10 days ;d) 16days
3, . A and B can do a piece of work in 14 days and 21 days
respectively. They start the work together but after some
da~s, A leaves the jo~. B alone does the remaining work
in 6da'y~. Find afte fhow many days does A leave the-
job? - II . ;' I
a) 7 days ~)_:6d~~s . c) 8 days d) ~days
4. A an? ~ ca,n do a piece of work in 22 days and 23 days
respectlve,Iy. The .start the work together but after some
. days, A leaves the job.' B alone does the remaining work
in 8 days. Find after how many days does A leave the
"'"'C. -------~ -.-~--~.--
:z 2 I
a) 6days (b) 63' days c) 7'3 days d) 73 days
1. a 2. c 3.b 4.d
Rule 40
Theorem: A completes a work in 'x' days. B completes tile
same work in 'y' 'day . A started working alone and after
'a' days B joined him. T hen lite time in which, thev 1IIi11
take together to complete the remaining work 'is given by
. [(x- a)y]
x+y .
lIlustrati xample
Ex: am cOniplete~ awork in 10 days. Shyam completes
, Hie' s~me workin IS days. Ram starts working alone
and after 5 days B joins him. How many days will they
now take together to complete the rernai,ing work?
Solo: Applying the above rule, we have
(10 - 5)15
the required answer = 25 = 3 da~s
Exercise l',
1. A completes a work in 12 days. B completes the same
work in 15 days. A started working alone and after 3
days B joined him. How many days will they now take
together to complete the remaining work?
a)5 'b)8 c)6 d)4
(BSRB C alcutta PO 1999)
2 A completes a work in 20 days. B completes the same
.work, in 25 days. A started working alone and after 2
days Bjoined him. How many days will they now take
together to complete the remaining work?
a) 12 days b) 10 days c) 8 days d) 16days
3., A completes a work in 12 days. B completes the same
, work' in 13 days. A started working alone and after 7
(./l:Iays'B~oirled him: How many days will they now take
,Itogether to complete the remaining work?
. f l
3 3 3
a) 15 days b) 3
days c) 2 days d) 25 days
4. A completes a work in 21 days. B completes the same
work in 24 days. A started working alone and after 6
,ld'ays'B j inell him. How many days will they now take
Itogetlfet t complete-the remaining work?
a) 6days ...b)-8 (jays c) 10 days d) 12 days
5. A completes a work in 15 days. B completes the same
w6rk in 20 days. A started working alone and after I day
B joined him: How many days will they now take to-
!?ether to complete the remaining work?
a) 8 days - b) 7 days c) 6days d) None of these
Time and Work
6 . Mahesh and Umesh can complete awork in 10 and 15
days respectively. Umesh starts the work, and after 5
days Mahesh also joins him. In all, the work would be
completed in:
a) 9 days
c) 11days
b) 7 days
d) None of these
(C lerclal Gra~e 1991)
~ r)
._ J.~i ';'., ~.
l.a 2.b .3.d 4.b 5.a
6.a; Hint: Here A =Umesh, B =Mahesh ,I'
.. x= 15days andy= 10 days
Now, applying the given rule, we have the time taken
byA and B together to complete the remaining work
_ (15- 5)10 =4 .
- 10+15 'c' days..
.. total time consumed to complete the work
=5+4 =9days.
Miscellan eous
1. Twenty-four men can complete awork in sixteen days.
Thirty-two women can complete the same work in
twenty-four days. Sixteen men and sixteen women started
working and worked for twelve days..How many more
menareto beadded to complete the remaining work in2
.[Bank ofBaroda PO, 1999]
a)48 b) 24 c)36 d) None of these .
2. 25 menand 15women can complete apiece of work in 12
days. All of them start working together and.after work-
ingfor 8daysthe women stopped working. 25 men com-
pleted theremaining work in6days. How manydayswill
it takefor completing the entirejob if only 15women are
putonthejob?' [Guwahati PO, 1999J
a) 60 days b) 88 days
c) 94 days d) None of these
3. 10men and 15women finish awork in 6days. One man
alone finishes that work in 100 days. In how many days
will awoman finish the work? ":
[BSRB Hyderabad PO, 1999)
a) J 25 days b) 150 days c) 90 days d) 225 days
4. A can do apiece of work in 12 days, B can do t~esame
, ,.4
work in 8days, and C can do the same job i~'5th time
required byboth A and B. A and B work together for 3
days, then C completes the job. How many complete
daysdid C work? [NABARD,I999)
a) 8 b) 6 c) 3 d) None of these
5. 12mentake 18 daysto complete ajob whereas 12women
. 3
in 18days can complete 4' of the same job. How many
days will 10men and 8women together take to complete
the same job? [BSRB Delhi PO, 20001
, I
b) 13'2
6.' rf 5men and 3boys can reap 23 hectares in4 days and if
3 men and 2 boys can reap 7 hectares in 2 days, how
manyboys must assist 7 men in order that theymayreap
,.45 hectares in 6days?
'''a)2boys "J (b)6~f~s'.' p)4bo~s ,d)5b9,Y s
7. 25 men can reap a{ieJ ~in20 days. Whe'n'should,l5 ~en
leave the work, ifthe whole field is to be reaped in
a)6 c) 12 d) None ofthese
37 - days after they leave the work?
2 . .
a) 6days b) 4 days
c) 5 days d) None of these
. 8. Acari copy 75 pages in 25 hours, A and B together can
..copy 135 pages in27-hours. In what time can Bcopy42
a) 21hrs b) 5 hrs 36sees
c) 18hrs d) 24 hrs
9. 15men would finish apiece of work in210 days. But at
theend of every 10days, 15additional men areemployed.
'. In how many days will it befinished?"! ~ l
a) 30 days b) 70 days c) 35 days d) 60 days'
10; A piece of work was to be completed in40 days, anum-
ber of men employed upon it did onlyhalf thework in24
days, 16more men were then set on, and the work was
completed in the specified time, how many men.were
employed ~t fiht?' .'
a) 16men b)32 men c)2~me(l d)48 men
11. Ramesh can finish ajob in 20 days. He worked for 10
days alone and completed the remaining job working
with Dinesh, in 2 days. How many days' would both
Dinesh and Ramesh together take to complete the entire
a)4 . c) 10 d) 12 .
[BSRB BankPO Exam, 1991J
12. A can do a piece of work in 12 days. B is 60% more
efficient than A. The number of days, ittakes Bto do the
same piece of work, is:
b) 5
a) 7-
. 1
b)6 -
c)8 d)6
; [C BIExam, 1991)
'13. 12men can complete awork within 9 ~as. After 3 days
they started die work, 6men joined diem to replace 2
men. How many days will they take to complete the re-
maining work?
c)4 d) 4-
[BSRB BankPO Exam, 1991)
14. A can do apiece of work in 5 hours, Bin 9 hours and C
in 15hours. If C could work with them for I hour only,
thetimetaken byA and B together to complete the work
a) 2 hours b)?'~oursc) 3'2 hours d) 4 hours
, [C lerical Grade, 1991)
! '
15. A does half as much work as B in three-fourth of the
time. If together they take 18days to complete awork,
how much time shall Btake to do it?
. a) 40 days b) 35 days
c) 30 days d) N~ne of these
[LIC AAO Exam, 1988]
16. Twoworkers A and B working together completed ajob
in5days. If A worked twice asefficiently as he actually
did and Bworked "3asefficiently as he actually did, the
, work would have.completed in;3 days. Find the time for
A to complete the job alone.
1 1 3 1
a)' 6'2 days b) 6"4'days c) 6"4days d) 12'2 days
17. Mohan can mow his lawn in x hours. After 2 hours it
begins to rain. The unmoved part of the lawn is _
2 " :~2'- x'" x x- 2 "',
a);;. , .!?) -2- ,cc),2" d)-;-,
. [ITI,1988J
18. Iffactory A turns out x cars an hour and factory B'turns
out ycars every2 hours, the number of cars which both
factories turn out in 8hours is '
. "
, i)
a) 8(x+y)
'b) 8x+~
, 2
f "
cn6(x+.0 d)(2x+y)4
1.b; 24 men complete the work in 16days
f,~t ~ i!'
, , j'" , (16 12.G),t: ..,h
:. 16me,ncompl~~ 241X '16~\"2 Pt.qf,wqrkin 12
32 women complete the wotk in24 days
16 14 7
:. 16womencomplete 32
24 = 24 partofworkin
(12+2=) 14da1l~.iil;' , '
,. _., Y -
So, the remaining part of the work which is 4pne by
sixteen men +sixteen women and the reqd additional
no. of men in2 days "
= 1-(..!.+2.) =..!._2. =~ (part)
, ,2 ~24 2 24 24
.I:'.t<f\.C TIC ~,tjUUK Ul'l VUIC K~.t< MATH:::;
Now, 'in 2 days ~ part of the work is done by
24 '
16 5
, 24x-x-=40 men
-, 2 24 and 15women can complete, apiece ofwork
{ii"! " ,
in 2 days. '
8 2
:. work done bythem in 8days = 12 ="3'
Remaining work iscompleted by25 men in6days.
:. Time taken by25 men to complete the whole work
3x6 18
= --= days.
From the question,
Time taken by25 men to complete the whole work
= 3-2 =36 days
1 1 1
[.,' 12-18 = 36 work iscompleted by15women in
one day.] .
One man alone finishes the work in 100 days.
:. '10'men finish the work in 10days.
r,}l{.p n~f'"r,..n~1' - .
From the question,
~- 1 1 I
15women finish inone day, '6-TO =Is work
:. l S'women finish the whole work in 15days.
:.' 1women finishes the whole work in 15x 15
=~25 days.
1-2 M >IrS=-12'W x 18xi. w=~ M
, 3" 4
, 3
'lOM+8W=10M+8x - M=16M
I L~ "nJ 3fr! "lit .:i jj~
:. 16 'men can complete the same work in
5. b;
12x18 27 1
16=2'=13'2 days
6. a; 5I!len-I' 3boys can reap 23 hectares in4 days (i)
3 men +2 boys can reap 7 hectars in2 days (ii)
0.;,,' ~
:. from(1);
14'(5Irien'+'3boys)' canreap 23 x 14hectares in4 days
, ....(iii) , ,
Now, from(2)
23 (3 men +2 boys) can reap 7 x2 x23 hectares in4
-days ....(iv)
:. 14(5men -l: 3 boys) =23 (3 men +2 boys)
:: 70 men +42boys =69 men +46boys
Time and, Work

7, c;
1men =4 boys '
Now, 5 men +3 boys =23 boys
23 boys can reap 23 hectares in 4 days
:, 1boycan reap 1hectare in 4 days
.'. 4 boys can reap 1hectare in 1day
:,'4 x 45 boys can reap 45 hectares in 1day
:.-6- boys~an reap 45,?,7~t~~~i~?i.6~ax~
:. 30 boys can reap 45 hectares i9 6 da>,~
But 30 boys =28 boys +2 boys = 7men-+2 boys
Hence 2 boys must assist 7 men.
25 men can reap the field i~20 days,' - I
, 20x25 '
.. 10men can reap the field In -1-0- or50days.
when 15men leave the work, 10men remain and
:1'. l.',
_ I 37~, 3
these can reap In 37 - days _2_ or - of the field.
2, 50 4
Henceall menmust work till (1- ~) ?rofthe field
is reaped,
8. a;
1 20'
Now 25 men reap - of the field in- or 5days.
4 ,4
In25 hours A can copy 75 pages'
In 1hour A can copy 25 .= 3 pages
In27 hours A and B can copy 135 pages
In I hour A and B can copy 27 =5 pages
:. In 1hour B can copy (5 - 3 =2) pages
.. B can copy 42 pages in 21hours.
10 1
10days' work by 15men = 210 = 21
At the end of every 10 days 15 additoonal men are
employed ie for the next 10 days we have
. 2
:. Next 10day's work by30 men =21
, '(1 2 3) .
Hence, in20 days only 21 +21 =21 work iscom-
To complete the whole work we have to reach the
value of 2i work
1 2 3 6) .; 2L
21+2i+21+ ....21 =21=1
Hence total time to complete thewhole work = 10+ 10
+10+10+10 +10=60 days.
10.b; Let x men are employed at first.
1 " . I., ' ~
. \ X men do '2 ofthe work in24 days
:. I man do the whole work in24 x 2 x x=48x days.
Now, frorn'the question, ,
(x+ 16)meri do theremaining work (I-=) in(40
- 24 = 16) days.
:. 1man do the whole work in 16x 2(x+16) days.
or, 48x~32(x +16) ., x=32men.
11.a; Ramesh alone finished 2 of the work in 10days..
, . 1 "
Remaining 2 of thejob was finished byRamesh and
Dinesh-togetner-in 2 days:
Therefore, theyboth'together can finish the complete
job in4 days: ,- ,
12.a; A's 1 day's work = 12
1 1 2
B's 1day's work = -+60% of-=-.
12 12 15
15 1
:. B can do the work in '2 ie 72 days
13.d; 12men can complete '3 ofthe work in3daysand the
remaining '3 of the work in 6days.
. . 2 .
1man can complete '3 of the work in (12x6) =72 '
., 12- 2 +6= 16men can complete '3 of thework in
72 1
16= 42 days.
1 1 1-) 17
'14.a; 5+'9+15 ie. 45 work isfinished in I hour.
. . . -1-.!2.- 28
.. Remaining work - 45 - 45 .

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