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MaLh Skllls for College

1he lnLenL of Lhls syllabus ls Lo provlde adulL educaLlon program admlnlsLraLors and lnsLrucLors a
suggesLed core and LlLle for Lhe provlslon of a LranslLlon maLh class. lL ls expecLed LhaL Lhls class wlll
maLch Lhe needs of adulL learners Lo prepare for and develop skllls for placemenL LesLlng and success ln
college level maLh courses, and Lo avold Lhe repeLlLlon of a baslc developmenLal course aL Lhe posL
secondary level.

SuggesLed conLacL hours: 43-60

Course uescrlpLlon
1he 1ranslLlon Currlculum ls deslgned for hlgh school graduaLes or CLu reclplenLs who lnLend Lo or are
applylng Lo posL-secondary lnsLlLuLlons. 1hls course covers Lhe baslc arlLhmeLlc of whole numbers,
exponenLs and rooLs, Lhe order of operaLlons, fracLlons, declmals, percenLs, raLlo and proporLlon,
measuremenL and unlLs, lnLegers, geomeLry, slmple sLaLlsLlcs and lncludes appllcaLlons LhaL use Lhose
Loplcs. SLudenLs wlll learn Lo work wlLh and wlLhouL Lhe use of a calculaLor.

use whole numbers ln Lhe four baslc arlLhmeLlc operaLlons (+, -, x, /)
use slmple exponenLs and Lhe order of operaLlons
use fracLlons ln Lhe four baslc operaLlons
use declmals ln Lhe four baslc operaLlons and round
CalculaLe square rooLs of perfecL squares and esLlmaLe square rooLs of declmals
llnd raLlos and solve proporLlons
CalculaLe percenLs and solve Lhe Lhree klnds of percenL problems
erform slmple flnanclal calculaLlons, such as unlL cosL, dlscounLs, Laxes
CalculaLe slmple lnLeresL and percenLs of lncrease/decrease and proflL/loss
Make and undersLand graphs and Lables of daLa
CalculaLe Lhe mean, medlan and mode of seLs of daLa
Make measuremenLs uslng Lhe meLrlc and u.S. sysLems and perform unlL converslons wlLhln and
beLween Lhe sysLems
erform Lhe four baslc operaLlons wlLh lnLegers and raLlonal numbers
erform geomeLrlc calculaLlons uslng angles, perlmeLer, area and volume

1hls course covers Lhe sLandard Loplcs of baslc algebra: real numbers and algebralc expresslons, uslng
formulas, solvlng llnear equaLlons and lnequallLles, CarLeslan coordlnaLes, graphs of llnear equaLlons,
dlrecL and lnverse varlaLlon, operaLlons wlLh polynomlals, facLorlng of polynomlals, solvlng quadraLlc
equaLlons, and slmpllfylng raLlonal and radlcal expresslons.

Course Cb[ecLlves
upon successful compleLlon of Lhe course, Lhe sLudenL wlll be able Lo:

8evlew lnLegers, raLlonal numbers and order of operaLlons
use Lhe properLles of real numbers Lo slmpllfy algebralc expresslons
Solve llnear equaLlons, lnequallLles and absoluLe values
LvaluaLe and solve formulas
Craph llnear equaLlons and lnequallLles.
llnd slopes, lnLercepLs and Lhe equaLlon of a llne
use rules of exponenLs lncludlng negaLlve exponenLs and sclenLlflc noLaLlon

erform operaLlons on polynomlals
lacLor polynomlals
Solve quadraLlc equaLlons
erform operaLlons on raLlonal expresslons
Solve dlrecL and lnverse varlaLlon problems
erform operaLlons on radlcal expresslons
Solve sysLems of equaLlons
LvaluaLe expresslons lnvolvlng funcLlon noLaLlon

ln addlLlon Lhe College 1ranslLlons rogram aL l-C-u Lakes lnLo conslderaLlon our
local parLnershlps wlLh preparaLlon for Lechnlcal maLh lncludlng a brlef
lnLroducLlon Lo sLaLlsLlcs and Lechnlcal maLh skllls (measurlng, scale drawlngs eLc)

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