Lime 4 Case Study Volkswagen

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ToIa| Nar|eI LasI Three Years (YT):

IndusIry Nar|eI 8hare (YT) |n PercenIage*:
Vo||sWagen |oba| V|s|on:
8rand Pos|I|on|ng
AbouI Vo||sWagen 8rand:
Year Passenger Veh|c|es I|||Iy Veh|c|es
2O1O 599,482 98,17O
2O11 72G,478 112,845
2O12* 97G,G99 191,GG8
Na|ul| Su/u|| -87.8
hyuuda| - 15.1
Tala Nolo|s -12.5
N&N 8.7
Toyola -7
Chevy -8.G(N)
lo|d -8.4
Vo||swageu -2.7
h|ssau -2
S|oda- 1.5
l|al - .OG
Resl 1.8
*As ou Juue 2O12
The wo||d's mosl |uuoval|ve h|gh-vo|ume b|aud
Lowe| P|em|um S|oda
uppe| P|em|um Vo||swageu
Lu/u|y Aud|
Supe| Lu/u|y Po|sche, Lambo|gh|u|
Eu|ope's |ead|ug ca| mauulaclu||ug b|aud
Se||s l|omlhe up! lo lhe Phaelou |u mo|e lhau 15Ocouul||es wo||dw|de
Commeuced sa|es |u lud|a |u 2OO7w|lh lhe Passal
hSCbased |u Numba|, mauulaclu||ug lac|||ly |u Cha|au aud assemb|y |u Au|augabad
0lle|s Po|o, Veulo, Jella, Passal, hewBeel|e, Toua|eg aud lhe Phaelou |u lud|a
has a uelwo|| |each ol 1O8dea|e|sh|ps |u 87c|l|es ac|oss lud|a
0lk!N6Ik f!I !I00T
Vo||sWagen IIer NaIr|x:
Vo||sWagen FacI 8heeI:
0ompeI|I|ve 0onIexI:
Po|o & Veulo - P|aul Local|ou. Cha|au, Puue
Jella & Passal P|aul Local|ou. Au|augabad
hew Beel|e, Toua|eg& Phaelou lBu
ea|ersh|ps |n Ind|a
2OO8- 14
2O12-1O8(Juue 2O12)
8a|es oI Vo||sWagen Passenger 0ars
2OO9- 2O89
2O12- 41, 547(Jau -Ju| 2O12)
58O m||||ou Eu|os
Co|e compel|l|ou. hyuuda| |2O, Su/u|| Sw|ll, Chev|o|el uVA
E/leuded compel|l|ou. h|ssau N|c|a,ToyolaEl|osL|va, S|oda lab|a, Su/u|| R|l/, lo|d l|go
0lk!N6Ik f!I !I00T
0lk!N6Ik f!I !I00T
Co|e compel|l|ou. houda C|ly, hyuuda| Ve|ua, lo|d l|esla, Su/u|| SX4
E/leuded Compel|l|ou. Toyola El|os, Su/u|| /||e, l|al L|uea
Co|e compel|l|ou. Chev|o|el C|u/, Toyola A|l|s, houda C|v|c
E/leuded compel|l|ou. Reuau|l l|ueuce, S|oda Lau|a
Co|e compel|l|ou. Toyola Cam|y, houda Acco|d
E/leuded compel|l|ou. S|oda Supe|b, Aud| A4, BNw 8 Se||es, Ne|cedes C c|ass
0ore vo|ume segmenI reIerred Io here are Ihe Po|o and Ihe VenIo segmenI
V|s|on: Vo||swageu |s lhe wo||d's mosl |uuoval|ve h|gh vo|ume b|aud
8rand u|de||nes: luuoval|ve Va|uab|e Respous|b|e
0ommun|caI|ve Focus:
luuoval|ve emoc|al|/al|ou ol luuoval|ous w|lh c|ea| cuslome| beuel|ls
Va|uab|e P||ce, ua||ly, Access|b|||ly, Se|v|ce, Na|uleuauce, Ruuu|ug cosls
Respous|b|e. B|ueNol|ou Techuo|og|es, Th|u| B|ue campa|gus
The above |s bas|s b|aud va|ue aud p|oducl pos|l|ou|ug.
ProducI pos|I|on|ng:
Po|o. e|mau Eug|uee||ug. Nade |u lud|a.
Veulo. e|mau Eug|uee||ug. Besl |u C|ass.
Jella. e|mau Eug|uee||ug. lo| yuam|c Pe|lo|me|s.
Passal. e|mau Eug|uee||ug. lo| P|em|um heeds.
Vo||sWagen Ind|a 8a|es:
Vo||sWagen 8rand 0ommun|caI|on 8IraIegy:
0lk!N6Ik f!I !I00T
Vo||sWagen VoxPopu||
0ha||enge 8ac|ground
The 0ha||enge
P|em|umb|aud, e|mau lechuo|ogy, po|l|ays suob va|ue lo| lhe Vo||swageu badge, deceul |each bul ueed lo e/paud mo|e
espec|a||y s|uce lhe b|aud se||s ca|s |||e lhe Po|o aud lhe Veulo, e/peus|ve ca|s as compa|ed lo lhe compel|l|ou |u
|especl|ve segmeuls, ve|y good bu||d qua||ly ca|s, g|eal d||vab|||ly, cau do w|lh mo|e lealu|es.
- Vo||swageu B|aud |s pos|l|oued as a 'p|em|um' b|aud |u lhe vo|ume segmeul
- lu each segmeul lhe B|aud has |ls p|eseuce, |ls p||c|ug c|ea||y |el|ecls lhe B|aud pos|l|ou|ug
- howeve| |u vo|ume segmeuls cuslome|s a|e p||ce seus|l|ve aud lhe b|aud sl||| wauls lo |uc|ease sa|es s|gu|l|caul|y
0ons|der|ng Ihe bac|ground:
- wo|| oul a sl|alegy lo ove|come lh|s cha||euge w|lhoul comp|om|s|ug ou lhe B|aud pos|l|ou|ug o| B|aud va|ue
- el|ue aud |ecommeud lhe commuu|cal|ou palh lo ach|eve lhe c||l|ca| objecl|ve w|lhoul comp|om|s|ug ou lhe B|aud
Pos|l|ou|ug aud lhe B|aud Va|ue

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