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Blood Cell Worksheet

Remember that a blood is made up two main things including plasma and formed elements.
PLASMA (55%) a. ! % water b. " % solutes
#$RM%& %L%M%'(S ()5%) a. 5 % (R*+s) b. 5% (,*+s) and platelets

+reate a pie chart for blood that illustrates the overall % of each component of blood.
Directions (12 points accuracy and neatness)
-. +alculate the o.erall % of blood for each of the following components/ water0 solutes0 R*+s0 and
!. &i.ide each section of the pie chart with the correct part of blood in the correct proportions.
2. 'e3t0 color or shade the pie chart with a different color1shade for each part of the blood and create
a 4e5 or legend for each part.

Additional 6uestions/
-. 7ow are ,*+s classified8 (- point)
!. ,hat are the three main groups of plasma proteins and which is most abundant8 (! points)
2. ,h5 are nutrients transported in the plasma8 (hin4 chemistr59 (- point)
). +an a mature R*+ di.ide b5 mitosis8 ,h5 or wh5 not8 (! points)
5. Read the :7ealth +linic; on page 255 of the ,ingerd te3tboo4. #rom what foods can 5ou
obtain the *<comple3 .itamins and iron necessar5 for efficient R*+ production8 (! points)
'ame =====================
*lood +omposition

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