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What is it?

The European Union is a group of countries whose government works together.

Who is in it?
Belgium, France, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Denmark, Ireland, UK,
Greece, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovak
Republic, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania are the nations
that are in the European Union.
Which European nations are NOT members?
Iceland, Liechenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey
What does it do?
To get European countries closer together. Also, it makes it easier for Europeans to buy
and sell things to each other.
How is it run?
There are four parts of the Europeans Union. There is the European Council, European
Parliament, European Commision and the Presidency.
Who and why are some in the UK Pro-Europeans?
Pro-European people think that Britain will benefit from being apart of a larger group of
Who and why are some in the UK Eurosceptics?
They feel that the UK is different from other nations.
What is the Euro?
The Euro is a type of money used in 16 countries in Europe.
How has the EU grown since its birth?
Started with just six members/countries and now have 28 members/countries.
Top five aims of the EU?
To promote economic and social progress
Speak for the European Union on the international scene
Introduce European citizenship
Develop Europe as an area of freedom, justice and security
Maintain and build on EU laws

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