The "Sales Manager"-Role Play

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The Sales Manager- Role Play

Mohit is working as an Areas Sales Manager for the last 3 years. His team
consists of 1 sales officers re!orting to him. 3 of 1 sales officers shirk
work "#e to which the !erformance of the entire team is $eo!ar"i%e".
Howe&er' those 3 sales officers ha&e all the written recor"s #!-to-"ate.
After st#"ying the history of those 3 sales officers Mohit reali%e" all 3 sales
officers are talente" an" ha&e (een !erforming well in the yester years.
How will yo#' (eing Mohit' sol&e this !ro(lem inno&ati&ely) Present yo#r
sol#tion in the form of a role !lay.
*+!ecte" ,#tcome- .nno&ati&e an" *ffecti&e ways of Han"ling
Teams thro#gh role !lay.
/orms of Partici!ation-
Team of ma+im#m of 0 mem(ers.
St#"ents ha&e to (ring their own "ress material an" Pro!s.
,riginal 1 inno&ati&e i"eas highlighting the managerial effecti&eness will (e
."eas m#st (e !ractical.
2ang#age- *nglish3Hin"i
Entries (One page long script) must be submitted by 12
of February
Students can participate in multiple events.
Register yourself on !!!"companyday
Entries (Script) must be submitted through e mail latest by February 12#
2$1% on sobcompanyday&
Future Sales
Do you think you can
Handle Teams?
Dare to participate
Exciting Prizes to be
on !""
Hurry #p !""
*&al#ation !arameter-
4#ality of scri!t
5reati&ity in !ro(lem sol&ing
,n stage !resence
Presentation Time- Minim#m -6 Min#tes
*+citing Pri%es to (e won-
All !artici!ants making to the finals will (e awar"e" with 5ertificates of a!!reciation an" 7ift
8inners will (e awar"e" with Tro!hies' 5ertificates an" 7ift Ham!ers.
S!ecial 7oo"ies for the a#"ience.

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