(-) Subject + Didn T + Verb in Base Form + Complement

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1. Things to do on vacation

a) Go sightseeing: Ir a turistear
b) Buy souvenirs: Comprar recuerdos
c) Sunbathe: Tomar sol
d) Take a tour: Tomar un tour
e) Visit a museum
f) Hire a car/bike
g) Eat out
h) Take photos

2. Life events

a) Be born
b) Start school
c) Graduate from School/ University
d) Get a job
e) Get married
f) Have children
g) Retire
h) Die


1. Simple Present


(+) Subject + Verb in past + Complement

*Verb in past: Regular (ED)
Irregular (change)
*Ex: I went to the mall
She studied for the exam

(-) Subject + Didnt + verb in base form + Complement

Ex: She didnt dance for the show
I didnt study for the exam

(?) Did + Subject + Verb in base form + Complement

Ex: Did you study for the exam?
*Short answers: Yes, I did / No, I didnt

*WH Questions

Where/ What/ When/ How + Did + Verb in base form + Complement

Ex: Where did you go yesterday?
Answer: I went to the cinema (in past)

*Works to identify Simple Past: Last year, last night, last week, last month, yesterday, this morning.

2. Past Perfect

Subject + Had/ Hadnt + Verb in past participle + Complement

Ex: I had gone to the cinema
I had studied for the test
Simple Past vs Past Perfect

*WhenSimple Past
*Because..Past Perfect (y antes del conector viene un Simple Past)

3. Used to

*Sola hacer

(+) Subject + Used to + Verb in base form + Action

Ex: I used to watch cartoons.

(-) Subject + Didnt + use to + Complement

Ex: I didnt use to drink beer.

4. Permission: Can / Could

*Can/Cant : Cuando hablamos de una permisin en el presente. Por ej:
-I can stay up late on the weekend.
-I cant drink beer in school.

*Could/ Couldnt: Cuando hablamos de una permisin en el pasado. Por ejemplo:
-I could eat a lot of food when I was 15.
-I couldnt drink beer when I was 12.

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