Penjelasan Singkat Datasheet dht11

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Digital-output relative humidity & temperature

sensor/module DHT11
Resisitive-type humidity and temperature module/sensor
Feature & Application:
* Full range temperature compensated * Relative humidity and temperature measurement
* Calibrated digital signal *Outstanding long-term stability *Extra components not needed
* ong transmission distance * o! po!er consumption *" pins pac#aged and $ully
2 Description:
%&'11 output calibrated digital signal. (t utili)es exclusive digital-signal-collecting-techni*ue
and humidity sensing technology+ assuring its reliability and stability. (ts sensing elements is
connected !ith ,-bit single-chip computer.
Every sensor o$ this model is temperature compensated and calibrated in accurate calibration
chamber and the calibration-coe$$icient is saved in O'- memory.
.mall si)e / lo! consumption / long transmission distance012m3 enable %&'11 to be suited
in all #inds o$ harsh application occasions. .ingle-ro! pac#aged !ith $our pins+ ma#ing the
connection very convenient.
Technical !peci"ication:
5odel %&'11
-o!er supply 4-6.67 %C
Output signal digital signal via single-bus
.ensing element -olymer resistor
5easuring range humidity 12-829R&:
temperature 2-62 Celsius
;ccuracy humidity <-"9R& 05ax <-69R&3:
temperature <-1.2Celsius
Resolution or
humidity 19R&: temperature 2.1Celsius
Repeatability humidity <-19R&: temperature <-1Celsius
&umidity hysteresis <-19R&
ong-term .tability <-2.69R&/year
.ensing period ;verage= 1s
(nterchangeability $ully interchangeable
%imensions si)e 11*16.6*6.6mm
# Dimensions: $unit----mm%

Front vie& 'ac( vie& !ide vie&
) Typical application

*+in-,-../ 01-20icrocomputer or single-chip computer
3 4perating speci"ications:
$1% +o&er and +ins
-o!er>s voltage should be 4-6.67 %C. ?hen po!er is supplied to sensor+ don>t send any
instruction to the sensor !ithin one second to pass unstable status. One capacitor valued 122nF
can be added bet!een 7%% and @A% $or po!er $iltering.

$2% 1ommunication and signal
.ingle-bus data is used $or communication bet!een 5CB and %&'11.
5 6lectrical 1haracteristics:
(tem Condition 5in 'ypical 5ax Bnit
-o!er supply %C 4 6 6.6 7
Current supply 5easuring 2.6 1.6 m;
.tand-by 122 Aull 162 u;
;verage 2.1 Aull 1 m;


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