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HZT 4UI Major Philosopher Presentation

For part of your Independent study unit you will be required to research
a philosopher and explain several of his/her key ideas to the class !our
presentation needs to be minimum 15 minutes to 20 minutes. I expect
polish" Please see me if you need help narrowin# down which theories to
choose or if you need to con$r% your understandin#
Information you need to cover
&asic backround and inspiration in the philosophers life
2 major ideas explained in detail. These need to be explained
clearly and in depth This is where %a'ority of your %ark will co%e
fro% !ou need to teach the class the concepts (ake sure you
understand the% yourself of no one will understand you )i%plify and
use basic lan#ua#e )hould be * %inutes on each theory
!ini"cance and Impact of the philosopher and ideas and how does
this philosopher connect to today+
# famous $uotes on an overhead , explain and discuss (ake sure
they are philosophical quotes and you understand context
%hat else &ill you be marked on'
(reativity and use of media , don-t read o. a printout fro%
/ikipedia" Use at least # teachin tools and use the% e.ectively ie0
aided in understandin# !ou will only #et full %arks if you they are
stron# teachin# aids/ actually helped clarify or reinforce a key
)*ort and Preparation , it should be very clear that considerable
ti%e and e.ort was put into your research and presentation 1days not
hours0 2eady to present on ti%e
(ue (ards , all of your key talkin# points %ust be written on cue
cards in very point for% This is all you can have to read fro% for your
presentation These must be submitted to %e at the end of your
+andout , one pa#e3 one side3 point for% &asics about life3 brief
explanation of theories 1focus03 si#ni$cance This must be submitted
the day before your presentation.
%orks (ited , !ou are required to sub%it a printed list of sources used
to #ather your research to %e on the day of presentation !ou %ust use
at least 4 sources and they %ust all be of considerable depth
/ikipedia only counts as one
4 If you have a valid absence you %ust contact %e in the %ornin# to notify
%e and be ready to present the day you return 1considered your rene#otiated
date0 carissa5kraft6wrdsbonca I will need to plan for your absence
7hilosopher 5555555555555555555555555555 8ate5555555555555555555

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