Ayers2014lang0922 0926

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Lesson Plan~The Academy for Technology & the Classics~Cultivating Fearless Learners

Instructors name:
Mr Ayers
"rade ## AP Language and Com$osition
%ee& of:
,nit -ame:
AP Multi$le Choice Pre$aration
(1A)*.ssential /uestion0s1:
%hat sort of tric&s are used 2y test 3riters to tri$ us
u$ on multi$le choice tests4 %hat strategies can 3e
develo$ to com2at and defeat these tric&s4
(1A/1B) Connections 0$rior!future learning1:
5tudents 3ill ma&e use of their $rior e6$erience in multi$le
choice test ta&ing
(1A) Common Core!5tate 5tandards:
7I##*#)# 8 7I##*#)(9 %##*#))9 5L##*#)# 8 5L##*
(1E) :ther considerations 0modifications;
accommodations; acceleration; .LL; etc
All accommodations and modifications indicated in
student I.Ps 3ill 2e follo3ed Any needs of .LL
students 0modification of assignment length;
modification of assignment com$le6ity; modification of
source reading; etc1 3ill 2e im$lemented
(1D) 7esources!Materials:
AP multi$le choice handout
Norton Reader
(1F) Assessment 0<o3 3ill you monitor $rogress and &no3 students have successfully met outcomes4 %hat ha$$ens
3hen students understand and 3hen they dont understand4
=aily: direct o2servation
This %ee&: direct o2servation!multi$le choice item 3ith 3ritten e6$lanation!5ocratic dialogue
(1B) Lesson activities for instructor and students; (1F)
.m2edded Formative Assessment;
(1C) Learning Target:
(1C) =o -o3:
Student Generated Lesson Plans
Concluding a unit that began last week,
student groups will be in charge of all
aspects of the days lesson, including the
learning target, do now, assignments and
due dates. ll this information will be
made a!ailable in class, and the student
groups will pro!ide direct instruction,
e"planation and follow#up. $he paid
instructor will, of course, be present to
o%er any needed aid, but so far he has
pro!en fairly useless in this process. $he

(1F).m2edded Formative Assessment:
(1B)Closing Activity:
students, on the other hand, are
absolutely essential.
(1C) Learning Target:
(1C) =o -o3:
Student Generated Lesson Plans
Concluding a unit that began last week,
student groups will be in charge of all
aspects of the days lesson, including the
learning target, do now, assignments and
due dates. ll this information will be
made a!ailable in class, and the student
groups will pro!ide direct instruction,
e"planation and follow#up. $he paid
instructor will, of course, be present to
o%er any needed aid, but so far he has
pro!en fairly useless in this process. $he
students, on the other hand, are
absolutely essential.
(1F).m2edded Formative Assessment:
(1B)Closing Activity:
(1C) Learning Target:
5tudents 3ill im$rove their &no3ledge and
understanding of the multi$le choice section of the AP
e6amination They 3ill sho3 their learning through
small grou$ discussion and 2y ta&ing 3ritten notes as an
e6it tic&et
(1C) =o -o3:
<o3 do test 3riters try to fool us; the hum2le test
ta&ers4 <o3 do 3e outsmart these unscru$ulous 3orms;
send them cra3ling in defeat; and 3in large scholarshi$s
to Ivy League colleges and universities in the $rocess4
In Class:
In small grou$s 0at ta2les1 3e 3ill read and discuss the
handout analy>ing the $rocess of successful multi$le
choice com$letion on the AP e6amination This is a fairly
involved $iece; including a $ractice selection 2y
Thoreau; $ractice multi$le choice items; ans3ers; and
detailed e6$lanations of %<? those $articular ans3ers
are correct In your grou$s; you should read the $iece
together and ma&e sure everyone understands the advice
given on MC success
%ith regard to the $ractice e6cer$t 3ith @uestions; you
should discuss the logic of the correct; and more
im$ortantly; incorrect ans3ers Together; address the
follo3ing @uestions:
=o you agree 3ith the author4 %hy or 3hy not4 %hy
did the creator of the test choose the $articular incorrect
ans3ers that they chose4 <o3 did they try to fool the
(1F).m2edded Formative Assessment:
5tudents 3ill $roduce notes as an e6it tic&et; 2ased on
their small grou$ discussions
(1B)Closing Activity:
%hole*class discussion 8 %e 3ill share out the insights
and e6citations gained during our small grou$ analysis
of the multi$le choice $rocess
test ta&er4 <o3 3ould you; the test ta&er; have
outsmarted them if this 3ere a real test4 %hat are some
of the archety$al @uestion ty$es identified here4
Ta&e notes during your ta2le discussion 8 these 3ill
serve as an e6it tic&et today; and 3ill serve you 3ell as
vital information 3hen $re$aring for that 3ooly; 3ild
2ear; the AP e6am
(1C) Learning Target:
5tudents 3ill im$rove their understanding of and a2ility
in the multi$le choice testing $rocess They 3ill sho3
their learning 2y $roducing a @uality multi$le choice
item 2ased on a Thoreau e6cer$t from A%alden;B along
3ith detailed 3ritten descri$tion of the logic and
reasoning of the correct ans3er and each incorrect
ans3er 0in emulation of the handout used in class1 This
3or& 3ill 2e due ne6t %ednesday
(1C) =o -o3:
%rite a 2rief; imaginary dialogue 2et3een t3o AP test
3riters as they start their day; $lotting the 3ays in 3hich
they 3ill confuse; confound and generally 3rea& havoc
on the $syches of test ta&ers nation 3ide
(1F).m2edded Formative Assessment:
5tudents 3ill $roduce a multi$le choice item; com$lete
3ith 3ritten e6$lanations for the correct ans3er; along
3ith each incorrect ans3er
(1B)Closing Activity:
%hole class discussion 8 %e 3ill discuss 3hat 3e have
learned a2out multi$le choice success in the last t3o
=,.: 5tudents should read AThin&ing as a
<o22yB in the -orton 7eader and $re$are
for a 5ocratic dialogue; including the
$roduction of a high @uality o$ening
For -e6t %ee&: :ne multi$le choice item;
2ased on the Thoreau e6cer$t in the
handout; along 3ith =.TAIL.= 3ritten
analysis of the correct and incorrect
ans3ers; 3ill 2e due ne6t %ednesday;
:cto2er #

(1C) Learning Target:
5tudents 3ill im$rove their s&ills in s$ea&ing and
listening; as 3ell as analysis of non*fiction te6ts They
3ill sho3 their learning through $artici$ation in
5ocratic dialogue
(1C) =o -o3:
%hat do you thin& of the three AgradesB of thin&ing
descri2ed 2y the author4 =o you thin& this is an
accurate $ortrayal of the thought $rocess4 %hich
AgradeB do you feel you use most often4 %hy4
(1F).m2edded Formative Assessment:
5tudents 3ill $artici$ate in a 5ocratic dialogue and 2e
assessed 2ased on that $artici$ation
(1B)Closing Activity:
%hole*class discussion 8 %e 3ill identify the successful
elements of our 5ocratic dialogue; and also identify areas
of gro3th and methods for im$roving our discussions in
the future
*Refers to NMTEACH Rubric:
1ADe!o"str#ti"$ %"o&'e($e of co"te"t
1)Desi$"i"$ co*ere"t i"structio"
1CSetti"$ I"structio"#' outco!es
1DDe!o"str#ti"$ %"o&'e($e of resources
1EDe!o"str#ti"$ %"o&'e($e of stu(e"ts
1FDesi$"i"$ stu(e"t #ssess!e"t
For!#ti+e Assess!e"t i"c'u(es, but is "ot 'i!ite( to:
E-it tic%ets, &*ite bo#r( res.o"se, co"se"s#$r#!s, re(/$ree" c#r(s, for!#' or
i"for!#' stu(e"t co"fere"ces, stic%0 "ote #ssess!e"t1

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