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Pedagogical Artifacts

Observation Period:

As I made my practicum in an Adult School, one of the events that

impressed me was to see almost a whole family in the class. I
mean, there was a teenager, her mother and her grandmother, all of
them as students. The three of them made a great effort to finish
highschool, helping each other to accomplish their tasks.

Team Teaching Stage:

This extract was taken from the Book

“Teaching English as a Second or Foriegn Language” Third Edition
Marianne Celce – Murcia, Editor
Unit IV: Focus on the Learner, Chapter : “Teaching Adults” by Sharon Hilles and
André Sutton.
Adult Learners, Page387.

I red this chapter before my praacticum and I could confirm that the study of
Trosset is an actual fact, because it is usual to note that in adult classes there is
a very low participation. Maybe, because of the shame... maybe, because of the
the fear of failure.
Teaching Stage:

I was beginning my third class and two students came in and took place in front
of the computers. Suddenly, my guide teacher appeared and asked those
students to leave the classroom. I didn´t realize why they had to leave. I just
looked at them and said good by. After the class, the teacher told me those
students had been smoking weed and she noticed that because of their smell
and their attitude, they were stoned, but I was so focused in the class that I did
not take into account about that situation.

Reflective Writing

When I started my practicum at the adult school, I thought there will be no big
difference between that kind of school and a normal one, such as a primary or
secondary school. Now, I can tell that the reality is another, because adult
learners are most often voluntary learners. Unlike their younger counterparts,
who are required by law or by their parents to be in school until a particular age,
adult learners are in school because they want to be, a desire, which is almost
always inconvenient and often interrupted by family and job responsabilities and
commitments. As a result, adult learners tend to have little patience with classes
which they perceive are not furthering their own educational agendas.

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