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Learning At Home

The very first skill you can help your

child learn at home is how to put their
jacket on. With the cooler temperatures
approaching, the children are leaning to
put on and zip up their coats. At home,
allow for extra time to encourage your
child to do this on their own.
-rs. c!aughlin " rs. #oell
Upcoming Dates:
September 25
: Book Orders Due
September 25
: Ages & Stages Due
September 29
: A About me poster
Please remember to call your
child in if they will be sick or
absent. You can call our
classroom voice mail number at
!ocus "or the month#
Schoo Da$s
A About %e
Also$.!earning school rules,
routines and procedures
%rs& %cLaughin's (ass )e*s
%eptem&er '()*
-mportant #eminders.
+lease have your child here
at /.0(am1)'.)2pm. -t is
important that they are
here on time so they do not
miss &reakfast1lunch.
ake sure your child goes to
the &athroom &efore
entering the classroom.
3elp your child learn where
their locker is.
4ncourage your child to open
up their locker on their own.
%how them how and
encourage them to try on
their own5
#emem&er to sign your child
in and out each day.

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