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1o Contribute and RSVP Online: CLICK HERE
RSVP deadline is September 10

Please Make Checks Payable to:
:4,, L207+%) M4,-
P.O. Box 9
Atlanta, GA 3035

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Contributions to Nunn Victory lund are not deductible or ederal income tax purposes.

Paid or by Nunn Victory lund, a joint undraising committee authorized by Nunn or Senate, Inc and the Georgia lederal Llections Committee.
Contributions to Nunn Victory lund are not deductible or lederal income tax purposes.
Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.

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1his is a winnable race: Georgia is in the process o a massie reerse migration. Almost a million new oters hae been registered since
2010. Georgias newest voters are significantly more Democratic than the current universe. In addition, Michelle is attracting the support
o prominent business leaders and notable Republicans. Michelle Nunn can win this race. In a recent poll done by independent Landmark
Communications, Michelle led Republican opponent Daid Perdue by points4 to 40.

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Michelle Nunn is a ninth-generation Georgian who has spent her lie working to bring people together to tackle our countrys most
challenging problems, and creating practical solutions to sole them. Daughter o Sam and Colleen Nunn, Michelle was born in 1966 in
Macon, near her grandparents farm in Perry, Georgia where she spent most of her childhood. Lngagement in public serice has been a
hallmark of Michelles family, from her grandfather serving as Perrys mayor to her fathers distinguished tenure in the United States Senate.

Through every milestone on her own lifes journey, Michelle has applied the same basic principles and ideals to soling problems. She beliees
that coming together makes us stronger and that goals can be achieed by thoughtully and respectully ocusing on what connects indiiduals
rather than on what diides them.

Ater graduating Phi Beta Kappa rom the Uniersity o Virginia, she returned home to Georgia. Seeing a need in Atlanta or a ehicle by
which young people could engage in serice to sole problems in their own communities, Michelle and a group o riends got together to
create lands On Atlanta, with Michelle as its irst Lxecutie Director. Oer the next decade, Michelle grew olunteerism across Georgia,
and eentually throughout the country, through lands On Network, a national outreach o olunteer-serice organizations. Michelle was
selected or a three year Kellogg loundation lellowship that gae her an opportunity to trael the globe and work with ciic and religious
leaders to help them translate the common ground o their aith and ideals into building better, more productie communities and serices.

In 2007, Hands On Network merged with the Points of Light Foundation, President George H.W. Bushs organization and legacy. Ater
leading a successul merger, Michelle became the CLO and President o 2#&*,3 #4 5&10,, now the largest organization in the country deoted
to olunteer serice, with 250 ailiates and partnerships with thousands o nonproits and corporations. Last year alone, they were responsible
or 260,000 projects that inspired more than our million people to olunteer. 1hat serice was responsible or deliering 30 million hours
o labor, alued at >635 million.

A milestone o bipartisan legislatie achieement came in 2009 with the Sere America Act. Michelle worked closely with Senators Orrin
latch ,R-U1, and Ldward Kennedy ,D-MA, on legislation that proides small competitie grants to leerage and mobilize olunteers. ler
uncommon leadership has been recognized and lauded nationally. 1he 6#*2$#4&, 7&8-3 has or six consecutie years named Michelle to its
annual Power and Influence Top 50 list of change agents, 9'3, "#8:'*) magazine has highlighted her among Social Entrepreneurs Who
Are Changing the World, and shes been named among ;-#$1&' 7$-*%s 100 Most Influential Georgians. Michelle holds honorary degrees
rom Oglethorpe Uniersity and \esleyan College. President George \. Bush appointed Michelle to sere on the National Council on
Serice and Ciic Lngagement.

Michelle holds a Masters Degree in Public Administration from Harvards Kennedy School of Government and lives in Georgia with her
husband, Ron, and two children, Vinson and Llizabeth.

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Michelle learned the alues sel-empowerment, entrepreneurship, and collaboration rom her amily ormer Senator Sam Nunn and her
mother Colleen. Politicians today arent applying those values. Instead of working together to get things done, our political leaders are more
interested in ighting each other and scoring political points. And their ailure has hurt Georgia amilies, slowed economic growth and orced
the country urther into debt. Michelle knows that we need to honestly ace the reality o what goernment can do while helping cultiate
sel-suicient amilies and strong communities. \hile goernment spending and debt are slowing economic growth and job creation, its
innoatie entrepreneurs, hard-working small business owners, business executies and managers who create jobs in Georgia. Michelle
believes our country cant continue to spend on the next generations dime and will work with anyone to reduce goernment spending and
cut the long-term debt.

Contributions to Nunn Victory lund are not deductible or ederal income tax purposes.

Paid or by Nunn Victory lund, a joint undraising committee authorized by Nunn or Senate, Inc and the Georgia lederal Llections Committee.
Contributions to Nunn Victory lund are not deductible or lederal income tax purposes.
Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.

T4,0#$+, <+% 120#$55$ :4,,
>(74%-()? >$@7$*A$% BC? DEBF
\es, I would like to support Michelle in her run or Senate!

___ Patron - >10,000

____Unortunately, I am unable to attend, but would like to contribute >__________

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Contributions or gits to Nunn Victory lund are not tax deductible. lederal law requires us to use our best eorts to collect and
report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer o indiiduals whose contributions exceed >200 in an election cycle.

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J55+0(72+, M+%*45(G 1he irst >2,600 o each contribution rom a person and the irst >5,000 rom a multicandidate
committee will be allocated to Nunn or Senate, Inc and will be considered designated or the general election. 1he
next >10,000 o each contribution rom a person and the next >5,000 o each contribution rom a multicandidate
committee will be allocated to the Georgia lederal Llections Committee.
Any contributor may designate his or her contribution or a particular participant. 1he allocation ormula aboe may
change i any contributor makes a contribution that, when allocated, would exceed the amount that the contributor may
lawully gie to any participant.

Paid or by Nunn Victory lund, a joint undraising committee authorized by Nunn or Senate, Inc and the Georgia lederal Llections Committee
Contributions to Nunn Victory lund are not deductible or lederal income tax purposes.
Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.

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