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CHAPTER 1 Colbert (Col) Porpentine woken up by officers looking for an escaped female Filthy on the
Upper Decks
Col is the 16 year old grandson of Sir Mormus Porpentine, the Supreme Commander of the
British juggernaut, Worldshaker
Officers leave Col discovers the female Filthy in his room she is 14 years old
she had been fished up from Below to make her into a Menial was on her way to the
Changing Room
Col has the chance to hand her over to the officers but he doesnt
He locks her in his cupboard for the night
CHAPTER 2 Col didnt have a good nights sleep kept thinking about the female Filthy
CHAPTER 3 Cols 18 year old sister, Gillabeth, woke him up told him to get dressed for a special
announcement by their grandfather at breakfast
The announcement is about Col
Gillabeth opens Cols cupboard the female Filthy isnt there, to Cols relief
The female Filthy picked the lock of the cupboard to escape
CHAPTER 4 Cols family: mother, Quinnea; father, Orris; sister, Gillabeth; baby brother, Antrobus;
grandparents, Sir Mormus (grandfather) and Lady Ebnolia (grandmother) Porpentine
The Porpentines served by Menials at breakfast
Queen Victoria III is monarch and she has a Consort (husband who is not King) then Sir
Mormus is the next most important person on Worldshaker
Sir Mormus announces that Col is his successor as Supreme Commander
Gillabeth doesnt seem genuinely happy
CHAPTER 5 Col taken to the Bridge by his father (Orris), who told Col about how he had failed the test
to become successor 26 years earlier he was weak and reacted to the suffering of the
Col vowed to never be like his failure of a father
CHAPTER 6 Sir Mormus shows Col the control units on the Bridge
They go up to the top onto a platform above the Bridge its the first time Col has seen the
sky and felt the wind he saw lands and seas is amazed
They are on the east coast of southern India

Coaling stations bases where Worldshaker take on coal and raw materials (outposts of
the Old Country) re-stock every 18 months
Worldshaker lives by trading, exchanging manufactured goods for raw materials
10,000 people + 2000 Filthies live on the juggernaut
Sir Mormus promises to take Col Below the next day
CHAPTER 7 Cols mother takes him to be measured for a school uniform accompanied by Quinneas
favourite Menial, Missy Jip
Tailor is Mr Prounce his workshop is on Thirty-Third Deck
Quinnea visits Cols room gets sentimental about Col growing up
Col bends down to retrieve his mothers hair comb and sees the female Filthy hiding under
his bed
After Quinnea leaves Col confronts the female Filthy she mocks him, is sarcastic
She is clean had used Cols washstand
Col tells her to go back where she came from but she cant as she was fished up on a hook
she is still looking for a way back
She is fast, speedy, wiry and smart blackmails Col so he wont betray her to the officers
As she leaves she still has Cols book in her hands he wrestles it out of her hands
She threatens to visit him again and reveals her name, Riff
CHAPTER 8 Col cleans himself after contact with Riff upset that she has invaded his life now that it is
going so well wants her to go back down Below
Col couldnt eat dinner that night too upset and worried
Col visits Professor Twillip, his former tutor, in the Norfolk Library, on Forty-Fourth Deck
asks him about Filthies and Menials, but he doesnt know much
Col respects Professor Twillip, who taught him that truth is the most important virtue
CHAPTER 9 The next day Col is escorted to First Deck to meet up with his grandfather on his way he
passes decks on which are located kitchens, laundries, a graveyard, animals, food storage
Meets up with Sir Mormus goes through DOOR 17 which leads to the Bottom Deck he
takes Col to VIEWING BAY17 (a kind of suspended cage made of wire mesh)
Sir Mormus orders the officer to give them some steam causes the Filthies to suffer even
more Col starts to question his grandfather about this but changes his mind as he doesnt
want to be seen as weak, like his father Sir Mormus happy with Cols unemotional
reaction Col had passed the test

On his way back Col noticed that there was a way back down for Riff, and that was the food
Col secretly watches his grandfather work the combination for the wheels in Door 17 cant
wait to get Riff out of his life
CHAPTER 10 His grandmother escorts Col to visit Dr Blessamys Academy where hell be attending school
He loves his grandmother she is kind and sweet
Col is to be in Mr Gibbers class, with the Sqellingham twins
Col meets Mr Gibber and finds out what school equipment he will need
CHAPTER 11 Riff visits Col in the middle of the night he tells her that he knows how she can go back:
through the food chute
She asks if she could borrow one of his books, even though she cant read he refuses
Col furtively leads Riff to the Lower Decks they pass the Graveyard Rooms, which give Riff
the creeps, and where they have to hide from an officer
They get back to the corridor so Col can find the route he knows will lead to the food chute
CHAPTER 12 They get to the Fifth Deck where there are shelves of plaster statuettes of the Imperial
They go through Door 17
Riff says shes a leader of the Filthies and is on the Revolutionary Council she admits
theyre making plans
Just before she goes down the chute she kisses Col, leaving him shocked
He makes his way back
CHAPTER 13 The weekend before Col starts school is filled with social activities he is the object of much
admiration everyone wants to meet Sir Mormus successor
Ebnolias new favourite Menial is Wicky Popo
Gillabeth escorts Col back to his room, which shes not too happy about she tells him that
all the mothers are fussing over him for marriage to their daughters
She tells him about tomorrow nights Imperial Gala Reception, where Col will be formally
presented to Queen Victoria Gillabeth has not been invited she seems resentful,
unfriendly and cold towards Col
CHAPTER 14 Sir Mormus comments to Col on the more important people at the Gala Reception the
Squellinghams are the Porpentines greatest rivals
Col is presented to the Queen and her Consort, who question him

The Queen seems to rely heavily on Sir Mormus for guidance on how to think about certain
matters she is a figurehead and according to Sir Mormus, decides what he decides he is
the one with the real power
Col likes his new-found power
CHAPTER 15 Col arrives at school, Dr Blessamys Academy meets Septimus Trant and his friends
Lumbridge takes Col away from Trant and his friends (the grindboys) to be with the best
families: Fefferley, Flarrow, Haugh and the Squellingham twins (Hythe and Pugh)
Col is told about the different social classes at school the grindboys, the blockies, the
climbers and the crawlers Col is now part of the elite Squellingham group
CHAPTER 16 Cols teacher, Mr Gibber, has a rack of canes he has a number for each of them
Mr Gibbers lesson is on geometry
CHAPTER 17 The rest of the day at school continued in the same way Mr Gibbers lessons were very
Mr Gibbers history lesson he describes the Filthies as disgusting, lewd and indecent
Murgatrude is Mr Gibbers pet that he keeps in his wastepaper basket
Col keeps thinking about Riff
CHAPTER 18 Col disappointed with his first day at school but he didnt let on to his family how he really
Ebnolia acknowledges that the females in the Porpentine family never bothered with
education Gillabeth says that females in other families do, but Ebnolia says thats
because theyre not Porpentines
Sir Mormus tells Col hes at school to learn about power + that the world is all about
obeying or being obeyed that power is earned by subduing other people, which starts in
Sir Mormus tells Col to start dominating the other students, beginning with the lower class
ones then working his way up to the elite he must learn supremacy Col feels
uncomfortable about this new role described by his grandfather
CHAPTER 19 Col start to receive little presents at school from girls
He is getting high marks on his tests and is surprised
The boys show him Mr Gibbers pet, Murgatrude very fast and vicious they dont know
what kind of animal it is
CHAPTER 20 Mr Gibbers lesson on geography very moral e.g. good and bad coastlines

violently whacks his cane on Septimus desk during the lesson
Col understands the hierarchy Mr Gibber puts on an exaggerated servility towards the
elite group, ignored the blockies and showed sarcasm to the crawlers and climbers + when
he really wanted to bluster and perform, it was always a grindboy he picked on
CHAPTER 21 Cols weekend was filled with social activities organised by his grandmother
Wicky Popo (Ebnolias Menial) not well Col remembers his grandmother is known for her
soft heart and compassion towards Menials
Ebnolia lies to Col about the escaped female Filthy says she was caught when Col knows
the truth Col wonders how many other times his grandmother has been making things
CHAPTER 22 Cols second week at school much like the first he doubts his teacher, Mr Gibber, and
thinks he makes things up, just like his grandmother
He keeps thinking about Riff
Col keeps getting good marks but he has doubts about Mr Gibbers marking the grindboys
always worked the hardest yet got the lowest marks he decides to question Septimus
after school
CHAPTER 23 Col talks to Septimus after school Septimus warns him he shouldnt be seen speaking to a
grindboy as Col is a Porpentine Col doesnt care
Col asks Septimus about why he gets low marks when he writes such long answers on tests
tells him that The Gibber never reads what he writes + that Gibber and the Squellingham
twins decide the marks after school Septimus warns that the Squellingham twins will drag
Col down if they get a chance
Septimus doesnt agree with Mr Gibbers lessons - thinks theyre rubbish Septimus is
well read and knowledgeable
Col take Septimus to the Norfolk Library to meet Professor Twillip and ask him about the
history of juggernauts and Filthies Col leaves Septimus and Professor Twillip to research
because he has to go back for a social engagement
CHAPTER 24 Dr Blessamy announces that there will be an excursion the following day to the tomb of the
schools founder in the Graveyard Rooms Col thinks of plan to give Riff a present Below:
will bring his book on mountains and volcanoes + find a spare moment to drop it down the
food chute during the excursion
CHAPTER 25 Col keeps the package (Riffs present) hidden under his jacket
Its hard to find a moment to himself other students always around he runs into the
Squellingham group but soon moves off

Makes his way to Door 17, unlocks it, finds the food chute and drops the package down
The Squellingham group discover Col at the food chute they had followed him they
question him and call him a Filthy-lover
A group of officers are on their way Col tries to escape but the Squellingham group wont
let him they fight Col falls into the manhole
CHAPTER 26 Col landed at the bottom of the chute he is caught in some kind of net and is surrounded
by dirty, sweaty Filthies (Scarface, Greasy, Toothless), one of whom was holding Cols book
Col bites Scarface and tries to escape the Filthies chase him
Col runs along floors sees how the Filthies live and is disgusted
The Filthies try to knock Col off the chain to make him fall to his death a voice calls out to
stop and to bring Col up
CHAPTER 27 Col is pulled up the female Filthy who ordered him up to the top is Riff, who had already
recognised him when he was on the chain
He notices that how young most of the Filthies are
He reminds Riff that she owes him a favour she admits to the other Filthies that Col is
the boy who hid her in his cupboard
Riff wants to hand Col over to the Revolutionary Council but Scarface (the one Col bit)
wants him to die Riff and Scarface fight it out Riff wins
Col gives her the book on mountains and volcanoes Riff is secretly delighted
Riff promises to argue Cols case with the Revolutionary Council
CHAPTER 28 Riff and Col have to carefully make their way through the dangerous machinery must
have fast reactions, warns Riff, or you die: reactions slow down after you turn twenty. Aint
no one here lives much past thirty
Col witnesses the daily danger the Filthies live with as well as their poor living conditions
the Filthies must cooperate and be organised if they are to survive
CHAPTER 29 They arrive at the meeting place of the Revolutionary Council which consists of 6 people
including Riff (Padder, Fossie (Red Headband), Zeb, Shiv, Dunga)
Col is questioned he tells them he wants to go back to the Upper Decks members of the
Council debate what to do with him
they finally decide to help Col get back to the Upper Decks on the condition that he helps
one of them get back up the top, too, through using a rope down the food chute they
say theyll want to explore the Upper Decks Riff is chosen Col agrees to the plan
CHAPTER 30 Col is positioned near the closest viewing bay the Filthies are screaming at him,

pretending to chase him, while he is suspended in the air on a beam the officers see Col
and pull him up via the hook
Instead of being met with an attitude of respect by the officers, Col sees revulsion
CHAPTER 31 The officers escort Col to see Sir Mormus, who questions him Col lies when he says that
he was following the Squellingham group who were going to the Bottom Deck because he
thought they were up to no good Sir Mormus refutes this lie
Sir Mormus tells Col that theyre going to the Executive Chamber where an Imperial inquiry
is already under way + that Sir Wisley (Squellingham) will turn it into a trial the whole
Porpentine family will be on trial Col is told to let his grandfather do all the explaining and
to just back up everything he says
They arrive at the Executive Chamber
CHAPTER 32 Queen Victoria questions Sir Mormus + Prince Albert summarises details of the incident
Sir Wisley Squellingham interrupts, clearly intending to discredit Col
The officers are questioned by Sir Wisley and Sir Mormus Sir Mormus implies that
Lumbridge and the Squellingham twins may have had an interest in getting rid of a future
Supreme Commander
Against his conscience (remembering what Professor Twillip taught him about the
importance of truth), Col says that Lumbridge pushed him down the chute the Queen
and Prince are shocked
Sir Wisley raises the question of the item Col threw down the chute Sir Mormus concocts
a story about a secret mission hed given to Col (the package was supposedly a sealed
container filled with a special drug that would, when vaporised and breathed in by the
Filthies, have made them work faster and longer) Col backs up this story
Sir Wisley challenges this story of Col and Sir Mormus Sir Mormus is outraged and the
Chamber is in an uproar
The Queen doesnt know who to believe Prince Albert declares the decision is nothing
and status quo in other words, Sir Mormus and Col are off the hook and there will be no
consequences everything is back to normal with the Porpentines still the preeminent
Sir Wisley threatens hes only just beginning
CHAPTER 33 At a gathering of the whole Porpentine family Sir Mormus recounts the incident with Col and
the outcome of the inquiry
Sir Mormus warns them that the survival of the Porpentine family is at stake thanks to the
fact that people will talk and that Sir Wisley will try to make the Executive doubt the
decisions of Sir Mormus in order to bring a no-confidence motion against him, and thus

remove him as Supreme Commander to be replaced by Sir Wisley
Col feels the disapproval and blame of his extended family some want to disown him, but
Sir Mormus refuses as that would be an admission of guilt
Sir Mormus strategy: ignore peoples comments or praise/defend Col and express complete
confidence in him, as if nothing has happened
Gillabeth volunteers to go to school and monitor Col and the situation, and to report on any
trouble that might be brewing for the sake of the family Sir Mormus agrees, and
Gillabeth is to be enrolled in Dr Blessamys Academy
CHAPTER 34 Cols weekend was a social agony Ebnolia made a fuss of him, praising him
everything was a polite faade
Other families had obviously heard about Cols incident and he could sense the change in
attitude towards him
He made a serious blunder by picking up a piece of cupcake that had fallen to the floor
instead of waiting for a Menial retrieve it Ebnolia and Col try to deflect attention
Col realised that his future would be one filled with hypocrisy where he would be always
acting a role, while everyone pretended to carry on as normal
He cant yet bring himself to fulfil the promise he made to Riff and the Revolutionary Council
about the rope down the food chute
CHAPTER 35 School on Monday Dr Blessamy speaks to the students about a dropping-down incident
and warns them to avoid those who should not have gone where they should not have
gone and seen what they should not have seen he is referring to Col but never directly
accuses him
Mr Gibber also reinforces the importance of thinking pure thoughts goes overboard and
hurts himself with his cane
Col keeps away from the Squellingham group suspects theyre plotting against him
CHAPTER 36 The next day at school Col sees Gillabeth
A group of girls, including Sephaltina Turbot, try to talk to Col but Lumbridge barges the
girls aside Col tells him to pick on someone his own size the Squellingham twins tell
Lumbridge to wait for a better time to get even with Col, who knows whats coming to him
Col realises he cant fight the whole Squellingham group he thinks of Riffs fighting skills
and how she could easily beat them all he decides to ask her how to teach him how to
Col plans to get a rope down the food chute the sooner he does it the sooner he can ask
Riff to teach him fighting skills

CHAPTER 37 After midnight Col makes his way down to Door 17
He hears some officers mock the Filthies as they drop food down the chute it made Cols
blood boil because they made the Filthies live like animals and then blame them for it
Col drops the rope down the chute Riff climbs up - she is cold and unfriendly towards Col
who she says took his time
Col asks Riff to teach him how to fight she says she doesnt have time
CHAPTER 38 Col feels used and betrayed by Riff she wasnt interested in him, she only considered her
fellow Filthies and was on her own spying mission and he had no part in it
Col is perhaps jealous of the Filthy, Padder suspects a close connection between him and
Col wanted to kiss Riff again he felt ashamed of his feelings
While walking through the Gallery, Col comes across a female Menial turns out to be Riff
in disguise
Riff will teach Col how to fight if he teaches her how to read he agrees their first lesson
is to be that night in Cols room
CHAPTER 39 Col is first to do training Riff tells him not to be so controlled about everything and to
loosen up - she starts with defence training
Col starts to teach Riff how to read its not as easy as she thought
Riff resumes training Col tells him to always watch his enemys eyes tells him to look
into her eyes he finds it hard to concentrate: it wasnt only the effect of her eyes, it was
her physical closeness
Col continues teaching Riff she has to learn to say words with his accent frustrating for
both of them
They agree same time the next night
CHAPTER 40 During the week Col and Riff kept up their midnight training sessions Col slowly improved
his fighting skills + Riff also made progress with reading
Riff never revealed anything about her spying activities
Riff still hadnt found where the Changing Room was
Cols time at school was getting more uncomfortable the hostility towards him was
building up the Squellingham group was talking to boys they wouldnt normally associate
with Col couldnt be bothered trying to counteract the rumours he was sick of school
His test marks went down he was below the elite group but above the rest of the class
Mr Gibbers campaign against impure thoughts continued he nearly threw chalk at Col,

who told him not to
CHAPTER 41 The social engagements of all branches of the Porpentine family had decreased Sir
Mormus blames Sir Wisley, who is also undermining Sir Mormus position on the Executive
Ebnolia realises that (Chief Helmsman) Turbot is the key to the Porpentines problem
make Turbot an offer that the Squellinghams cant match
Col continues practising his fighting skills hes getting much better, as is Riff with her
CHAPTER 42 Monday at school Cols place in the classroom has been changed hes now sitting with
the grindboys, which he doesnt mind
The grindboys shifted as far away from Col as possible even Septimus ignored him Col
is hurt and angry by this considering that he and Septimus had shared secrets
School was to break up on Friday Col had to survive another 4 days
Septimus is sorry for ignoring Col and wants Col to continue talking to him Col tells
Septimus: You have to stand up for what you believe
Septimus tells Col that he and Professor Twillip have found out the truth about the Filthies
they go to the Norfolk Library to meet up with Professor Twillip
CHAPTER 43 Professor Twillip and Septimus tell Col about the significance of certain historical events and
the 1789 French Revolution, the French general Napoleon Bonaparte and the French
invasion of England (the Old Country) via a tunnel under the English Channel led to the
lower classes in London siding with Napoleon (who promised liberty and equality) and rising
up against their own English King the British army were defeated
eventually a British general, the Duke of Wellington, beat the French and dealt with the
lower classes by 1805
Britain had to help her allies in Europe + the best way to do this was through
industrialisation factories making more guns, ammunition, machines and new inventions
Napoleon couldnt defeat the allies + the allies couldnt defeat France stalemate
The labour force that made mass industrialisation possible, the factory slaves, were given
the name of Filthies much later these workers, the lower classes/urban poor, had always
been in the Old Country this is a shock to Col knowing that the Filthies were born and
bred in Britain and werent some kind of disgusting subhuman as hed been taught they
were the same as everyone else, except they didnt have money
The Fifty Years War had changed everything the endless battles had made Europe into a
wasteland. Along with the smoke and pollution from the factories . . . agricultural

production was decimated and vast areas were uninhabitable
The Age of Imperialism then started and nations started building juggernauts
Col realises that Filthies were just as human as anyone else and that Upper Decks people
were living a lie. They were wrong, wrong, wrong!
The population of Europe had escaped from their ruined continent in vast juggernauts,
travelling and trading over the rest of the world . . . the British had built Worldshaker, the
French the Marseillaise, the Prussians the Lebensraum . . . (etc)
CHAPTER 44 Riff isnt surprised when Col tells her about how the Filthies and Upper Decks people are all
the same
Riff leads Col to the side of Worldshaker where there is a crane scooping up land, which is
deposited on the juggernaut the Menials will then come to sort through it
She tells him that this process started when the juggernaut began travelling over land
Col tells Riff what his grandfather told him, that Worldshaker trades manufactured goods for
raw materials
She shows him the impact of Worldshaker on the land a great ugly gash across the
landscape. A gash of flattened earth, a churned-up strip of ruin. It cut through hills and
dammed rivers . . It was exactly the same width as the stern of the juggernaut its now
clear to Col that Worldshakers 340 rollers (each weighing 800 tons) destroys everything
and everyone it rolls over, including villages, settlements, animals, forests Col realises
the people in the path of the juggernaut never had a chance
Riff shows Col what the juggernaut trades with: the plaster statuettes of the Imperial
family trade means cruelty and bullyin and tramplin on anyone weaker. Some get
crushed underneath and some get crushed inside. While your lot stays on top and rides
over everyone this is why there must be a Filthies revolution to take away the power of
the Upper Decks people
CHAPTER 45 Col only has 4 more days to survive school before the holidays
Mr Gibber play-acting as if Col was a source of infection
On Wednesday Col finds an anonymous threatening note inside his desk
On Thursday theres another threatening note, in his satchel this time says well fix you
tomorrow Col knows hes going to have to fight the Squellingham group
CHAPTER 46 Ebnolias Menial, Wicky Popo, is more sick than usual Ebnolia is extraordinarily kind
towards him: Look at your poor thin arms! Look at your chest! Not eating properly at all
Sir Mormus announces that there will be a no-confidence motion the next day, thanks to Sir
Wisley, when there will a special session of the Executive says its up to Ebnolia now,
who is confident that her plan will work

Sir Mormus says that the Queen hasnt let him speak to her since the incident says the
Queen cant make decisions by herself as she doesnt have the brains
Sir Mormus doesnt want to hear Gillabeths report on Col at school
Gillabeth knows grandmother Ebnolias plan but wont tell Col Gillabeth blames Col for
the familys predicament: Do you have any idea what youve done to this family? Do you
even realise how youve dragged our name down?
CHAPTER 47 Col admits to Riff he needs to learn more attacking moves because hes going to be beaten
up the next day at school
She goes through attacking moves with him
While training Col kisses Riff, who rebuffs him he is ashamed of himself he cant trust
his feelings
Col isnt confident hes ready to fight tomorrow but Riff tells him he can win if he thinks like
a winner
CHAPTER 48 Friday at school (last day of the term) Col manages to avoid trouble with the
Squellingham group until lunch time he squashes a sausage roll into Fefferleys face, then
escapes to the toilets, locking himself in a dark, smelly cubicle the Squellingham group
try to get in the bell goes for class they threaten to get Col after school and get him
ten times worse
Col finds another note in his desk saying that this is the end for him and that hes dead
Dr Blessamy comes to the door to tell him that his father has arrived and to leave his
satchel and come and see him
CHAPTER 49 Orris escorts Col to the Executive Chamber, where Sir Wisley is making a speech to the
Queen and the Executive about how Sir Mormus is no longer fit to be Supreme Commander,
and declares a motion of no-confidence
Sir Mormus makes a request: that Col and Sephaltina Turbot receive the Queens
permission to marry Sir Wisley objects, but Ebnolia declares that Col and Sephaltina are
in love Col (under subtle pressure) admits that he loves Sephaltina, and she says she
loves Col
Ebnolia says that the young couple want to get married as soon as possible, that is, in one
weeks time Queen Victoria allows it
The mood in the room had changed in favour of the Porpentines Sir Wisley withdraws his
no-confidence motion
Col asks his grandmother if he can skip the rest of the school day to start packing for the
holiday theyre all going on (he wants to avoid the Squellingham group) she says no, and
that his father will escort him back to school

CHAPTER 50 Orris escorts Col back to school
After the last bell of the day Col waits for the other students to leave the room, then hides
under a desk to avoid the Squellingham group
While in the classroom Col looks in students desks as well as Mr Gibbers for a bottle of red
ink, as the threatening notes hed received were written in red couldnt find one
Suddenly the Squellingham gang (10 of them extras included) burst into the room Col
primes himself for the oncoming fight: ten against one
Col uses the techniques that Riff showed him
He pushed Lumbridges head into Mr Gibbers basket, where Murgatrude is Lumbridge is
attacked by it
The Squellingham twins are giving the orders for the others to attack, but never join in the
fighting themselves the gang start throwing things at Col
The gang arm themselves with Mr Gibbers canes Col didnt hold out any hope that he had
a chance, but then he remembered that Riff taught him to think like a winner one by
one he outmanoeuvres his attackers
After Col downs Lumbridge, the others start retreating out the room Col doesnt let
Hythe or Pugh leave he threatens to push Hythes face into Murgatrudes basket if he
didnt tell him whod been writing the notes tells Col that Gillabeth has been writing them
and organising everything all along
CHAPETR 51 The twins fill in the details of Gillabeths plot, but they didnt know why she was doing it
Col is in shock cant believe that his own sister is his secret enemy
Col and his family go on holiday to Garden Deck, where only the elite families spend their
Wicky Popo, Ebnolias favourite Menial, collapses Ebnolia is distressed cant understand
why he is so sickly: if only he had the power of speech! If only he could tell us why he fell
down! . . . I cant stand to see him fading away like this. Ill be heartbroken if he dies
Col regrets that he didnt leave Riff a note telling her that he was on holidays he would
have liked to share his experience with the Squellingham gang with her
He decides to confront Gillabeth the next day
CHAPTER 52 Col asks Gillabeth why she plotted with the Squellingham twins and wrote those notes
she denies everything at first, then admits it shes angry with him, wanted him to have
been disowned for falling down among the Filthies instead of being supported by the family
Gillabeth hates Col for the fact that he gets everything handed to him on a plate because
hes the son, the male because shes a girl, she doesnt matter she has to do female
jobs like minding Antrobus and organising her mother only boys can be Supreme

Commanders no matter how stupid they are
She says that one day Antrobus can be Supreme Commander Col realises that Gillabeth
intends to manipulate Antrobus once he becomes Supreme Commander that one day she
will give orders through him
CHAPETR 53 The weeks holiday passes fairly quickly
Sephaltina and her mother, Hommelia, socialise with Col and his family Sephaltina makes
conversation with Col, who tries to reciprocate awkward and artificial Sephaltina is
somewhat self-preoccupied, vain and immature
Ebnolia presents a gift to Sephaltina from Col (who knew nothing about it)
CHAPTER 54 Col finds an opportunity to speak to Gillabeth and tell her that he doesnt want to be her
enemy and that he didnt tell on her betraying him
He tells her that she questions things that no one else does, like why Supreme Commanders
have to be male he says if this could be changed, then everything else could also be
different he questions the beliefs they were brought up with and admits that Gillabeth
would be a better Supreme Commander than him
Wicky Popo faints again Col feels sorry for him being so sick, but Gillabeth states that
Wicky Popo isnt sick hes starving to death because their grandmother doesnt feed him:
the more he wastes away, the more she can grieve over him . . . shell have a lovely flood
of tears over him when he dies grandmother Ebnolias previous two Menials also died
from starvation being Grandmothers favourite is a death sentence
Col cant believe that his sweet, kind grandmother is so horrible hes almost physically
Sir Mormus knows about how Ebnolia treats her favourite Menials, but does nothing about it
Gillabeth: Welcome to the real world. Now you see what its like, knowing what goes on
CHAPTER 55 The next day the family returned from their holiday + Cols wedding was to be in two days
Col is trying to think of a way to save Wicky Popo
Riff visits Col he tells her he beat the Squellingham gang and she hugs him she kisses
him on the cheek
Col discovers that Padder is Riffs big brother, which makes him very happy
Col tells Riff about the fight, Gillabeths betrayal and Wicky Popo being starved to death
Riff isnt surprised at the cruelty of the Upper Decks people Col suspects shes right
Riff tells him that shes been making plans for the revolution wants Col to help hes
conflicted: he doesnt want to betray his own people and family

Riff says shell find a way to feed Wicky Popo
CHAPTER 56 Preparations are underway for Cols wedding
Col sees Wicky Popo, who though still weak looking, had definitely improved Riff must
have managed to feed him, he thinks Ebnolia is puzzled and a little vexed at this
improvement and says hell probably go downhill again shortly
Hommelia tells Col about the ceremony
Col bumps into Riff, whos acting as a Menial shes angry and tells him to go outside to
CHAPTER 57 Riff tells Col shes been feeding Wicky Popo + she is clearly angry that he didnt tell her that
he is getting married he tells her he didnt have a choice and that its an arranged
marriage, for political reasons
He says that he doesnt love his fianc Riff says he ought to care for her if hes going to
marry her she says a Filthy would never have arranged partners she is furious
Col wants to continue seeing Riff but she wont have it instead she threatens to surprise
him with a future visit hell regret
CHAPTER 58 The wedding preparations continue the next day Quinnea becomes emotional at the
prospect of Col leaving her
Col realises with regret that his new married life with Sephaltina will mean no more visits
from Riff hell feel quite alone without her
CHAPTER 59 As Col is waiting for the wedding ceremony to start he imagines being a revolutionary
alongside Riff: letting the Filthies up, speaking up against tyranny and the elite changing
their cruel ways
Col feels the ceremony is a sham because of the insincerity of his feelings he doesnt love
Sephaltina and instead has feelings for Riff he ought to stop the wedding but it was too
late Col says I do he and Sephaltina are now married
CHAPTER 60 At the reception Col and Sephaltina dance and talk he finds it hard to communicate with
Col talks to Professor Twillip they are interrupted by Sephaltina, who complains of a girl
attracting everyones attention
Some members of the Fefferley family are commenting on the scandalous behaviour of the
girl on the dance floor Cols worst fears have come true: he sees Riff on the dance floor,
disguised as an Upper Decks lady, dancing with Haugh
CHAPTER 61 Col is horrified Riff looks convincing and dances well

He overhears young men competing to be the next one to dance with Riff, who theyd never
suspect was a female Filthy
Riffs perfect dancing is giving her away
She sees Col and speaks to him in front of everyone, imitating the Upper Decks accent
he tries to get her attention and warn her that shes playing a dangerous game, but she
was enjoying her triumph too much to stop
Sephaltina comes up to Col and tells him he was meant to fetch her some sweets he
gives her some jelly, which fascinates Riff
Riff takes a spoonful of jelly and reacts in an undignified manner Sephaltina faints, Riff
giggles over how ticklish and wobbly the jelly is, which slides down under her dress she
is out of control with laughter, forgetting where she is + she falls back into her own natural
Sir Mormus comes to investigate the scene that Riff has caused everyone knows that
theres something different about her Sir Mormus tells Riff hell talk to her in private
CHAPTER 62 Sir Mormus takes Riff to a quiet area where he questions her Col, Pugh, Haugh and
Lumbridge follow
Riff gives a false name to Sir Mormus Pugh tells him that Col knows her, but both Col
and Riff deny it
Riff admits to not being invited and offers to just go quietly, but Ebnolia is suspicious and
snatches the wig off Riffs head Riff is caught out and tries to escape but trips over her
high heel shoes and long dress she is caught by the security officers
Col overhears Sir Mormus and Ebnolia quietly talking about the need to prevent a scandal as
they know Riff is a Filthy Ebnolia will take Riff to the usual place: the Changing Room
Gillabeth offers to take Col to the Changing Room by a different way so hes not noticed
she has always known about the Changing Room
CHAPTER 63 Gillabeth, whos carrying Antrobus, leads Col to the Changing Room then leaves
Col, hidden from sight, sees a male Filthy turned into a Menial the Filthy is strapped in a
chair while a surgeon does something to his mouth
Riff is strapped into a chair and restrained by iron cuffs Ebnolia talks to Riff, who cant
respond, and Col shivers at the sweetness of his grandmothers tone
Ebnolia shows Riff the needles that will be used to stitch her up and says that she thinks
shell make Riff her next favourite Menial: Im feeling quite fond of you already. Such big
appealing eyes you have
Col disguises himself in a spare surgical gown and facemask
Ebnolia tells Riff that she will have limiters put in her brain to limit her mind and stop her

having too many thoughts
The surgeon is about to operate on Riff Col jumps up and runs forward
CHAPTER 64 Col, in disguise, surprises them all he pushes aside the surgeon and assistant , then
unstraps Riff the surgeon tries to stop him but Col fights him off
Col fights the officers
Ebnolia pulls the mask off Cols face Ebnolia and the officers are aghast Ebnolia
accuses him of being a traitor, and Col accuses her of being a murderer she orders the
officers to kill him and disowns him as a Porpentine
Riff springs up, snatches a bottle of anaesthetic and pours it down Ebnolias throat, calling
her an evil old bitch Ebnolia sinks to the floor
The officers surround Riff and Col wary of both of them, the officers retreat to get
Ebnolia is dead Col wants to say goodbye but Riff reminds him that his grandmother
wanted to kill him Col is sad as he remembers his childhood with his grandmother an
important part of it he couldnt deny that the real Ebnolia Porpentine was a monster
he realises that in saying goodbye to his grandmother he was saying goodbye to his
childhood and all the things hed once believed in
The world of his past was gone he was now ready to start the revolution and bring the
Filthies up
CHAPTER 65 Col and Riff descend Below to Bottom Deck theyre followed by an officer Riff disposes
of him
They lower a cable down the food chute the Filthies start to make their way up
Officers come Riff deals with them
The officers try to close the cover to stop the Filthies coming up Col intervenes, then Riff
helps the officers were killed by spikes in the throat and chest
The Filthies emerge from the manhole armed with spikes or iron bars or blades the
officers are forced to drop back
Col is knocked out by an officer he loses consciousness
CHAPTER 66 Riff starts to look after Col when he comes to, but then Fossie takes over as Riff is needed
by the Revolutionary Council
Fossie is the oldest member of the Council she teases Col about liking Riff and tells him
hell have to compete with dozens of other boys who feel the same about her Col is
prepared to do what it takes to make Riff like him back
Col is now bare chested and shoeless + Fossie rubs coal dust and grime on his face, chest

and back now he looks like a Filthy
Col and Fossie join the Council, comprised of Riff, Padder, Shiv and Dunga
They all hear gunfire their weapons will be useless against guns so Riff decides to take a
group of fighters (including Col) up to Eighth Deck where she suspects the guns are kept
CHAPTER 67 On their way they see wounded and dead Filthies it was a slaughterhouse . . . their blood
spattered the walls and smeared the floor
Dunga is wounded
Riff and a scouting party (including Col) try and find an alternate way to Eighth Deck Col
leads them to a steam elevator which they use to get to Eighth Deck
They find the Armoury room and see some officers using a special kind of gun on a tripod
to find out what it does Riff suggests charging the counter (her first), then the others,
but Col pushes her out of the way and goes first himself Col survives the volley of bullets
and wrestles the tripod and gun away from the officer the officers are overrun by the
Riff and the others lock themselves in the Armoury
CHAPTER 68 Inside the armoury they try to operate the guns but cant the officers outside continue to
fire at them through the locked shutter the shutter soon falls way after a hail of machine-
gun fire the officers make their way to the front of the counter and keep shooting
The Filthies, except for Fossie, make their way to the back of the room
While officers set up the machine-gun on the counter, Fossie works out how to use the gun
she then shoots one of the officers operating the machine-gun and drags the gun off the
Under Fossies directions the Filthies learn how to use their guns and start shooting at the
officers the officers flee, chased by armed Filthies the officers are surrounded in the
Col is still in the armoury with Fossie, who is laying in a pool of blood
CHAPTER 69 Col tries to save Fossie, who has been hit in the lower half of her face and is bleeding
profusely she dies
Col tells Riff that Fossie is dead and she tells him of other Filthies who are also dead or
wounded she vows revenge
Shiv and Dunga start executing captured officers Col protests saying that its wrong, then
puts himself in the way of an officer who is about to be shot by Shiv Riff intervenes
Col persuades them that killing all the people on the Upper Decks isnt necessary and that
all they have to do is arm the Filthies with guns and theyll have control he also says that
they have to give the Upper Decks people a chance to surrender otherwise theyll fight to

the very end, resulting in many more deaths and casualties on both sides
Col offers to speak to the Queen about unconditional surrender whereby the Upper Decks
people lay down their weapons and hand over the juggernaut if they do that, there will
be no more executions
CHAPTER 70 Col makes his way up to the Grand Assembly Hall to speak to the Queen on the way he
meets Septimus and puts on Septimus jacket and shoes Col tells him that the Filthies
Revolution against the Upper Decks people has begun
Sir Mormus tries to stop Col from speaking to the Queen but Col ignores him and enters the
Grand Assembly Hall
Col tells the Queen and Prince Albert that the Filthies Revolution has started Sir Mormus
calls Col a liar and disowns him
Col says they must surrender or there will be a massacre by the Filthies Sir Mormus
interrupts and says hed rather blow up Worldshaker than ever surrender he orders Col
to be taken away and executed, but Queen Victoria stops him Sir Mormus lunges at Col,
trying to kill him, but fails
Sir Mormus challenges the power of the royal couple and calls them mere figureheads he
says to the Queen: Dont start thinking you can make decisions for Worldshaker! You dont
have the brains! the Queen tells the officers to keep Sir Mormus at a distance
To Col, his grandfather was more like a madman than the strong, imposing figure of his
CHAPTER 71 Col explained to the Queen how the Filthies revolution came about she questions how
they could be so organised and intelligent since they were more like animals than human
beings Col, Septimus and Professor Twillip fill in the history of the Filthies to prove to the
royal couple and the other members of the Executive that they are indeed humans, not
Col stresses the importance of unconditional surrender to the Filthies or theyll be a
massacre they don't like the idea of 'unconditional' but they dont have much choice
Haugh asks what will happen after the Filthies take control Col tells them they can either
take orders from the Filthies or leave Worldshaker to live on land (go on ground) Haugh
is appalled at the idea of living like natives in a jungle
Sir Wisley tries to persuade the Queen to pretend to agree to the Filthies terms for the time
being, but Col warns against that Riff and other armed Filthies then enter the Assembly
Riff: Unconditional surrender, or we start shootin! the Queen is surprised that the
Filthies speak English + she agrees to surrender hands power to the Revolutionary
Council + she abdicates (renounces her position as Queen)

The Queen tells Sir Mormus to hand over his keys of office to the Filthies he has
disappeared, muttering something about vengeance according to one witness
Gillabeth heard her grandfather say he was going to the Bridge Col remembered Sir
Mormus saying earlier he would rather blow up Worldshaker than surrender Chief
Helmsman Turbot believes it is possible to blow up the juggernaut by keeping the pressure
up till the boilers explode they only have about 30 minutes
Col, Septimus, Prince Albert and the others race to try and stop Sir Mormus they can
already feel the juggernaut coming to a standstill
CHAPTER 72 Col, Riff, other Filthies and Prince Albert make their way to the Fifty-Third Deck and run
towards the Bridge officers are calling out to Sir Mormus who is beyond the door to the
The officers see Riff and the other Filthies and are about to shoot when Col and Prince
Albert stop them, telling them that the Filthies are now in charge and that Sir Mormus must
be stopped
An officer tells them that Sir Mormus has stopped all the turbines
They go up to the Bridge where Sir Mormus has been adjusting control units he heads up
a staircase above the Bridge while the others try to reduce the steam, start up the turbines
and open the safety valves nothing works Sir Mormus has locked down all the controls
and taken the keys they go after Sir Mormus
CHAPTER 73 They arrive at the platform amidst a raging storm Sir Mormus holds the keys of office
over the edge of the juggernaut so they couldnt shoot him
Prince Albert tells Sir Mormus to hand over the keys but he refuses
Riff has a plan they must keep Sir Mormus talking
Sir Mormus would rather blow up Worldshaker and kill everyone on board, even himself,
than hand over power to the Filthies Orris calls him a madman and Sir Mormus accuses
him of being a spineless weakling and Col of being a spineless traitor even Gillabeth and
Antrobus are condemned
Sir Mormus is ranting and raving no one is worthy to follow in his footsteps
In the meantime Riff has made her way to the outside of the barrier, hanging over the sill
behind Sir Mormus, out of his sight
Sir Mormus continues his raving: I disown everyone and everything! I recognise only
Worldshaker! I am this juggernaut and this juggernaut is me! You can share in my death!
Riff shouts Fire! the Filthies shoot Sir Mormus he drops the keys and slumps to the
deck Riff is dangling over the void with one hand hooked over the barrier and the other
clutching the keys she loses her grip and starts to drop but Col grabs her and starts to

pull her up with great difficulty the other Filthies come to the rescue and help Riff
Gillabeth snatches the keys
CHAPTER 74 Riff fixes Cols dislocated shoulder
A voice warns them of significant events happening behind them they turn around and
see Sir Mormus, bleeding from his head and heart region he should have been dead but
there he was tottering on his feet and staggering around, with rivers of blood pumping
from his wounds he is still raving: The juggernaut is me. Iron colossus, mechanical
mountain, predominator
Sir Mormus clambers up onto the sill of the barrier and falls forward into the void dies
Col and Riff remember the voice that warned them about significant events but wonder
who it was they scan the platform and see Antrobus
Col is astounded as Antrobus cant talk but Antrobus informs him that Cols assumptions
are much mistaken Col asks him why he never spoke till now and he replies that he
hadnt found a topic worthy of discussion up till now Col and Riff laugh hysterically at
the absurd incongruity of the situation
Col and Riff hold up Antrobus so he may view the end of the drama they can see no
signs of Sir Mormus
They hear an almighty roar of escaping steam the safety valves must have blown
EPILOGUE Upper Decks people who had chosen to leave the juggernaut were now being transported to
the ground (land) via the great cranes that used to plunder produce this process is
supervised by Riff and Dunga the departing Upper Decks people are sullen and bitter
but too cowed to disobey as Riff and Dunga are armed
of the Upper Decks population have chosen to leave the stayers included: Queen
Victoria, Prince Albert, Orris, Quinnea, Gillabeth, Antrobus, Septimus and Professor Twillip
The last group to leave were the Squellinghams as he leaves Hythe calls Col a Filthy-
lover and says Theyll turn on you! Theyll kill you in the end. Then youll be sorry . . .
Col asks Riff what will happen to the Upper Decks people who stay on the juggernaut she
says theyll have to learn not to be so useless
He also asks her what the Filthies will do now with Worldshaker she suspects they'll keep
travelling, though not over natives and villages: well get off the land and travel only by
He asks: What about you and me? and leans towards her to kiss her but she gets up and
says hell just have to hope
Riff is on her way to the Revolutionary Council with Dunga where shell propose that the
name of Worldshaker should be changed to Liberator because were goin to be an example

to the world and make people free
Col wonders what role he will play now that the Revolutionary Council was running the
juggernaut how theyll get coal from the coaling stations what theyll do for trade how
the other juggernauts will react to news of the revolution and what future he and Riff
might have?
Riff can make him feel so good and at the same time so insecure he resigns himself to
never knowing where he was with Riff, though he really doesnt seem to mind!

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