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Zeppelin Derby Cards (A4) v1.0 2013 Todd Sanders

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Needed: The 17 derby cards, 5 six-sided dice
and one small marker for each player.
Win: The rst player to cross the nish line
with their Zeppelin wins the trophy.
Setup: Choose who will be the Blue Player and who
will be the Red Player. Place the 3 course cards in a
line (matching the and on the card edges). The
Blue Player places their marker on the Zeppelin
numbered 1, the Red Player on the Zeppelin numbered 6.
Shufe the 14 race cards and deal 6 to each player.
Set the remaining 2 aside. They will not be used.
Play: On your turn roll the 5 six-sided once. Set aside
any dice you choose, and then reroll the other dice
once more. You may choose not to reroll. You are
trying to roll dice matching your ship number
(the Blue Players number is 1, the Red Players is 6).
You may play a card before or after your roll, but only
during your turn. You do not draw additional race
cards during the game.
Move your Zeppelin a number of spaces forward,
depending on how many of the dice you rolled match
your ship number:
1 die: 2 spaces 2 dice: 3 spaces 3 dice: 5 spaces
4 dice: 7 spaces 5 dice: 10 spaces
1 6

i i i s n

| ! 1 ! | C :
Aether Mines!
Roll one die to calculate range.
If this number is equal to or
greater than the distance between
your opponent and an aether
mine, your opponent loses their
next turn.
| ! 1 ! | C :
Aether Mines!
Roll one die to calculate range.
If this number is equal to or
greater than the distance between
your opponent and an aether
mine, your opponent loses their
next turn.
| ! 1 ! | C :
Grappling Harpoon
Roll one die to calculate range.
If this number is equal to or
greater than the distance between
you and your opponent,
you may switch the positions
of your markers.
| ! 1 ! | C :
Discard a random card
from your opponents hand.
w | / ! |
Roll one die and move your
opponent back that number
of spaces

Zeppelin Derby Cards (A4) v1.0 2013 Todd Sanders
w | / ! |
Aether Storm!
If both player markers are on
the middle course card,
rotate the card 180 degrees
and continue towards nish line.
w | / ! |
Reroll any dice you choose
once more during your turn
in addition to your normal rolls.
C | w
Second Shift
Roll 3 dice. If this number is
less than or equal to
your distance to the nish line
you may take a second turn.
C | w
If you roll a full house
with your ve dice
your movement value is doubled.
C | w
Wild Cards
Exchange this card for any card
already played and use it instead.
| H 1 | H | | | H 1
Mine Detection
Any Aether Mines! card played on
you affects your opponent
instead of you.
| H 1 | H | | | H 1
Full Throttle
After your normal two rolls
you may reroll any dice
as many times as you wish.
If you roll a 3 at any time
during these rerolls your turn
is over and you do not
move your ship.
| H 1 | H | | | H 1
Dont Spare the Aether
Movement bonus if you roll
three of a kind:
Three 3s: 3 spaces
Three 4s: 4 spaces
Three 5s: 5 spaces
| H 1 | H | | | H 1
Engine Overdrive
Movement bonus if you
roll a straight:
2, 3 and 4: 2 spaces
3, 4 and 5: 2 spaces
2, 3, 4 and 5: 4 spaces

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