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5 Classroom Policies

Classroom Cell Phone Use

District: Cell phone usage not permitted at any time during class unless instructed by teacher
Committee Input: If cell phone is taken by teacher, phone will be placed in attendance vault
by teacher and ONLY parents or guardians may retrieve phone
Classroom Policy: Cell phone are permitted in classroom, HOWEVER can ONLY be used
when instructed by teacher otherwise phone will be taken and placed in vault

District: The Honor Code is in effect at ALL times. Cheating will not be tolerated! Cheating is
defined as giving or receiving information in any form that is related to a gradable experience
including the use of sources of information other than those specifically approved by the teacher
either during or outside of class. Students are required to sign honor pledges as applicable for
major tests, projects, and/or papers.
Committee Input: Follow The Honor Code at ALL times. Zero Tolerance
Examples of Cheating include, but are not limited to:
Plagiarism using words or ideas from a published source without proper documentation;
using the work of another student (e.g. copying another students homework, composition, or
project); using excessive editing suggestions of another student, teacher, parent or paid editor.
Looking on someone elses paper during a test or quiz.
Cheat sheets of any kind.
Knowingly accepting or giving information concerning the contents of a test or quiz.
Changing the appearance of computer printouts.
Allowing another student to complete Web Assign or other web-based activities using your
name and login information.
Classroom Policy: Follow The Honor Code at ALL times
Late or Missing Work
District: If absence is excused on assignment day has one day make up work, if unexcused
student will not be able to make up assignment
Committee Input: Two days are granted for students to make up late or missing
assignments, however up to teacher
Classroom Policy: Students with excused absence will have 2 days to make up any missing
or late work, unexcused students will not be able to make up late or missing work, and will
receive a grade of 0 if assignment was graded.
District: Teachers should use a variety of ongoing developmentally appropriate methods to
measure student progress
Committee Input: Essay-20%, CW/HW-10%, Quiz-15%, Presentations-15%, Test-20%,
Final Exam- 20%,
Classroom Policy: Follow both district and committee input, in addition, if assignments are
not handed in on time points will be deducted

Forgotten Materials
District: Students are expected to come to class prepared at ALL times
Committee Input: Students have 6 minutes in between classes to gather any and all work
needed from lockers; however it is teacher discretion regarding materials forgotten at home
Classroom Policy: Teacher will follow committee input

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