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Daily Lesson Plan

Subject / Class / Time /

Year 3 Orkid
60 minutes
4 out of 6 pupils
Topic : Family
Focus: Listening and Speaking (Seeing and Signing)
Content standard :
1.2 By the end of the 6th to the 8th year of shooling! pupils
"ill #e a#le to see and respond $sign% appropriately in formal
and informal situations for a &ariety of purposes.
Learning standard :
1.2.1 '#le to partiipate in daily on&ersations(
f. introdue family mem#ers and friends. $B4 DL1 E1)
Learning bjecti!es:
By the end of the lesson! pupils should #e a#le to(
1. )ame $sign% and talk a#out family mem#ers 4 out
6 orretly
"ey#ords: father! mother! #rother! sister! grandfather!
Learning $cti!ities:
1. *eaher sho"s po"erpoint presentation.
2. +upils respond to piture. $,-'%
3. *eaher introdues the key"ords $"ord ards%
4. +upils fingerspell and sign the key"ords after the
.. +ik and paste ati&ity $pupils entred%.
6. /ole play ati&ity.
0. *eaher asks pupils to talk $sign% a#out their
%&" : 12*! reati&ity! reasoning $&er#al%
$ssessment :
Teac'ing $ids :
+o"er point presentation! "ord ard

Subject / Class / Time /
Year 3 Orkid
60 minutes
4 out of 6 pupils
Topic : Family
Focus: *riting
Content standard :
3.1 By the end of the si3th to the eighth year of
shooling! pupils "ill #e a#le to form letters and
"ords in neat legi#le print inluding ursi&e
Learning standard :
3.1.1 '#le to "rite in neat legi#le print "ith orret spelling(
$a% "ords $B2 DT1 E1)
Learning bjecti!es:
By the end of the lesson! pupils should #e a#le to(
1. 4rite the family mem#ers "ith the orret spelling
2. "ey#ords: father! mother! #rother! sister! grandfather!
Learning $cti!ities:
8. *eaher sho"s po"erpoint presentation.
5. +upils respond to piture. $,-'%
10. *eaher introdues the key"ords $"ord ards%
11. +upils fingerspell and sign the key"ords after the
12. +ik and paste ati&ity $pupils entred%.
13. /ole play ati&ity.
14. *eaher asks pupils to talk $sign% a#out their
%&" : 12*! reati&ity! reasoning $&er#al%
$ssessment :
Teac'ing $ids :
+o"er point presentation! "ord ard

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