Assessment and Analysis of HRD Functions

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Assessment and analysis of HRD functions

HRD Capacity
HRD capacity of an organization refers to the resource and abilities the organization
has to undertake and implement various HRD activities. In order to assess the HRD
capacity of Buddha Air, structuring and positioning, staff, budget, facilities and
resources, HRD program, planning and delivery capacity aspect have been
The HRD at Buddha Air is considered an important part of the organizational
structure since it has a separate HRD department and the HRD manager is a part of
strategic management team of the organization. Furthermore, the organization has
experienced HRD staffs who handle the functions. The budget for the HRD function
is allocated as per the number of programs to be implemented. Since the budget is
allocated based on the number of programs, it cannot be used for long range planning
or development of HRD systems. Despite the irregularity of HRD budget, the
organization is providing necessary physical facilities and resources required for the
HRD function. Buddha Air has a competent HRD department which is experienced in
planning and delivering various HRD programs but external supports are used for
initiating major HRD programs.

HRD Climate
HRD climate refers to

The top management views HR and HRD as critical resources for the organization
and considers the training and development as integral part of Buddha Airs policy.
At Buddha Air, the leader himself is generally involved in improving the decision
making capability of the employees. The organization supports participatory
management in most cases. Here, employees are given the liberty to experiment with
new approaches and work in a collaborative and mutually supportive environment.

HRD Information
HRD information is crucial.
Buddha Air maintains all its data pertaining to human resources in a computerized
database. The data in these databases are updated periodically. The organization uses
the HR data at the time of making HRD plans and policies, however the that is not fed
forward into the HRD planning and decision processes. HRD activities are based on
these databases.

HRD Strategy and Policy
HRD strategy and policy

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