Art Lesson Plan 2

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Art Lesson Plan

Title: Kente Cloth Unit: African Art

Grade level (s): 3-4 Medium: Paintin
!uested Time: "# mins
Instructional Objectives (2-3):
!tudents $ill use tem%era %aint to %roduce a shar% clear ede &et$een colors' (M()
!tudents $ill create an alternatin %attern usin sha%es and lines' (M()
Elements of Art ()-3) line* color* sha%e* form* s%ace* te+ture* value
Principles of Desin ()-3) re%etition* %attern* movement* &alance* em%hasis* contrast* unit,
!aterials an" E#uipment:
Tem%era %aint* %aint %allet* %encil* $hite -.)/0 %a%er* %aint &rush
$ocabular% (&-'):
Pattern* %allet* tem%era* alternatin %attern* fa&ric
Art Pro"uction (&ased on Madeline 1unter model)
)'antici%ator, set 2' state o&3ectives 3' 4n%ut: art histor,* instructions 4'demonstration* modelin
5' chec6 for understandin -' uided %ractice 7' inde%endent %ractice /' closure
)' !ho$ed %o$er %oint e+%lainin $hat 6ente cloth is and ho$ it is made' Tell class to
et a stri% of $hite %a%er -.)/0' Then fold in half and half aain* ham&urer st,le'
2'!tudents $ill use tem%era %aint to %roduce shar% clear ede &et$een colors and
students $ill create alternatin %attern usin sha%es and lines'
3' Po$er %oint' Tal6 a&out $ho ma6es 6ente cloth and $h,' Then tell students to dra$
t$o sha%es in the first s8uare and five lines' After com%letin that o to the ne+t s8uare
and dra$ t$o different sha%es and five different lines in different directions' After that
dra$ the same %attern in the 3
&o+ as the )
and the same as the 2
for the 4
4' !ho$ students ,our 6ente cloth and ho$ theirs should loo6 $hen the, com%lete it'
1ave students outline their %encil lines $ith &lac6 %aint' 1ave them choose 3-4 other
colors than &lac6'
5' Ma6e sure students 6no$ $hat to do ne+t and that the, 6no$ $h, it is im%ortant in
Africa to have Kente cloth'
-' !ho$ students $hat 6ente cloth loo6s life after %ainted and ho$ the, can %aint it'
7' Allo$ students to $or6 on their o$n $hile $al6in around the classroom'
/' Ma6e sure students are on the same %ae as ,ou and that the, understand $h, the,
did $hat $e had them do'
& ()s *ubric
+,e stu"ent complete" t,e assine" tas-s of usin tempera paint to pro"uce
s,arp clear e"es bet.een colors an" use" an alternatin pattern/ +,e%
un"erstan" t,e nee" for 0ente clot,/
1 2 3 & '
+,e stu"ent create" a uni#ue piece of art t,at t,e% ma"e t,emselves usin t,e
materials iven/ +,e stu"ent use" contrastin colors to ma-e t,e piece pop/
1 2 3 & '
+,e stu"ent turne" in a neatl% ,an"le" paper an" %ou coul" ma-e out t,e s,apes
instantl% .it, t,e "ar- e"es/
1 2 3 & '
+,e stu"ent turne" in t,e assinment on time an" it .as complete/
1 2 3 & '

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