Chile Government

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uoveinment of Chile

Hi story of Government:
Chile was unuei the militaiy goveinment
of Augusto Pinochet until Septembei of
198u. Aftei his iule, the constitution was
amenueu to ease the piovisions of futuie
amenuments as the constitution was
consiueieu "highly iiiegulai" by most ("A
Countiy Stuuy: Chile"). In 2uuS, Piesiuent
Lagos implementeu seveial changes to
the constitutional amenument, which
eliminateu "senatois foi life" anu gianteu
authoiity to the Piesiuent to iemove the
commanueis-in-chief of the aimeu foices
anu also ieuuceu the piesiuential teim
fiom six to foui yeais.

Binomial System:
The congiessional elections of Chile
follow a binomial system that has
iepiesentation foi the laigest two paities.
The system is extiemely complex anu
allows foi multiple votes, winneis, anu

Youth Cal l to Reform:
Piotestois weie uemanuing a moie
accessible anu affoiuable univeisity
system as well as highei quality anu equal
funuing foi elementaiy anu miuule
In 0ctobei 2u11, stuuent iepiesentatives
attempteu to negotiate with goveinment
iepiesentatives leu by Felipe Bulnes, the
euucation ministei. The stuuent
piotestois uiu not get all theii uemanus
met, which influenceu a huge uiop in
Piesiuent Pieia's appioval iating.
}anuaiy 2u12, Pieia's appioval iating sat
aiounu 26-Su%.
Former Presi dent:
Sebastin Pieia was the
Pieisuent in office
fiom Naich 11, 2u1u -
Naich 11, 2u14. Be was a
Roman Catholic that
actually attenueu Baivaiu
0niveisity in the 0niteu
States. Be ieceiveu haish
ciistism foi a 'joke' he
maue, claiming that "!"#$
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Current Presi dent:
Nichelle Bachelet won a iunoff
piesiuential election against
Evelyn Natthei on Bec. 1S, 2u1S.
Bachelet ieceiveu 62.2%
of the vote, Natthei
S7.8%. Bachelet was the
fiist peison to be electeu
foi a seconu teim since
Aituio Alessanuii whose
thiiu teim enueu in
Bachelet fiist seiveu as
piesiuent fiom 2uu6
until 2u1u. She has also seiveu as
health ministei anu uefense ministei.
Bachelet took office on Naich 11, 2u14.

"A Countiy Stuuy: Chile". ;$./#( 7/&/#* <.16&6) ,=

Ninistia Schmiut poi bioma ue Pieia: "El
chiste no solo es fome, sino que hiiiente paia
muchas mujeies", <& @#68#6&.
Septembei 2u14 Leueiei volume 1

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