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Under the Act, an employee is defined as a person who has been employed by

an employer under a contract of service or apprenticeship.

Employees Monthly Earning At RM3,000 Or Less
Employees Monthly Earning At RM3,000 r !ess must contribute to "#".
"#"$s coverage is only for employees who are Malaysian citi%ens and who
are permanent residents.
Employees Monthly Earning More Than RM3,000
Employees Monthly Earning More &han RM3,000 who never registered or
contibute to "#" are given an option to be covered under the Act.
Principle Of Once In Always In
Employees who have been previously registered with "#" and now earn
more than RM3,000 must continue to contribute in line with the principle of 'nce
(n Always (n) under the *irst "chedule of the Act.
nce an employee is eligible under the Act, he will always be eligible for
coverage irrespective of his ne+t monthly wage. All employees eligible for
coverage under the Act must register and contribute to "#".
Employee !OT co"ere# $n#er %O&%O
&he following group are e+cluded from "#"$s coverage,-
.overnment employees
/omestic servants
"elf-employed persons
*oreign wor0ers
1usiness owner and spouses of "ole-2roprietors or 2artnership

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