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The good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain until it is

secured for all of us and incorporated into our common life.

Jane Addams

Prepared For

The Fossil Groups
Community Engagement Committee

Kosta N. Kartsotis, Chairman and CEO
Dennis R. Secor, CFO

Prepared by

Garrett Jensen
Juan Rodrigues
Michelle Hoffmann
Nicholas Ciolino

July 18, 2014


Table of Contents


At Fossil, we are proud of the entrepreneurial culture we promote among our staff around the
world. In fact, passion is the key to entrepreneurship, and we have a history of being a passion-
driven organization. But we know the encouragement of our employees isnt enough: through
the Fossil Foundation, we have successfully created several programs that work to be a positive
change in the world. We have developed partnerships with remarkable groups and individuals
who address social problems with pioneering, entrepreneurial solutions. Our foundations
mission is to unleash human potential by accelerating and scaling the world of social
entrepreneurs whose innovations empower vulnerable young people (Fossil Group,
2014). We are proud to say that our work through the Fossil Foundation has successfully
accomplished this around the globe, but we want to continue this work in our own community.

That is why we are thrilled to participate in the Businesses Give Back competition sponsored
by the Dallas Chamber of Commerce. Our headquarters is located in Richardson, TX, so we
decided to focus on this area. Fostering social entrepreneurship in Richardson will benefit the
young people around us in a way that is consistent with our core values. It is obvious that youth
are a vital part of the community in Richardson. We are home to The University of Texas at
Dallas, and in 2009 Bloomberg Weekly named our city as one of the best places to raise a child
in Texas (Gopal, 2009).

Richardson is a city that has a vibrant history of development, moving from a quaint suburb of
Dallas into a commercial center employing over 88,000 workers daily. Unfortunately this
growth peaked in the 1980s and we have since been faced with the problems of urbanization
(City of Richardson, 2014). However, our community is choosing to combat these troubles by
encouraging engagement from residents and businesses. Recently, a strategy for
redevelopment and revitalization of Main Street and the Central Expressway Corridor was
employed by voters (City of Richardson, 2014). Because Richardson is currently in the process
of revitalizing key neighborhoods, we feel that this competition gives Fossil the prime
opportunity to play a role in maintaining a strong community. One of the zones slated for
redevelopment is the Main Street/Old Town District, an area containing Richardsons original
downtown as well as the new DART Railway station and access to the Central Expressway
Corridor (City of Richardson, 2014). Figure 1 highlights the areas need for general
enhancement as it explains that the streets in this zone are over forty years old (City of
Richardson, 2014, p. 15). We feel that this location, with its eclectic mixture of old and new, has
potential to become a multi-generational heart of the community and. It is the perfect home
for a park.

Our Mission
The greatest gifts we can give to todays young people are the confidence and means to
determine their own futures. Fossil aims to foster the innovative spirit of young people in our
community through the social implications of urban design. We want to inspire and empower
young leaders to solve social problems and increase sustainability. Through partnerships with
community leaders, Fossil will champion young peoples causes and enable them to ultimately


become champions themselves. We look forward to working with and learning from these
remarkable young leaders. At Fossil, we believe that These young minds are the future of our
schools, companies and governmentswe believe investing in youth is the smartest
investment we can make (Fossil Group, 2014).

Figure 1
Image of Residential Street Age Distribution. Adapted from the City of Richardson Bond Election Document. (2010)., 15. Retrieved July 13, 2014 from



One of the main problems of urbanization that Richardson has been faced with is a lack of land
for new development. Over 90% of land has been developed, and vacant land within the city is
becoming more and more scarce (City of Richardson, 2009, p. 34). Also, many of the areas that
were previously developed are in need of improvement because of wear and tear (City of
Richardson, 2014). Looking forward, the Citys future growth is likely to focus on the proper use
of the small amount of vacant land that remains and on the redevelopment of older areas of
the city. The community has addressed this problem in many of the traditional ways, including
the establishment of a Comprehensive Plan that employs tactics such as updating zoning and
design regulations and the improvement of infrastructure. In other cities, successful projects,
like New Yorks High Line Park and Torontos Underpass Park, are renewing public attention to
the latent assets sitting untapped in urban areas (Berg, 2011).

Possibly the most under-utilized area of Richardsons Main Street/Old Town District is the land
located underneath the DART railway overpass at the intersection of Main Street and S. Texas
Street. As you can see in Figure 2, it is simply a dead space.

We feel that the lens of social entrepreneurship, particularly through young minds, can bring an
innovative perspective to this site. Essentially, parks are the catalysts of community
revitalization- they build community inside and around the park by providing a safe place for
children to play, a comfortable place for socialization, a place to experience the benefits of
physical activity, and an increase in sustainability (The National Recreation and Park Association,
2011). Through the creation of a park at this site, a portion of the Main Street/Old Town District

Image of underpass. Adapted from Google Maps, (2014)., Google. Retrieved July 13, 2014 from,6.731568,3a,75y,293.13h,86.81t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s2_Ww3b

Figure 2


will be reborn as a more inviting public space complete with trees, seating areas and walking
Why Are Parks Beneficial?

Ultimately, we believe that children are the future and it is important that we begin to invest in
that future today. In order to empower young minds to unleash their full potential, we must
minimize their use of video games and electronics. Recent surveys suggest that kids spend
roughly 50 hours per week playing on electronic devices; that's a full time job with plenty of
overtime (Oskin, 2012). In order to divert the attention of young minds towards exercise and
play rather than electronics, we must provide that which has been lacking in heavily populated
urban areas throughout the country: a city park. Richardson does have a reputation for
maintaining and promoting its parks; however, a park in downtown Richardson would greatly
benefit the children, residents, and employees while allowing fossil put their own stamp on the

A 2012 study conducted in the state of Texas revealed that 15.6% of adolescents and 16.8% of
children aged two to five were considered overweight while 13.6% and 15.3%, respectively,
were considered obese (CDC, 2012). Furthermore, the study revealed that 72.8 percent of our
youth are not being physically active for the minimum of 60 minutes while 16% chose not to
participate in physical activity at all (CDC, 2012). Building a park in downtown Richardson would
ensure that children in the community have a place to run wild. The addition of the park will
not only ensure that the kids are physically active, but it will decrease the health risks
associated with childhood obesity such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and asthma (CDC,

Children are not the only ones who benefit from the addition of the park and they're not the
only ones susceptible to the risks associated with obesity. It is estimated that 65.9% of adults in
Texas are overweight and 27.7% are obese (CDC, 2012). Chances are, the addition of this park
will not allow adults to increasing their daily physical activities by running through the
playground, but it does give them a place to go on a leisurely walk. Walking may not seem like
much of an exercise, but simply incorporating it into your daily physical routine will help reduce
the risk of stroke, deflect diabetes, reduce the pain associated with fibromyalgia, and help
reduce stress levels after a tough day (Zerbe, 2010).

The other benefit of building a city park in the Main Street/Old Town District is giving adults a
place to socialize. Most adults that go to the park do so in order to allow their little ones to
play and interact with other children. Meanwhile, while the kids are at play, adults have to
opportunity to socialize with other parents and neighbors creating special bonds within the
community. The bonds created during social hours at the park can provide long lasting
friendships and can bring the members of the community even closer.



In the spirit of community involvement, Fossil will host an urban design competition for
students at The University of Texas at Dallas. The Fossil Urban Design Challenge will offer
undergraduate students the chance to devise a comprehensive design and development
program for a real, large-scale site... (Urban Land Institute, 2014). Groups of three or more
students will have a little over four months, the 2014 Fall semester, to design a park under the
DART overpass in Richardsons Main Street sub-district. See Figure 3 for inspiration. A main
feature of the park will be a Fossil clock tower; however more details about the contest are
outlined in our plan. We will be announcing the winner of the competition at the
groundbreaking ceremony, hosted by Fossil at the end of the semester. The grand opening of
the park will be held one year from the ceremony. A panel of Fossils top executives, along with
city designers, will choose the winning three plans. The park will contain a plaque with the
names of the students who created the winning design. Those individuals will also be offered a
guaranteed internship at Fossils headquarters in Richardson.

The Fossil Urban Design Challenge is part of Fossils effort to raise interest and increase
awareness among young people in creating better communities. This opportunity will allow
Fossil to give back to the community, accelerating innovative initiatives in education, life skills
training and workforce development... (Fossil Group, 2014). We want to provide urban design
Image of Torontos Underpass Park adapted from , (2013). .
Retrieved July 21, 2014 from
Figure 3


students with an opportunity to enhance their career potential through practical application of
their skills. The city of Richardson is currently experiencing rejuvenation, and this makes it the
perfect time to become active in our community. A park located under the DART overpass
solves some of problems that accompany urbanization: a lack of trees, benches, and tables.
Parks act to define the shape and feel of a city and its neighborhoods, essential elements in
maintaining a strong community. Placing the Fossil clock tower in this location acts as a
landmark and resembles a point of pride for residents.

Partnership Opportunities

The Fossil Urban Design challenge will provide Fossil with an opportunity to create lasting
relationships with some of our local establishments. We will be working with the Dallas
Chamber of Commerce, the city of Richardson, and The University of Texas at Dallas.
The Chamber of Commerce will be sponsoring the event through their Businesses Give Back
competition, which we have chosen to participate in. The Chamber will be providing half of the
funds for the competition. We will also be teaming up with the city of Richardson. The city has
decided to finance $66 million for community development through their bond package
program. Specifically, $22.645 million will be provided for parks and recreational facilities.
The teams of students designing the park will be undergraduate students at The University of
Texas at Dallas. The students participating will be from The School of Economic, Political and
Policy Sciences. This specific school of UT Dallas provides students with an opportunity to learn
about our society and economy, (University of Texas at Dallas, 2013) then to apply that
knowledge once they graduate. These students will become leaders in the advancement of
positive change on a local, national or global level (University of Texas at Dallas, 2013).
With the sponsorship from the Chamber of Commerce and the city of Richardsons bond
contribution, we ask for $109,226.28 from Fossil to proceed and complete the project.

Whats In It for Fossil?

Fossil has been a presence in the community since relocating its headquarters to Richardson in
2011 and employing 1100 people in the city and surrounding areas (Brown, 2011). By helping
build a city park in the city it resides in, Fossil would continue its tradition of giving back to the
community and promote goodwill throughout the city.
Aside from promoting goodwill and giving back to the community, this is a great opportunity for
Fossil to put its stamp on the city. The Richardson City Park will be built on the underpass of the
Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) rail station and park goers who travel there via DART must be
able to manage their time appropriately. The clock tower that will stand tall inside the park will
not only tell park goers the time, but will bear the Fossil logo promoting brand awareness and
great advertising.


Contest Rules

The Fossil Urban Design Challenge will be held exclusively for The University of Texas at Dallas
(UTD) students from September 1, 2014 through December 11, 2014.

Who can enter?
All UTD students who are attended classes during the 2014 Academic Calendar. For
more information, visit

What is the Contest?
A competition in which students design a park in downtown Richardson under the DART
overpass. The park will be built according to winning design entry specifications. All
entries must stay within indicated guidelines such as budget and area of the park and
must include specifications for the Fossil Clock Tower. For all information concerning
design details visit

When is the Contest?
The design submittal period will begin on September 1, 2014 and all design entries must
be received by November 30, 2014. Winning design will be announced at the UTD
campus on December 11, 2014

How to enter?
Submit all entries to and include the official entry form. Form
can be found at

Why enter?
Make an impact on the community and the children by the designing the park in
downtown Richardson. Park will be built according to winning design specifications; not
to mention, it looks good on your resume.

Winning Prize
Students continuing their education past the 2014 academic year will receive a full
scholarship through the remainder of their academic career. All students graduating in
the Fall of 2014 will receive a paid one year internship with Fossil as an Associate
Architect for Fossil Design.

All Entries are Subject to General Conditions indicated in the General Conditions.



Since we are partnering with the city of Richardson and The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD),
it makes the most sense to promote the event locally. Due to the design competition that we
are having at UTD, it is essential that we get word out to as many students as possible;
therefore, we will be promoting the event through resources offered to the students.
We will be advertising the event by placing ads in the Comet Cruiser (The free bus service
offered by UTD) as well as the campus magazine, The Mercury.

Advertising through the Comet Cruiser can be done through banner ads and grab handle ads at
a price of $20 and $10 respectively (UTD, 2013). Since there are five cruisers circulating the
campus, a minimum of five banner and handle ads must be purchased in order to ensure full
exposure. Advertising for the event will run from September 1, 2014 to November 30, 2014, so
ads would need to be up for three months in order to ensure full participation for the design

Contest promotions will also be done through The Mercury for the three month duration of the
competition. On campus rates run at five dollars per column inch and the price for the one-half
page ad that we will be running will cost $150 per month (The Mercury, 2014).

Once the design competition is completed and the winning group has been announced, we will
take a one-half page ad in the Dallas Morning News. This ad will announce the winners of the
contest to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and inform the residents in Richardson of the changes to
come. The ad on the Dallas Morning News will be printed in the Sunday newspaper and will
total $552.55.


Groundbreaking Ceremony

The ground-breaking ceremony will be held at The University of Texas at Dallas on December
11, 2014 in order to announce the contest winners. Fossil employees and volunteers will arrive
promptly at 9:00 am in order to begin the setup for the days events. The set-up will consist of
tents and displays that will be used to promote current and upcoming Fossil products as well as
conduct on the spot interviews for qualified job applicants. Once set-up is complete, we will
give a brief speech to inform students why we are there and get the day started. The winning
team will be announced at 2:00 pm and will begin to close up shop promptly at 3:00 pm.

Schedule of Events

Time Event
9:00 AM Set up shop
10:00 AM Company presentation & why were here
11:00 AM Promoting Fossils new products
12:00 PM Catered company lunch for students
01:00 PM On the spot interviews for employment
02:00 PM Announcement of winning team
03:00 PM Break down tents and close up shop


Project Timeline


During the planning of our project we thought it was very important to manage a realistic
budget. We have accomplished this by partnering with UTD to offset the staffing costs
associated with such a project. The University of Texas at Dallas has many campus clubs who
jumped at the chance of participating in such a multilateral project. The UTD clubs are:
Entrepreneurs club
DECA club
SNAP photography club.

By partnering with UTD and its clubs we will be afforded the knowledge and workforce
necessary to accomplish this remarkable project at no cost. This opportunity gives Fossil a
chance to grow its network with UTDs clubs and organizations, and begin to foster
relationships with students and faculty for the future.

Ground Breaking Ceremony
Number of
volunteers Hours Total Cost
Winning Team 4 3 12 0
SNAP Club Photographer/UTD Mercury
Photographer 2 3 6 0
Project coordinator (DECA Club) 1 10 10 0
Grand opening of the park 0
UTD Entrepreneurs club 10 3 30 0
Winning Team 4 3 12 0
Project coordinator (DECA Club) 1 10 10 0
SNAP Club Photographer/UTD Mercury
Photographer 2 3 6 0

Staffing Total: $0


Project Budget

Source Method
th Number of months Cost
Ads 5 $20.00 3 $300
handles 5 $10.00 3 $150
UTD Magazine: The
Half Page
Ad 1 $150 3 $450
Dallas Morning News
Sunday Edition
Half Page
1 $552.55 1 $552.55

Advertising Total: $1,452.55

Park Construction
Expense Cost
Clock Tower $25,000
Construction $965,000

Construction Total: $990,000

Stipend Provided for Students completion of school.
Monthly Stipend Number of years
Number of monthly
stipend Cost
$12,000 per year ($1000
month) 4 4 $192,000

Stipend Total: $192,000


Financial Contributions
Richardson Bond $965,000.00
Dallas Chamber of Commerce Contribution $109,226.27
Fossil Contribution $109,226.28

Total Budget: $1,183,452.55

Total Capital Required from Fossil
Fossil Contribution $109,226.28

Financial Contribution Pie Chart
The City of Richardson Bond
Dallas Chamber of Commerce
Fossil Contribution


Authorization Request

Senior Partners, our restoration program aims to engage young aspiring entrepreneurs within
our community. It is our goal to provide an opportunity for these young future leaders to take a
vested interest in preserving the community of which they belong. By hosting a competition at
The University of Texas at Dallas, students will be given the opportunity to create a park l ocated
underneath the DART railway overpass at the intersection of Main Street and S. Texas Street.
This will offer residents and Dart transients a place to relax and enjoy themselves during leisure
or in between travel. By creating the Fossil Park, we will gain the trust of community leaders,
and citizens alike. This opportunity will allow Fossil to give back to the community where it is
headquartered, and truly live up to our mission statement.

We are seeking $109,226.28 to build the park the UT Dallas students create. The park will have
a plaque on site with the names of the students who create the winning design and we would
like to offer the team of students a guaranteed internship at our flagship location in Richardson
if they so desire. Join us in facilitating this amazing opportunity.

Signature:________________________________________ Date:___________________
Kosta N. Kartsotis (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer)

Signature:________________________________________ Date:___________________
Dennis R. Secor (Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President and Treasurer, Principal
Accounting Officer)

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