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Setting describes where, when, and the context in which a story takes place.

It is
the backdrop for all stories. The setting of Beauty and the Beast, for example, would
be France. The setting of The Great Gatsby is the !"s, and the setting of Flags of
our Fathers would be the middle of a war. It is the where when and how, essentially.
#ormally the setting of a story happens in the beginning of a story $ good author
pro%ides constant setting throughout the story to gi%e you a %i%id mental image of
where the story is taking place.
the setting is important to a story for the following reasons& $ good description of
the setting can place the reader inside of the storyif the story to place in a
di'erent time period than written the e%ents in a story might not make senseThe
setting will make the story belie%able or unbelie%able the time, place, and social
en%ironment in which the e%ents of a story takes place
the place were the story is taking place

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