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PHIL 26 - Quiz 2 - The Presocratics

In Heraclitus' cosmology, _______ appears to play the same role that water did for Thales.

Anaximenes, who thought the basic stuff of the universe is air, suggests a process by which qualitative changes might occur in
nature, which is
--Rarefaction and condensation

According to the Presocratic philosopher Parmenides, reality is, at its most fundamental level,
--Static and unchanging

The Milesians offer a radical departure from mythic accounts of the world, like Hesiods, in that they think of the formation of the
world in purely _____ terms.
--Naturalistic (i.e. empirically verifiable)

According to the Presocratic philosopher Heraclitus, all things come into existence in accordance with
--The Word or logos

The earliest of the Milesian philosophers, Thales, said that the fundamental stuff of the universe is

Homer's Illiad portrays moral ideals, such as Achilles' loyalty to his friend Patroclus. But Homer is not giving a philosophical
account because the representation of virtue in the Illiad
--does not provide a general account of the nature of virtue or why loyalty might be virtuous

Anaximander said that the fundamental stuff of nature is what he called the apeiron. By this e meant
--The Boundless or Unlimited

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