Global Marketing

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Definition of global marketing

According to oxford university Global marketing refers to marketing

activities coordinated and integrated across multiple country
Global marketing may be defined as an activity related to the sales of
goods and services of one country in the other subject to the rules
and regulations .
Process of Global marketing
1.Domestic marketing
2.Export marketing
3.International marketing
4.Multinational marketing
5.Global marketing

Characteristics of global marketing
1.International restriction and trading blocs
2.Need of marketing research
3.Importance of advanced technology
4.Need of long term planning
5.Develops cultural relation .
Functions of global marketing

1.Product selection
2.Selection of distribution channel
4.Marketing communication
5.Organizational adaptation
6.handaling business ethics

Factor affecting global marketing
2.Market needs and wants
3.Transportation and communication improvement
5.World economic trade

Impact of affect in global marketing
1.Global marketing decision
2.Market selection and decision entry decision
4.distribution decision pricing
7.organisation for global marketing

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