How I Passed The Full FRM Exam

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How I passed the Full FRM Exam

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Jan 5th, 2010 9:43pm
16 AF Points
I used study materials from Bionic Turtle and Schweser (PremiumPlus) to pass the exam. I found the FRM Handbook and the GARP curriculum
readings to be more useful as reference materials than as primary resources.
Which was the most helpful to me between Bionic Turtle and Schweser? Hands down it was Bionic Turtle!
The Bionic Turtle study notes are vibrant and filled with many colorful diagrams. With BT you are provided with PDF files that you can print or read
on your computer. At least last fall when I was studying for the Full FRM exam Schweser did not offer its customers the ability to obtain its FRM
study notes in PDF format.
I watched all of the weekly Schweser videos (they were offered live on Wednesday nights for 3 hrs at a time), but I didnt seem to get much out of
them. I felt like a lot of the time in the Schweser live online seminar was spent on administrative items. Also, the Schwser live online classes cover
so much in so little time that I felt like the concepts were just being glossed over. In contrast, I found the Bionic Turtle videos to be far more
substantial. BT devoted far more time to videos than Schweser (there are literally dozens of hours of videos that you an download that cover all areas
of the curriculum). I felt like the BT videos took their time and really covered the concepts well.
If I had to do it all over again I would use Bionic Turtle, and I would consider adding the Schweser materials as a supplement only if my company
paid for it and there was no money leaving my pocket. It looks like right now one year of access to Bionic Turtle is going for $399 compared to
$1,118 for PremiumPlus for levels 1 and 2 of Schweser. BT is such a bargain!!!!
Schweser is fantastic for CFA and I am using it to study for CFA Level 3 this June. I havent found a study provider better than Schweser for CFA.
However, with respect to the FRM exam I found the Bionic Turtle Materials to be far more helpful. If the guys at Bionic Turtle are reading this,
PLEASE consider offering a CFA study solution!!!
I hope this helps! :-D

Jan 5th, 2010 9:50pm
239 AF Points
If I were to do it over again.I would use Bionic Turtle.I may get it for reference material.

Jan 5th, 2010 10:44pm
693 AF Points
i used solely the schweser stuff no handbook, no bionic turtle

Jan 5th, 2010 10:56pm
15 AF Points
I dont know how I passed. I referred only Schweser and that too only for a week!

Jan 6th, 2010 12:03am
488 AF Points
I used both bionic turtle and schweser. Bionic Turtle was my favorite. I passed.

Jan 6th, 2010 12:23am
173 AF Points
i used schweser completely 2009 was a damn hectic year. cfa I in june, caia I in sep and frm in nov glad all the madness is over
the nerd in me wants to go for caia II in march but i cannot do it now too exhausted with studying will go for cfa II in june directly

Jan 6th, 2010 1:14am
183 AF Points
I used BT predominantly - while I went over the video I took enough notes but never got a chance to review.
second pass was with Schweser (I shared it withone of my friend) so just had enough time to skim through to see if BT missed anything and to my
surprise for most part BT was way better in explaining (Similar to Stalla for CFA)
Then I religiously took a lot of QBank and at one point I came to realize that QBank is more of refresher quiz and so I started doing practice exams - I
spent the last 3 weeks taking only exams (bt qns, schwe qbank, mock exams and FRM exams)
I had plenty of qns in FRM handbookk but never had time togo over
my 2c :
Use BT for understanding concepts
use Schw to skim thru - use it as a review material
Take all possible exams = use qbnk as a quiz stuff
** important - take any possible previous FRM exams (you get a good feel of the real exam -eventhough FRM full morning exam was no where near
what I took while pracg)
and Pray a lot that you pass.

Jan 6th, 2010 1:25am
53 AF Points
Schweser all the way:
CFA All 3 levels,
FRM Full
and CAIA level 1. The next level in March this year
If you do have more time would recommend a revision of schweser !!

Jan 6th, 2010 1:52am
CFA, FRM Charterholder
321 AF Points
I used Schweser and surprisingly passed.
Right on exam day I felt badly underprepared. Schwesers Q-Bank gives a false sense of security, the questions are too easy, IMHO. Do have a good
look ate the GARP provided sample exams!
Schweser videos are not worth the money as they are very superficial, but the Final Review Guidebook served as a good starting point for retention
I occasionally used the Risk Manager Handbook as a reference.
If I were to do it again I would probably get Schweser AND BionicTurtle, since the hand-on approach of BT is appealing to me, thought I have not
tried any BT material yet.
I also got the Hull book, incl. the Student Solution Manual, after the exam, and can highly recommend the book. It feels way more complete and
comprehensive then the Schweser books. If you want to get anything of the assigned readings, thats a book Id buy. Also, I found the Basel II
readings in Schweser left out a lot after I went through the original document over the holidays. So, following Schwesers suggestion to have a look at
the original Basel II material cant hurt, but I didnt do it.

Jan 6th, 2010 2:45am
503 AF Points
I did very little studying, knowing many overlap with CFA (I passed all 3 levels). I put most concentration on Credit Risk and OpRisk, while studying
very little case studies. I think I spent at most 50 hours studying. I thought I was marginal but now I think I did better than many passed candidiates.
We will find this out soon! :)
BTW, used Schweser only.

Jan 6th, 2010 3:02am
1,914 AF Points
Same as Monki. I read the Schwesers and then spent the Friday before D-Day doing more than 500 questions. That got me over the hill.
McPass, CFA

Jan 6th, 2010 5:14am
200 AF Points
I did Schweser & Handbook
Saw BT videos as well
was initially finding very tough to grasp higher calculas in handbookbut towards endjust ignored that
I think doing all possible questions/exams worked
I must have put 250 odd hours for all this

Jan 6th, 2010 9:39am
1,047 AF Points
@bethesda: I havent found a study provider better than Schweser for CFA.
How about the CFAI?

Jan 6th, 2010 9:47am
26 AF Points
Purely Schweser, never knew about BT, never opened the handbook. I have bought it now as I want to go through it properly.
Went through 2 past exams, 3 months preparation, followed schwesers study calendar.
FRM in my opinion was as brutal as CFA L2. Dont underestimate this sucker.
- Blueswan, CFA, CAIA, FRM

Jan 6th, 2010 10:03am
72 AF Points
blueswan Wrote:
> FRM in my opinion was as brutal as CFA L2. Dont
> underestimate this sucker.
> - Blueswan, CFA, CAIA, FRM
I second that. Dont underestimate the difficulty of this exam. Its easily as much to study as any given CFA level, but the questions on the FRM
exam were trickier on average.

Jan 6th, 2010 10:20am
10 AF Points
I used Schweser as my primary prep material and skimmed through the past exam questions in the hand book. Also checked out few BT videos on
Youtube available for free.
Schweser FRM material didnt cover the concepts in-depth some of the important concepts had superficial or confusing explanation. Answering some
of the FRM exam questions need in-depth knowledge on concepts hence using Schweser material is not a good idea.
Even though I checked out few BT videos on youtube the concepts are explained in-depth and makes you feel confident tackling the tough questions
in FRM exams.
The hand book is huge its hard to go through the entire material but I felt some of the FRM questions are entirely based on the FRM hand book
examples that were used for explaining the concepts . This kind of makes sense because the FRM test creators may be referring this handbook while
setting the questions. Which again makes you feel confident in cracking the FRM exam.
If I were to do it again I would use BT as my prep material and refer hand book to clarify doubts on tough concepts and may be Schweser for review.

Jan 6th, 2010 10:34am
16 AF Points

>@bethesda: I havent found a study provider better than Schweser for CFA.
>How about the CFAI?
The CFA Institute curriculum makes for very interesting reading. The selections are from some of the leading minds in the field. I do occasionally
refer to a CFAI reading or two when I have the time. However, the CFAI readings are much more lengthy than the corresponding readings from
Schweser. If you have unlimited time the CFAI readings would probably be better than Schweser. However, given the limited amount of time I have
to study I prefer Schweser to the CFAI readings for the CFA exam.

Jan 9th, 2010 5:06am
17 AF Points
Only handbook!

Factor hedge
Jan 9th, 2010 7:03am
CFA Level II Candidate
234 AF Points
Studying With

Core readings for quant (helped me to get 1st quartile in quant )
Read Hull Chapters (since 20 odd chapters are from Hull text thru out the FRM Curriculam)
Skimmed through Schweser
Studied Handbook and diligently solved all the Handbook questions ( except credit risk and Investment management)
I think I was better off studying Hull which helped me get 1st quartile in market risk and 2nd quartile in Risk models
schweser is horrible for ops risk and credit risk . I found FRM Handbook ops risk way superior to any other readings I wouldnt have even thought
about getting 1st quartile in ops risk if not for Handbook
I also watched few videos of BT and was diligently following the BT forum and solving the question a day those questions were one notch above
FRM questions and were very involving .
Took off from work for a week before exam and solved Handbook questions and schweser practice tests .
If I were to do it again I would read complete Handbook along with Hull and quant core readings , omit schweser , read BT Materials and watch BT
Factor Hedge
Jan 9th, 2010 8:04am
10 AF Points
Schweser Schweser and only Schweser
Its like a bible for FRM

Jan 10th, 2010 3:03pm
1,914 AF Points
The exam may have been brutal but the bar isnt set very high for this exam.
There, I said it. Unfortunelately, its true.
McPass, CFA

Jan 10th, 2010 7:48pm
3 AF Points
Not sure if entirely true, the exam is not getting any easier with time plus it does need a reasonable amount of time preparing for.
clearable with decent preparation? yes. a piece of cake? not so much.

future cfa frm caia
Jan 10th, 2010 9:25pm
10 AF Points
Schweser, Schweser and Schweser for me as well. I think Ive read the Schweser Study Notes three times in 3 months and did the the free GARP
practice tests. I scored below average in the Schweser Final Tests (prolly because I finished it very fast) and failed the GARP practice exams but
thankfully got 1st quartile in all but 2 subjects in the Actual exam (Im 2nd quartile in Foundations of RM and forgot the other one). Im really glad I
used Scweser as I dont have the luxury of time to read the Handbook and Core Readings as I am working full time.
I think my CAIA background helped me as well (used plainly Schweser for both CAIA levels and passed both with flying colors). Will start my CFA
soon and will definitely use Schweser again.
I must say the 2009 FRM exam was a difficult exam- very tricky questions plus very overwhelming coverage.

Jan 11th, 2010 9:02am
United States
CFA Passed Level III
164 AF Points
Studying With

Klarsolo Wrote:
> blueswan Wrote:
> > FRM in my opinion was as brutal as CFA L2.
> Dont
> > underestimate this sucker.
> >
> > - Blueswan, CFA, CAIA, FRM
> I second that. Dont underestimate the difficulty
> of this exam. Its easily as much to study as any
> given CFA level, but the questions on the FRM exam
> were trickier on average.
I respectfully but completely disagree, even though the pass rates for both are close (~40%). I found the studying and exam questions on the FRM to
be pretty straightforward, with the exception of a scant few questions on the exam. Maybe its because I have a more quant background (math
undergraduate degree) and its one of my stronger areas on the CFA.
The CFA exam will omit major parts of its ciricculum because there is so much material to study. The comprehensive-ness of it is what makes it so
frustrating and difficult. Ive failed Level 2 twice now (Band 7 and 10). I passed FRM Level 1 in the highest quartile for 3 of the 4 sections (the other
in the second quartile).
I have to agree with mcpass on this one although I wouldnt say piece of cake, but it feels easier than the CFA.

Jan 11th, 2010 3:14pm
124 AF Points
I used schweser only and passed. I think its sufficient.

Jan 12th, 2010 1:37am
26 AF Points
Without arguing with anyone else, this is my difficulty level of all these exams have a quant background (engg) + mba.
Toughest to easiest ranking. Luckily i did not have not to repeat an exam, so this is all based on the 1st try
CFA - L3
FRM - Full
CFA - L2
CFA - L1
measuring difficulty level is subjective, in my case i measured it based on number of sleepless nights before results are announced ;-)

Jan 12th, 2010 4:42pm
266 AF Points
schweser alone

ruchir dogra
Jan 23rd, 2013 1:02am
Passed Level III
3 AF Points
I used schweser and eduleap test series (had some pretty tough qtns!).. anyone know of any good mock tests for part 2 other than schweser?? I cant go
on readingg.. :( need to practice tests

Jan 23rd, 2013 9:24am
Hong Kong
CFA Charterholder
44 AF Points
Bionic Turtle is the undisputed leader in practice questions for FRM. Check them out at
I used Schweser for studying but used Bionic Turtle for practice questions. Schweser reading texts are great but the practice questions are not any
where near the difficulty of the real exams but Bionic questions are about par with the difficulty of the real exams (this observation is common among
a good number of FRM candidates). This was my combination and I am glad to say I passed both parts in the last Nov 2012 exam. This is not to say
that success is guaranteed if anyone follows this advice; maybe it just worked for me as we all have our peculiar circumstances that determine our
ultimate chances.

1. can i find the solutions for problems from GARP notes on this site? If yes how to look for
them? if they are not available, it would be nice to have them.
or how can i search for practice problems based on a specific chapter from the notes? thats
how i am following up on my preparation plan.

alokj, Apr 4, 2012
Suzanne EvansAdministrator
alokj said:
can i find the solutions for problems from GARP notes on this site? If yes how to look for them? if they are not
available, it would be nice to have them.
or how can i search for practice problems based on a specific chapter from the notes? thats how i am following
up on my preparation plan.

Hi AJ,

I'm not exactly sure what you are referring to when you say GARP notes. Here are the
contents on GARP's site that I see they offer:

Can you provide me further explanation please?

Suzanne Evans, Apr 4, 2012
David Harper CFA FRM CIPMDavid Harper

We also copied the GARP sample practice exams to forum boards:
These are the same as published, only difference is occasional thread conversation (e.g.,
error). Eventually we will annotate these. Thanks,
David Harper CFA FRM CIPM, Apr 4, 2012
alokjNew Member

there are some practice problems after every chapter in FRM Part I Books (one i received
from GARP). I read a chapter and solve the examples at the end of the chapter. But i couldn't
find the solutions of these problems, so there is no way for me to check if my answers are
correct or not. After I finish reading all chapters, then its ok to go though all the problems at
once (as its on the site). But while I am reading chaper by chapter, its kinda convenient to
solve the problems and check the correctness of the answers.

It would have be useful if problems are categorized chapter wise along with the topic wise
classification we have now.

Let me know if you still have confusion.

alokj, Apr 4, 2012
David Harper CFA FRM CIPMDavid Harper
Hi AJ,

We write our own questions, organized by topic in the Study

Are the questions just the naturally occurring end of chapter questions, or has GARP added
their own?
e.g., do you have any for 10. Rachev's Chapters 2 and 3?
David Harper CFA FRM CIPM, Apr 4, 2012
Suzanne EvansAdministrator
alokj said:

there are some practice problems after every chapter in FRM Part I Books (one i received from GARP). I read a
chapter and solve the examples at the end of the chapter. But i couldn't find the solutions of these problems, so
there is no way for me to check if my answers are correct or not. After I finish reading all chapters, then its ok
to go though all the problems at once (as its on the site). But while I am reading chaper by chapter, its kinda
convenient to solve the problems and check the correctness of the answers.

It would have be useful if problems are categorized chapter wise along with the topic wise classification we
have now.

Let me know if you still have confusion.

Click to expand...
Hi AJ,

We have contacted our contact at GARP to clarify. We will get back with you ASAP!

Suzanne Evans, Apr 4, 2012
Ankur SMember

Think i can help since i am L2 member and have followed BT and GARP books also.

The questions at the end of each chapter in garp books are simply picked up from the
chapters of books that GARP puts in AIM. Dont think GARP is putting any questions.

E.g. in L2 i am reading Jorion Ch7 and 17 in Investment topic. GARP simply copies the whole
chapters along with questions and related appendix from Jorion and puts it in its Investment
book that GARP prints.

Hope its not confusing.

You wouldn't find answers to those on BT as David has his own set of vast and variety of
questions, which i found to be engaging as well and it really helped me to clear L1.

My 2 cents.

Ankur S, Apr 6, 2012
Like x 1
ChadWOBNew Member
I called GARP about this when I was studying for the November 2011 Lev1 exam using the
GARP issued handbook. The questions at the end of each section are plucked straight from
the text from the assigned readings. GARP advised me that they did not have the proper
licensing to publish the answers, so that is what you can't find them! They told me I'd have to
buy the answers seperately and directed me towards

This is the primary reason I did not purchase the handbook for Lev2 from GARP, and went
with Bionic Turtle and Schweser. I'd suggest doing the same. Schweser provides a lot of
qualitative practice questions and BT via David gives detailed explanations on the
quantitative stuff and gives even better insight into the past testability of topics so you can
prioritize yoru time better.
ChadWOB, Apr 23, 2012
Like x 2
Aleksander HansenWell-Known Member
One way to get around it is to type in the question in Google books. It will let you view 4
pages or so around the paragraph you select after searching. Same thing on Amazon "look
inside the book".
Do it over the course over a couple of days and you should have pretty much all the answers
from the various readings.

If you want to get fancy and do it all in one go, you can have your IP generated by protective
networks: networks made to get around censorship in countries like China, Iran etc. it
randomly assigns you IP addresses from a wide range of countries and switches it every few
minutes so one cannot be tracked.
(good way not to get viruses or avoid getting hacked too but that's beside the point).
It is perfectly legal since your're not violating the terms and conditions on Google or Amazon
(albeit that may change if a lot of people start doing it).
Aleksander Hansen, Apr 23, 2012
David Harper CFA FRM CIPMDavid Harper
Aleks, This doesn't apply to May, but if you (or anyone) locates a solution text that you think
we should make available, please let me know: I can have somebody enter solutions
manually; e.g., as we did selected Hull here
(I may have somebody enter all of the 8th Ed Hull ... not sure)

The issue, from my perspective, is that some of these texts don't seem to actually have
solutions; e.g., Tuckman, Jorion ... and some readings don't have questions (hence my
original confusion) but if you find a text you think we should incorporate (subject to fair use
modifications, of course), please let us know!
David Harper CFA FRM CIPM, Apr 23, 2012
Like x 1
Aleksander HansenWell-Known Member

I'll let you know what I come across.

Usually they have their TA's write up solutions for exercises if it's not published in the book
(or in a separate solutions manual like Hull) so I'm sure something is out there.
I'll look at the universities they are at to see if I know anyone in their departments that I can
go through, otherwise I'll just shot them an email [post exam]
Aleksander Hansen, Apr 23, 2012

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