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By Rebekka Cebulla
Shutter speed
The shutter speed is the amount of time the
shutter is opend
Its measured in seconds or frictions of seconds
If the shutter is longer than 1/10 of a second it
count as a long shutter and you should use a
tripod or the picture will be blurry

Drawing with light
we drawed with the light by having the shutter
on 30 seconds and than moving a source of light
Our first try was overexposed so we set up the aperture so not so much light came in
the picture
Our next trie went out better so you can see the lines we draw with the light . On the
sides you can also see ghosts. This happens when something is in the picture but not
the whole time.
Lichtfacktor are two german artist (Marcel
Panne, Tim Fehske and David Lpschen) who
are working with really long shutters and
diffrent lights to create pictures.
Lichtfaktor says that they enjoy the contrast
from using different light sources to create
their images.
This is one of lichtfaktors pictures.

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