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ChE 4122 Chemical Engineering Review Fall 2014

Discussion 2: Energy Balances

1. An insulated, steam-heated, single stage laboratory evaporator is used to determine data for
the design of large units. Saturated steam at 150 C is used as the heating medium. The steam
condensate is all liquid at 150 C. The total duty is 225 kW. The required steam rate (kg/s) is
most nearly

a) 9.40
b) 8.56
c) 0.11
d) 0.08

2. 1000 kg of a solution 10 % H
at 27 C is to be fortified to 50 % strength by the addition
of 98 % H
which is at 21 C. The final temperature is to be 38 C. Given the enthalpies
below, the heat (kJ ) that must be removed by the cooling system is most nearly

a) 400,000 10 % H
at 27 C: H =27.9 kJ /kg
b) 200,000 50 % H
at 38 C: H =- 195.4 kJ /kg
c) - 200,000 98 % H
at 21 C: H =- 7.0 kJ /kg
d) - 400,000

3. 500 kg/h of steam drives a turbine. The steam enters at 44 atm and 450 C at 60 m/s and
leaves at a point 5 m below the turbine inlet at atmospheric pressure and a velocity of 360 m/s.
The shaft work is 70 kW and the heat loss is estimated to be 10
kcal/h. The enthalpy change
(kJ /kg) associate with the process is most nearly

a) - 10,000
b) - 650
c) - 100
d) 500

4. Air is heated from 100 to 200 C at atmospheric pressure. The change in enthalpy (J /mol) is
most nearly

a) 1000
b) 1500
c) 2100
d) 2900

5. The amount of water (kg) in 150 m
of air at 41 C and 10 % relative humidity is most nearly

a) 0.1
b) 0.8
c) 1.2
d) 6.5

6. An aqueous liquid stream containing 30 wt % ammonia is heated from 0 to 50 C at 5 bar.
The required heat input (kJ /L) is most nearly

a) 172
b) 182
c) 192
d) 202

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