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Senbei (Rice Cracker)

Senbei is a snack enjoyed in Japan since old times. Originally flavored with salt and soy sauce,
other flavors have become available more recently. Try this recipe with your favorite flavor or
substitute brown rice for white.
Ingredients (serves 4):
1 cup short or medium grain brown rice (cooked)
2 Tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese
2 tsp. Italian parsley, chopped
1 tsp. white sesame seeds
Place all ingredients in a gallon size 10" x 14" plastic bag and mix evenly inside the bag.
On a flat surface, roll out the mixture with a rolling pin over the bag.
Fold edges of the mixture to make a square shape.
Thin out the square as much as you can with the rolling pin.
Cut parchment paper to 10" x 14" size. Split open the top of the plastic bag and transfer the
rice square to parchment paper. Keep the plastic sheet on top.
If the rice square is too fragile, use two cutting boards to transfer the rice square. Place one
cutting board under the plastic bag with rice square and place the parchment paper over. Place
the other cutting board over the parchment paper, then flip the boards so that the plastic bag
and rice square is on top of the parchment paper. This can be also done using 2 baking sheets.
Cut into bite-sized squares with a butter knife over the plastic sheet. Gently press with edge of
butter knife so you separate squares without cutting through plastic.
Remove the plastic, place the rice squares on the parchment in a microwave and cook on high
heat (at 1200W) for 7 minutes or until the rice dries and hardens.
Serve crackers when they are cool to touch.

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