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Learning Management Plan for: Year1 Rosies walk Learning Management Plan Focus: SOSE

LMQ1 What does my learner already know? (Prior knowledge about the topic/content /concept skills before the learning being planned)

Learners already know the basics of a map
Some students may have already read story book
Students have fair understanding of vocab being used
Basic understanding of technology
How to map

LMQ2 Where does my learner/s need/want to be? INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (ILO) Direct syllabus links
Children build knowledge, understanding and skills to:
pose questions and communicate ideas about social and environmental points of view
explore sustainable practices to conserve a natural feature of their local environment
contributions of people in their communities
discuss rights and responsibilities and codes of behaviour in their classroom and school
reflect on contributions individuals to the environment

Declarative Knowledge (The learner will know):
DK 1 - That mapping comes in more forms than roads it includes, social and
DK2 Know the difference between birds eye view & a street view
DK3 Have understanding of storybook being introduced

Procedural Knowledge (The learner will be able to):
PK1 Explore the mapping process in a familiar local environment of their
own school
PK2 Provide evidence of different environmental areas- birds eye
view/street view and be able to state the difference
PK3 Deliver instructions on how to get between destinations
PK 4 recognise how instructions can be hidden in stories
LMQ3 How does my learner best learn? (Learning styles, strengths, interests, needs)
Students with ASD in classroom have to be taken into consideration as they do not like change
Cohort works well together
Behavioral issues
Often have absent students who do not catch up quickly
Very comfortable classroom environment
Work well individually and in groups
Interested in relating topics to real life situations
Using technology as it is considered fun and engaging

LMQ4 What resources do I have at my disposal? (Interesting, motivating, relevant)
Teacher aide
IWB (interactive white board)
Ipads/ ipod touches
Internet access
Art materials
Library books (mapping and Rosies walk)
Parental help if needed
Explicit handouts for activities
Online resources such as youtube clips
LMQ5 What will constitute the learning journey?
Learning Experience
Dot points of strategies/management/key questions
Main DoL focus Timeframe
1 DK 3
PK 4
Introduction of Rosies walk
Discuss words that students may have issues with in lessons
DOL 2 40minutes
2 DK3
Continuum from previous lesson
Make own story map using phrases learnt in previous lesson give demonstration using story book creator
DOL 1 40minutes
3 DK1
Look at books on maps to see differences
Talk about keys/ legends on maps and why it is important to label maps
Show google maps and features on that in local town
DOL 5 40minutes
4 DK 2
Using mapping books again have discussion of difference between birds eye view and street view
Use map to create real life experience to mix up lesson for something more fun and interactive
DOL 1 40minutes
5 DK1
PK 3
Gather class information to create own mapping situation
Use prior knowledge in local environment, take photos using camera of school surroundings
DOL 1 40minutes
6 DK1 DK2
Have students label photos from previous lesson on IWB
Have discussion of Rosies farmyard map and our schoolyard map (similarities/differences)
Allow students to edit photos to look better/clearer
DOL 5 40minutes
7 DK3
Art lesson using Rosie as inspiration
Gives student a break from all the writing and mapping also adds extra curriculum activities in unit
DOL 2 40minutes
8 DK3
Rehash on sentences from sequence 3
Do some sentence building using handouts (will be relevant to following lesson)
DOL 2 40minutes
9 DK1 DK2
Create own digital story book with directions and images included use book creator app
Set goals for each group on what they will be presenting
DOL 2 40minutes
10 DK3
Presentations on parade to inform other classes/teachers/parents of what we have learnt in this unit PPT in
Reflect unit in class as conclusion
DOL 1 40minutes

LMQ6 Who will do what?
Students will complete tasks
Prac teacher will give lessons to students
Lead Learning Manager (classroom teacher) will monitor class lessons
Teacher aide will assist with lower level students such as student with ASD

LMQ7 How will I check that the learner has achieved the learning outcomes?
Through formative assessment throughout unit and a final summative assessment at the end, if students all receive a minimum sound level it will
show they understand
Self, peer and teacher reflections
LMQ8 How will I inform others about the learners progress?
Comments on weekly work
Appraisal of work vocally
Through report cards for parents
Teacher aides of the students they usually work with
Student Blog Peer feedback
LMQ9 Why has the learner achieved/not achieved the learning outcomes?
Due to engagement levels in class activities
The way the lesson was taught
Technology not working
Topics may not have had enough differentiation in them
Clear understanding of topics

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