The European Union

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The European Union

1. What is it?

The EU stands for European Union and it is a group of countries in which their
governments work together as a group.
2. When was it established? Who were the original members?
It was established 1!"# and now there is 2" countries that is in the European
Belgium 1957
France 1957
Netherlands 1957
Germany 1957
Italy 1957
Luxembourg 1957
Denmark 1973
Ireland 1973
UK 1973
Greece 1981
Portugal 1986
Sain 1986
!ustria 1995
Finland 1995
S"eden 1995
#ungary 2004
Poland 2004
$%ech &eublic 2004
Slo'ak &eublic 2004
Slo'enia 2004
(stonia 2004
Lat'ia 2004
Lithuania 2004
)alta 2004
$yrus 2004
Bulgaria 2007
&omania 2007
$. Who is in it currentl%?
&ll the nations from 'uestion number two plus (roatia that was added in )ul% of
+. What European nations are ,-T members?
Turke%# Iceland# ,orwa%# and .wit/erland
!. What does it do?
The EU is the thought of bringing in Europe more closel% together and it tries to
make it easier for Europeans to sell and bu% products to each other.
0. 1ow is it run?
It is run b% having people from ever% countr% come together and make rules and
decisions on what the% think.
". Who and wh% are some in the U2 3ro4Europeans?
5ritain is one of the U2 3ro4Europeans because people think that 5ritain will
have a better outlook from being part of a larger group of countries.
6. Who and wh% are some in the U2 Eurosceptics?
The% are the people that feel that the U2 is different from other European
countries. These people are those that feel also that the U2 is losing its
independence and the identit% of their countr%.
. What is the Euro?
It7s their method of mone% that is used in 10 other countries that is located in
1*. 1ow has the EU grown since its birth?
& lot of countries are tr%ing to 8oin the EU and more and more are 8oining.
11. Top five aims of the EU?
To promote economic and social progress# .peak for the European Union on the
international scene# Introduce European citi/enship# 9evelop Europe as an area
of freedom# securit%# and 8ustice# and :aintain and build on established EU law.

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