1.) Differentiate .: Trigonometric Function

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Trigonometric function

1.) Differentiate .
Apply the product rule.

2.) Differentiate .
Apply the quotient rule

(Recall the well-known trigonometry identity.)

3.) Differentiate .
Apply the product rule.

4.) Differentiate
Apply the quotient rule first, followed by the chain rule.


5.) Differentiate
To avoid using the chain rule, first rewrite the problem as

Now apply the product rule. Then

6.) Differentiate
Rewrite g as a triple product and apply the triple product rule

so that the derivative is


7.) Differentiate
Apply the chain rule to both functions

(Recall that )

8.) Differentiate
Apply the product rule first, followed by the chain rule

9.) Differentiate

10.) Differentiate
Apply the quotient rule first..

(Apply the product rule in the first part of the numerator.)

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