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Marcus Austin

Damon Blankenship
Period 8
Cairo, Egypt Almanac
Chapter 1
Population Growth

The population in Cairo has grown a lot. The population has grown an estimated
2 million since 1906. In the early 1900s trading, the nile river, Migration, and birth and
death rates influence population growth.
First I am going to talk about birth rates. The birth rate for egypt has risen a lot
over the past few years. The birth rate is 23.35 births for every 1000 people. This is
caused by population control policies vanishing.
Next I am going to talk about Cairos death rates. There are 4.77 deaths for every
1000 people. The death rate is high because of poor medical supplies and poor
nutrition. People in Cairo cant afford as much as other people that live in the U.S. or
Now I am going to talk about migration in Cairo. There are three types of
migration in Cairo: Asylum seekers, internal migration from upper egypt, and migration
from other countries around the world. Cairo has one of the largest refugee populations
living in urban areas. The estimated migration is 300 thousand to three million. The
migrants dont make very much money. Only some get a job and of those that can find a
job dont get paid very much.
Next I am going to talk about the land. The land in Cairo is desert. This means
that there is a lot of sand around. That then means there are sandstorms frequent. The
land is also not very fertile because of all the sand.
Marcus Austin
Damon Blankenship
Period 8
Finally, I am going to talk about the climate of Cairo. The climate is a hot desert
climate. Also since they are close to the Nile River it is very humid. There are often
windstorms that bring in saharan dust in the months March and April. The record high
temperature is 118 degrees fahrenheit. The record low temperature is 28.2 degrees
fahrenheit. The average high temperature is 81.9 degrees fahrenheit. The average low
is 60.4 degrees fahrenheit. The average yearly precipitation is .972 inches per year. The
average humidity is 56%. The sun is out for 3451 hours on average per year.

Chapter 2
Marcus Austin
Damon Blankenship
Period 8
In the first section I am going to discuss Cairos language. The language of Cairo
is mainly Arabic with an Egyptian dialect. If you are educated well and graduate you
may speak English, French, or Italian well too. Those are the four main languages
spoken in Cairo.
Second I am going to talk about the religions in Cairo. Muslim is the main religion
in Cairo. More than 90 percent of people are muslim. The other few percent are Coptic
Christian. Although there is no percent known, most of the Muslims are Sunni. While
there are a decreasing number of Catholics. The coptic still are growing. Protestant
religion is also spreading and starting in Cairo and Egypt. All of the other christianity
groups are Armenian Apostolic, Catholic, Maronite, Orthodox, and Anglican. Many
years from now there may be even more religions or there may be only one dominant.
Third I am Going to Talk about the social groups that are in or around Cairo.
There are many social groups located in Cairo. The population of egypt are mainly
made of Egyptians and Arabs. In the southern part there are mainly Nubians. Then in
the western part there are mainly berber. Egypt has always been characterized by
having many race mixtures.
Finally I am going to talk about how the culture in Cairo is changing. One way the
culture is changing is because of the religions that are starting to spread there. Like one
religion that is starting to spread to Cairo is Protestant. More and more people start to
become protestant every year. One other way it is changing is the language. More
languages are spreading into Cairo every year. Another way Cairos culture is changing
is that the arabs are coming in more and changing the language around. Also all the
other races that keep moving there are starting to change the culture.
Marcus Austin
Damon Blankenship
Period 8

Chapter 3
Government and Economic Systems

In my first paragraphaph I will be discussing Cairos government. Cairos
Government is semi-presidential. Which means the president is not only head of the
Marcus Austin
Damon Blankenship
Period 8
state, but also head of the government's head. Egypt also practices executive and
legislative power. After 8 months every year the parliament of the country has a
meeting. They can have more meetings if the president wants to, but only under special
circumstances. The assembly of the people is the main legislative body. The assembly
has a term of five years. The president can intervene and make it shorter if he wishes
Next I am going to talk about the economic activity in Cairo. Cairo is the
economic center of Egypt. Nearly two-thirds of the countries gross national product is
generated here in Cairo. Following the 1952 revolution, Cairo is mainly into textiles and
food processing. Other industries include iron and steel working and consumer goods.
Now a majority of Cairos jobs are in the service sector. With their largest revenue being
from tourism. Weapon sales, petroleum, and the Suez Canal are other sources of major
revenue. Even though they have cheap transportation and medical care, they still have
trouble having enough money. Some families have to have two to three jobs. Some
parents have to send off their kids to work at, eight years old, in manufacturing.
In my final paragraph I am going to discuss the history of Cairos economy and
government. In the late 1800s president ismails had done a lot of projects to make the
city better. After his presidency was over though Cairo was in immense debt from all the
things ismails tried to renovate. All this debt made for more european control. They
finally got their independence from europe in 1922. Troops stayed until the early 20th
century. In the times many things have stunted with their economy and government. For
example they had the black death a long time ago, then they had the british occupying,
Marcus Austin
Damon Blankenship
Period 8
the great Cairo fire, and finally the devastating earthquake in 1992. Cairos government
is still the same now as it was back in the early 1800s.

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