Learning Target Tracker - Unit 1 2014

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UNIT 1: How Did We Get Here?

Learning Targets


Date(s) Completed

Apply (Assess = Unit
1. I can analyze primary and
secondary sources to explain
what life was like in:
- Africa
- America
before European exploration.

______ Read leveled reading about Native American
groups and take Cornell notes

_____ Read leveled reading about Africa before
European exploration (Trade Networks of Africa and
Asia in American Nation textbook pp. 50-54; Ed
Helper reading )

____Native Americans misrepresentation in the
media video and discussion

____ group activity poster
making about key elements of
your Native American groups
class presentation

___class discussion what
was life like in America and
Africa before European
2. I can analyze primary
and secondary sources to
explain WHY Europeans
began colonizing the
Americas (God, Gold,

___Columbus Brainpop watch and take Cornell

___ Columbus primary source analysis and questions

___God/Gold/Glory reading and questions

____Powerpoint presentation

3. I can explain the views of
the different purposes of
government by Enlightenment
thinkers in Europe (Hobbes,
Locke, and Rousseau).

____Cornell notes and leveled reading on Hobbes
and Locke
___Mr. Bergers lecture/Powerpoint re: Rousseau
and Social Contract theory

___Class debate whos
right? Hobbes or Locke?

____Power writing paragraph
who you agree with
(Hobbes, Locke, or Rousseau?)

4. I can analyze why the
English colonists began using
the language of natural rights
and limited government to
argue for independence from
Britain after the French and

___French and Indian War Brainpop
___Cornell notes (Protests of Colonists and New
Taxes Ed Helper OR pp. 146-153 American Nation
textbook Turmoil over Taxation)
UNIT 1: How Did We Get Here?

Indian War.

Learning Targets


Date Completed

5. I can identify and explain
the importance of instances
where English colonists
practiced self-rule and
representative government
(i.e. House of Burgesses,
town hall meetings).

___Reading and questions (House of Burgesses Ed
Helper; Roots of Self-Government pp. 120-123 of
American Nation)

___Powerpoint / lecture from Mr. Berger
6. I can analyze a primary
source (Declaration of
Independence) to identify its
main arguments.

___Declaration of Independence group reading and
questions (or Ed Helper Declaration of Independence
____group presentation on
section of Declaration of
7. I can describe how the
English colonists campaign
for freedom affected the
Africans fight for natural
rights in America.

____Cornell notes Revolutionary Ideals pp. 146-
152, African American History: A Journey of
8. I can evaluate whether
English colonization of the
Americas represented
freedom or oppression.
___Whole group wrap-up creation of chart
freedom vs. oppression
____Power writing paragraph
Did English colonization of
the Americas represent
freedom or oppression?

___Whole class discussion
did English colonization and
movement towards
independence fall more on
the side of freedom or
UNIT 1: How Did We Get Here?

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