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Praise is to the Almighty Allah the Creator of the Universe who gave us the existence. This study
would not become possible without the contributions from many people and organizations. In
this segment, we would like to acknowledge each and every person who has contributed their
effort in study by whatever means directly or indirectly. Specially, we would like to
acknowledge our supervisor, Md. Ariful Islam, Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial and
Production Engineering, RUET, for pushing us to higher achievements than we thought possible
and for his kind assistance without which it could not be possible to complete this work. We are
really grateful to him. We would like to thank Dr. Md. Mosharraf Hossain, Head, dept. of IPE,
RUET and Ripon kumar Chakrabortty, Lecturer, dept. of IPE, RUET as they enlightens us about
thesis and so many things that really helped us.

We would also like to thank patients and doctors of Rajshahi Medical Collage (RMC), Rajshahi,
who help us in collecting data specially Md. Altaf Hossain, intern doctor of RMC and Masnoon
Ahmed Noor, student of RMC. Also we are graceful to the students of RUET as they helps to
collect their anthropometric data.

Last but most importantly, we want to thank our family members and friends from whom we
have received a great deal of support in our life, specially our beloved parents; they gave the
foundation of our lives. For the rest of the persons who we didnt mention here, who have
participated in various ways to ensure our research succeeded, thank you to all of you. Your kind
and generous help will always be in our mind.

September, 2012 Authors

Md. Nuruzzaman
Md. Asadujjaman

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