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What happens in ineffective meeting?

We spend a lot of time in meetings in our job. We want to make
sure that the time spent is valuable.
Indicators of ineffective meetings:
1. No agenda
2. No minutes are taken at the meeting
3. The meeting doesnt start/end on
4. Communication is one way
5. No participation by the attendees
The Role of the Meeting Facilitator
Manages the process and guides discussion
Keeps track of agenda and duration of individual items
Takes notes or assigns a note taker
Moves the group toward the objective
Uses a parking lot for tangents
Defines, summarizes and assigns action items

The Role of the Meeting Participants
Prepare for the meeting
Assign and delegate if cant attend
Be on time
Participate in the discussion
Limit sidebar conversations
Good meetings start with good preparation
Define the Objective
Develop the Agenda
Determine Attendees
Schedule the Meeting
Preparation before the day of the meeting
Preparation of the day of the meeting
Getting Started
Start on time
Attendance check
Review meeting objective with the participants
Inform the participants of desired outcomes
Confirm who the designated note-taker is
Confirm who the meeting facilitator is
Establish ground rules
Review agenda
Getting Started
Start on time
Attendance check
Review meeting objective with the participants
Inform the participants of desired outcomes
Confirm who the designated note-taker is
Confirm who the meeting facilitator is
Establish ground rules
Review agenda
Getting Started
Start on time
Attendance check
Review meeting objective with the participants
Inform the participants of desired outcomes
Confirm who the designated note-taker is
Confirm who the meeting facilitator is
Establish ground rules
Review agenda
Getting Started
Start on time
Attendance check
Review meeting objective with the participants
Inform the participants of desired outcomes
Confirm who the designated note-taker is
Confirm who the meeting facilitator is
Establish ground rules
Review agenda
Getting Started
Start on time
Attendance check
Review meeting objective with the participants
Inform the participants of desired outcomes
Confirm who the designated note-taker is
Confirm who the meeting facilitator is
Establish ground rules
Review agenda
Getting Started
Start on time
Attendance check
Review meeting objective with the participants
Inform the participants of desired outcomes
Confirm who the designated note-taker is
Confirm who the meeting facilitator is
Establish ground rules
Review agenda
Getting Started
Start on time
Attendance check
Review meeting objective with the participants
Inform the participants of desired outcomes
Confirm who the designated note-taker is
Confirm who the meeting facilitator is
Establish ground rules
Review agenda
Getting Started
Start on time
Attendance check
Review meeting objective with the participants
Inform the participants of desired outcomes
Confirm who the designated note-taker is
Confirm who the meeting facilitator is
Establish ground rules
Review agenda
Facilitating Discussion
Be encouraging when people contribute
Listen to the speaker when he is making a statement with
many points
Observe non-verbal cues
Shed lights on differences of opinions
Be aware of your participation dont dominate
Managing Distractions
Use parking lot
Diffuse anger by taking short breaks and/or revisiting the goal
of the meeting

Finishing up
Strive to end on time but the last 5 minutes is the most
Action Items
Roles and responsibilities
Due dates for action items
Set date for next meeting
Request feedback on the meeting itself

Conference Calls
Make sure that you identify yourself before you speak
When you ask questions, name the person to whom your
question is directed
Speak one at a time

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