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Waves- Homework packet # 3

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A scale with a spring constant of !" #$m is compresse% .3 cm. What is the
&orce on the spring'
A mass of ".3" kg is attache% to a spring an% is set into vibration with a perio% of
".! secon%s. What is the spring constant of the spring'
A ()) # weight attache% to a giant spring ca*ses it to stretch (.+ cm. What is the
spring constant'
,n -*piter. a pen%*l*m has a length of 1.++ m an% has a perio% of ".!+ secon%s.
What is the gravit/ on -*piter'
&in% the mass of a ball that oscillates at a perio% of "."0) secon%s on a springs
with a spring constant of (3#$m
&in% the length of a pen%*l*m that oscillates with a fre1*enc/ of !.+ H2.
A spring with a spring constant of !0" #$m is stretche% !." cm from its original
position. &in% the force on the spring.
4he spring from problem # ( was replace% b/ a spring that stretches 3( cm from
its e1*ilibri*m position.
a. What is the spring constant of this spring'
b. 5s this spring more or less stiff that the spring in problem # (' 67plain.
8alc*late the perio% of a !.+ m long pen%*l*m in 9*ito. 6c*a%or where the
acceleration %*e to gravit/ is ).03" m$s
A loa% of + # attache% to a spring hanging verticall/ an% stretches the spring
".1 m. What is the spring constant of the spring'
How long is a pen%*l*m with a fre1*enc/ of ".+" H2'
:o* are %esigning a pen%*l*m clock to have a perio% of 1." secon%. How long
sho*l% the pen%*l*m be'

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