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General Rule: Answer do not repeat the question.

In middle school your teachers probably told you to steal words
from the prompt to help you get started. But you aint in middle
school anymore. That time is over.
Tim OBrien, the author of The Things They Carried, once said, A good war
story, in my opinion, is a story that strikes you as important, not for war
content, but for heart content.
A good war story, in my opinion, is a story that strikes you as important, not
for war content, but for its heart content. Ambush is the best story that
embodies this quote because its main focus is on the emotional aspect of
killing someone.
A good war story, in my opinion, is a story that strikes you as important, not
for war content, but for its heart content.
The story Spin in the book The Things They Carried by Tim OBrien best
embodies the quote above.
General Rule: Say something novel and original.
Avoid empty sentence which may get you started but dont
actually help you make any points.
Each chapter in this compilation of short war stories describes a part of the
Vietnam War in a unique and different way.
In The Things They Carried by Tim OBrien, there are many short war stories that
attempt to balance the true war experience and storytelling.
The Things They Carried by Tim OBrien includes many short stories about the
time OBrien spent in the Vietnam War. OBrien explains to the reader what
makes a good war story, A good war story, in my opinion, is a story that strikes
you as important, not for war content, but for its heart content. The author is
saying that a story, specifically a war story, should impact your heart and not
only focus on the literal war.
Some of us did both (this is just ONE of several examples). The
other thing this author did that we should skip next time is this:
(s)he assumed that the reader doesnt understand the prompt,
and so explains it.
So, wanna see one of our better openings?
When a person dies, those who were close to him or her are left to
contemplate how someone they once knew is gone forever. The shocking
finality of death makes it a difficult concept for many people to process. Tim
OBrien hits close to home when he faces this conflict in The Lives of the
Dead, his last story in The Things They Carried. The deaths he witnesses
become the war content of this story. The storys true value, however, its
heart content, lies in how he comes to terms with these events.
Lovely, isnt it?
Get back with your Partner (or 3):
You have already read through the poem one time
and had a quick discussion of what you read.
Read through the poem again (and again, if necessary).
This time, mark words you dont understand. Annotate
as you have thoughts and make connections. Notice
literary devices and themes.
Using what youve discovered, characterize
the poet, Anne Bradstreet. Focus on what
you know about her based on the evidence in the
poem. The evidence part is crucial here.
How is Jonathan Edwards like (or
not like) the Puritans we discussed
in class. How do you know?
Reading Quiz:
In order to answer this question well, consider first the
character of Jonathan Edwards as it is revealed in his sermon.
In other words, characterize the man as well as his beliefs,
then make a connection or a contrast (not a one-to-one
comparison. Unless you want me to fall asleep while Im
reading your paper).
10 minutes
Well? Lets hear it. What did
you write about?
10 minutes
Each group will be assigned one writer: Bradstreet or Edwards
In groups of 3 or 4:
As a group, search through the assigned text
for evidence of that authors attitude toward
G-d. You may find direct quotes or you may
paraphrase (its best if you do both). Either
way, you must not forget to cite the page(s)
or line(s) where you found the information.
Record the evidence you find on the poster.
You will be hanging these posters for the
class to evaluate later today.
Each group should find at least 5 examples. More is always better.
20ish minutes
Characterize your assigned
authors attitude toward G-d.
Examine all of the evidence
gathered by your own group and
by others assigned to your same
author. Consider it all together and,
as a group, discuss the answer to
this question:
10 minutes
Characterize the other authors
attitude toward G-d. Go back
into the text and supplement
this characterization with
evidence of your own choosing.
Now, take the time to examine the
work done by the groups assigned
the other author (if you did
Bradstreet, check out Edwards and
vice versa).
Compare Bradstreet
and Edwards attitudes
toward G-d.

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