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My word count this school year:

My AR points this quarter:
______________ (I should get 15 or
higher by the end of the quarter)
Room 35 News Letter
Fourth Grade - Mrs. Taylor
September 22

Parent Signature
Unit 2 Continued
Addition and Subtraction of whole numbers; specifically focusing
on one and two step word problems.
Language Arts
Reading Selection: uc! "#erlasting
As! your child about this boo!; they are
lo#ing it.
Grammar/Skill: 'a!ing (nferences
) Prepositions
Spelling Week: #5
Check out
Vocabulary Words: T!S !S "#W $ %&#'S# R#'(
*our child+s spelling words will also be their #ocabulary words this
wee!. ,e ha#e made #ocabulary cards they should be studying each
night. -riday. along with their spelling test. they will ta!e a #ocabulary
test. also has #ocabulary games to help them memori/e
their words 0 definitions.
he 1uarter is o#er
2ctober 34 which is
5ust o#er a month to
get 36 points for A7.
89%othing "#er :appens at :ome and at Peterson writing was
ama/ing; they did such an ama/ing 5ob with their stories.
8,riting off ;iterature using. 9he Araboolies on ;iberty Street<
8Using a daily page $their daily writing of their choosing& to create
their final narrati#e piece for the 1uarter.
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iReady Testing
wo days this wee!. our class will ta!e our district benchmar! test
on our Chromeboo!s before lunchtime $this test is new to our
district and aligned to the Common Core standards&. ,e will
continue two days ne@t wee! as well. he sub5ect areas are 'ath
and ;anguage Arts.
('. !S
' note /rom the o//ice: For the safety and health of our
students, we can no longer accommodate parents joining students
for lunch in the cafeteria. The parent may meet the child in the
MPR to drop off the lunch (for their child only).

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