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Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter

Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter

Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Chapter 1
Introduction to Computers,
the Internet and the Web
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
It all started with an angry programmer.
Sun Microsystems Software
Engineer Patrick Naughton
age 25, was disgusted with
his job at Sun. He had the impossible
job of making different software APIs--from
dozens of languages, platform OSs and
vendors--all work as one. It was impossible.
The Genesis of Java
After his stint at Sun, Mr. Naughton went on to work for Disney and, temporarily, for the FBI.
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
The Genesis of Java
Naughton announced to CEO
Scott McNealy that he was quitting
Pat was going to join NeXT,
because Sun was a mess.
McNealy asked Pat to write a
memo outlining his gripes.
The CEO asked Pat to suggest a
solution, As if you were God.
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
The Genesis of Java
Formation of the Green Project
Jan 1991
The array of standards spurred the
formation of the Green Project. Its goal
was making Consumer Electronics devices
talk to each other.
Since VCRs, Laser Disc Players and
Stereos were all made with different CPUs,
they all needed special programming.
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
James Gosling, then age 36, was asked to find a
programming language for the project.
Gosling, who had left
IBM in 1984 to join Sun,
first chose C++. But he
soon gave up on C++,
which was incapable of doing
what he wanted. So, he started to
modify C++, (which is a direct
descendant of the C programming language).
The Genesis of Java
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Soon, Gosling was writing a new language,
which he named Oak after the tree outside
his window.
Oak to had to be:
Small to work on Consumer electronics,
Platform independent, to avoid hassles like the
ones Naughton encountered,
an Interpreted language,
Object Oriented,
The Genesis of Java
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
The Genesis of Java
Reliable--which made him remove aspects of C++:
i.) No Multiple Inheritance--he used interfaces
ii.) No Operator Overloading
iii.) No Manual Memory allocation and dealloc
iv.) No Pointers--no pointer arithmetic

v.) No assignment in conditionals (== vs = )
and add things C++ lacked:
i.) Implicit Garbage Collection--no memory leaks
ii.) Data Structures only in Objects
iii.) Built in Security.
Technically, Java still has pointers but they are called references and cannot be used to do
pointer arithmetic or any of the other shenanigans that make C programming such a joy.
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Demo of *7, Programmed in Oak
3 Sept 1992
This was the prototype of the
first device to use the Oak
programming language.
The Star7 also featured the
debut of Duke, the Java
mascot. An early applet
showed Duke doing
cartwheels across the screen.
The Genesis of Java
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
The Genesis of Java
Oak becomes Java.
Jan 1995
By this time, the Internet had taken off.
Bill Joy, one of Suns founders, realized that
the needs of the Web [ reliability, platform
independence, security ] exactly matched the
characteristics of Oak, which had just been
renamed Java.
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
The Genesis of Java
Java Catches Fire
23 Mar 1995
Although Java had not yet been
officially released, it was spreading like
wildfire among developers.
Then, something very lucky happened...
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
The Genesis of Java
Netscape Navigator 2.0
23 May 1995
Two months later, at the SunWorld
conference, Marc Andreessen stepped on
stage and announced that Java is real, and it
will be incorporated into Netscape Navigator
At this moment, Suns entire Java team only
numbered 30 people.
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Major Advantage
over C & C++
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Because pointers were a major source of
bugs in C and C++, Gosling omitted pointers
entirely from Java.

Actually, pointers are still an important part
of the language--all objects are referenced by
pointers--but the language handles them, not
the programmer.
Javas Major Advantage over C & C++
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Java is C without
the Guns and
Thus, it has been said that...
Javas Origins in C & C++
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
By now, Java itself has matured into its 7th
version, named Java 7.
Java is Object-Oriented
--that means
everything in the language behaves like an
What exactly that means will be explained
in the coming lectures.
Java Architecture
Purists will say the presence of primitive variables makes this only 99.9% true.
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Java Architecture
Javas Architecture comes from four
separate but intertwined technologies:
the Java Programming Language
the Java class file format
the Java API, or Application Programming Interface
the Java Virtual Machine
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Java Architecture
Source programs are written in the Java
Programming Language.

All procedural code falls within methods.

Programs are compiled into Java class files.

Classes run in the Java Virtual Machine.
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Java Architecture
When a Java program runs,
it is assisted by other classes
in the Java Application
Programming Interface, or
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Java Architecture
Object.class String.class
Example Java API class files
Combined, the Java
Virtual Machine and the
Java API form a
The Java Platform
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
The Java Platform is unique, because it can
work without modification on
any platform, on any
operating system, if that
platform has a Java Virtual
Java Architecture
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Comparison of a typical Procedural
Program with a Java Program:
In a typical C program, the source code is
compiled into a native machine language
module that consists of 1s and 0s.
What is the ?
Java Architecture
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
C object module
compiled into
machine language
C Source Code
The machine language is specifically tailored
to one OS, be it Wintel, Mac, UNIX or MVS.
Therefore, it is impossible for one object
module to be portable between platforms.
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
In contrast to conventional programming
languages, a Java program is not compiled
into native machine language.
Instead, Java makes bytecode.
Bytecode is the result of a compile, but
the compile results in an intermediate form
that stops short of native machine-specific
Java bytecode
Java Architecture
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Instead of making a machine language
native code for each particular OS, Java
makes a single, universal bytecode module
that feeds into any Java Virtual Machine

Each OS has its own different
implementation of the
Java Virtual Machine.

Java Architecture
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
The JVM sets up its own world within
your RAM.

The JVM creates an internal
software-only sub-computer within the OS.

The bytecode talks to the JVM, and the
JVM talks to the Operating System.
Java Architecture
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Thus, you get the Holy Grail of software reuse:

Write Once,
Run Anywhere.
Java Architecture
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Java Source
Java Bytecode
Wintel Mac UNIX MVS

You can easily see why Bill
Gates isnt in love with Java!

is met
by the
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
The Virtual Machine interprets the
bytecode one instruction at a time, and
translates it into native machine code.

You compile your program once into
bytecode, but it is interpreted anew every
time it runs.

JIT [Just In Time] compilers can cache
the compiled machine code.
Java Architecture
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Security and the
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Security and the Sandbox
C and C++ are famous for speed.

One reason they are fast is because C
and C++ dont do things like checking the
bounds of arrays.
In C or C++, a program can walk off
the edge of an array and invade the memory
space beyond.
Hackers love that about C and C++.
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Security and the Sandbox
Another weakness of C/C++, that is a
favorite among Hackers, is the Buffer

In this attack, the Hacker floods too much
data into a buffer and whatever overflows it is
turned loose on the system.

Java solves these problems
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
How Java Combats malicious code:
Java checks array boundaries
Java halts Buffer Overflows
Java has Garbage collection to get rid
of objects that are no longer used.
Javas verifier checks to make sure
the code is safe before it runs.
Gosling built security into Java, using a
concept known as the Sandbox.
Security and the Sandbox
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
JDK 1.2 Security Model
Vulnerable System Resources
(files, etc) Even Local Code is Not Trusted

Security and the Sandbox
Remote Code
Has Fine-Grain Access Control
All Code, both Local and Remote, Must Pass Security Policy
Local Code
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Security and the Sandbox
5 Steps To Writing A Java Program:
1.) Write it in a Text Editor
2.) Compiler creates bytecode
3.) The Class loader places the .class
file in memory.
4.) The Bytecode Verifier makes sure
the code adheres to Javas security
5.) The JVM Interpreter reads bytecode
and makes platform native code.
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Security and the Sandbox
You see, preventing problems is a major
design consideration in Java. Other languages
do this too but Java was built around it.
This idea led to the most import aspect of
Java: Object Orientation.

Object Orientation protects data and lets a
program do only what is explicitly permitted.

You could say Java is pessimistic.
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Objects in Java
In Java, Object Orientation is so
pervasive that its nearly impossible to
write a strictly procedural program in
the language.
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Objects in Java
Objects are reusable components.

In Java, everything must be run from a
class file. This class contains bytecode.

Java source code has the extension
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Objects in Java
If I write a Java program called:

then, when compiled, this program will
be called:


Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Objects in Java
A class object is compiled Java code that
contains its own data variables, called
members, and sections of procedural code
called methods.

If you have programmed in COBOL, a
method is like a paragraph you perform.

If you have programmed in C or C++, a
method is like a function your program calls.
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Objects in Java
The combination of the data variables
and the methods
that are used to read,
or modify
those variables

is called a class.
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Objects in Java
Java has a rich collection of Class Libraries.

These are also known as the Java API or
Application Programming Interface.

To program in Java, you must

i.) Learn the Language, and
ii.) Learn the Class Libraries.
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Objects in Java
These class libraries greatly simplify your
job as a Java programmer.

They help you to write complex programs

To master Java, you must master these
class libraries.
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Compiling A Java Program
You have created a Java program called
To compile it, you run the JDK supplied
utility called:

If this was successful, a file called:
Hello.class will be produced.
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
The two largest varieties of Java


First Java Program
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
First Java Program
A Java Application is a free-standing
program that is capable of running
directly in the Java Virtual Machine.

A Java Applet is a mini-program that is
much more limited in its abilities. An
Applet can only run within the context of
an HTML browser.
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
The double slashes denote a C++-style comment.
Everything on the line after the double slashes is
ignored by the compiler.
A Java Application
// Our first Java Application

// Our first Java Application

public class HelloWorld

// Our first Java Application

public class HelloWorld
public static void main( String args[])
System.out.println( Hello World! );
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
This is the class name.
Every single bit of code in Java must sit in curly brackets.
Class names are capitalized.
Words within the name are also capitalized.
This Java program must be saved in a file with the exact
same name--matching the upper case--as you see in blue
A Java Application
// Our first Java Application

// Our first Java Application

public class HelloWorld

// Our first Java Application

public class HelloWorld
public static void main( String args[])
System.out.println( Hello World! );
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Now our Application is complete. We have added the
method main. All methods are lower case. main is a
special method--it actually runs the program.
In any application, you are always guaranteed
that method main will run.
A Java Application
// Our first Java Application

// Our first Java Application

public class HelloWorld

// Our first Java Application

public class HelloWorld
public static void main( String args[])
System.out.println( Hello World! );
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
A Java Application



A successful compile of your java
program will return to a bare cursor, as
you see here.
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter

C:\>java HelloWorld
Hello World!

A Java Application
To run your compiled Application,
you enter lowercase java HelloWorld
on the command line.
Notice, the .class extension is
Java I--Copyright 2000-2007 Tom Hunter
Now load the JDK. I recommend using th
most current one.
Get the documentation,
change the class path and
write your first Java program.
In Class Activity

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