Tri-Fold Template-1

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how mitosis and meiosis
are diferent
Cells divide and reproduce in two ways:
mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis is a process of
cell division that results in two genetically
identical daughter cells developing from a
single parent cell. Meiosis, on the other
hand, is the division of a germ cell involving
two fssions of the nucleus and giving rise
to four gametes, or sex cells, each possess-
ing half the number of chromosomes of the
original cell.
Mitosis is used by single-celled organisms
to reproduce; it is also used for the organic
growth of tissues, fbers, and membranes.
Meiosis is found in sexual reproduction of
organisms. The male and female sex cells
(i.e., egg and sperm) combine to create
new, genetically diferent ofspring.
Function of mitosis
Mitosis have 4 main phases it goes through called , prophase -During prophase, the frst phase of mitosis, the chromosomes condense (shorten) and become
visible when stained and viewed under a microscope. During the latter part of prophase, the nuclear membrane disappears and the newly formed spindle
fbers attach to a region of the centromere called the kinetochore.
Metaphase -During metaphase, the spindle fbers move the replicated chromosomes to the middle of the cell where they line up in single fle along the equa-
torial plane.
Anaphase -During anaphase, the sister chromatids are "pulled" apart (separated) and move towards opposite poles of the cell. The separated chromatids are
now called daughter
chromosomes. Telophase -During telophase, the last phase of mitosis, the spindle apparatus disappears and nuclei reform around each set of daughter chro-
mosomes. Cytokinesis also occurs during telophase. In animal cells, a cleavage furrow forms and eventually divides the cytoplasm in half among the two
daughter cells. In vplant cells, cytokinesis is accomplished with the formation of the cell plate.
Function of meiosis
Prior to the initiation of mitosis or meiosis, the cell must duplicate its chromosomes and manufacture the materials needed for cell division. This is accom-
plished in a phase that precedes cell division known as interphase. Interphase can be divided into three phases. In the frst, called the Gl phase, the cell carries
out its basic functions and performs specialized activities. In the second period of interphase, the S phase, each chromosome in the nucleus is replicated so that
there are now two identical copies of each chromosome. Identical chromosomes are attached to each other by way of a centromere. When attached by their
centromeres, chromosomes are referred to as chromatids. In plants, the mitotic spindle is also formed during the S phase. In animal cells, a pair of centrioles
duplicates to form two pairs of centrioles. Like the mitotic spindle in plants, the centrioles will form spindle fbers. Spindle fbers are composed of microtubules
and are used to pull the duplicated chromosomes apart during cell division. In the third period of interphase, the G2 phase, proteins and structures that will be
used during mitosis or meiosis, are synthesized. After the G2 phase has been completed, the cell can then undergo mitosis or meiosis.
What is mitosis & meiosis ?
According to the Cell Theory, all living cells arise from preexisting cells. The process whereby new cells are formed is called cell division or
mitosis, which involves the division of the cell's nucleus (karyokinesis) and the cytoplasm (cytokinesis). Mitosis results in the production of two
genetically identical daughter cells. Formation of an adult organism from a fertilized egg, regeneration, and the repair of tissues are all accom-
plished by mitosis. Meiosis
In animals that reproduce sexually, the production of sex cells or gametes (i.e., eggs and sperm), requires that each parent's chromosomes be
reduced by one half the normal number. Reducing the parent's chromosome number from the diploid (2n) number (46 in humans) to the haploid
(n) number (23 in humans) is accomplished by a type of cell division known as meiosis.

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