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2014, llorlda ueparLmenL of LducaLlon. All 8lghLs 8eserved.
Mathemat|cs I|or|da Standards (MAIS)
Grade 8

Doma|n: 1nL NUM8Lk SS1LM
C|uster 1: know that there are numbers that are not rat|ona|, and approx|mate them by rat|ona|
numbers. (SupporLlng ClusLer)

uon'L sorL clusLers from Ma[or Lo SupporLlng, and Lhen Leach Lhem ln LhaL order. 1o do so would sLrlp
Lhe coherence of Lhe maLhemaLlcal ldeas and mlss Lhe opporLunlLy Lo enhance Lhe ma[or work of Lhe
grade wlLh Lhe supporLlng clusLers.
MAlS.8.nS.1.1 know LhaL numbers LhaL are noL raLlonal are called lrraLlonal. undersLand
lnformally LhaL every number has a declmal expanslon, for raLlonal numbers
show LhaL Lhe declmal expanslon repeaLs evenLually, and converL a declmal
expanslon whlch repeaLs evenLually lnLo a raLlonal number.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 1: 8ecall
MAlS.8.nS.1.2 use raLlonal approxlmaLlons of lrraLlonal numbers Lo compare Lhe slze of
lrraLlonal numbers, locaLe Lhem approxlmaLely on a number llne dlagram, and
esLlmaLe Lhe value of expresslons (e.g., n). lot exomple, by ttoocotloq tbe
Jeclmol expoosloo of v2, sbow tbot v2 ls betweeo 1 ooJ 2, tbeo betweeo 1.4
ooJ 1.5, ooJ explolo bow to cootlooe oo to qet bettet opptoxlmotloos.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 2: 8aslc AppllcaLlon of Skllls & ConcepLs

C|uster 1: Work w|th rad|ca|s and |nteger exponents. (Ma[or ClusLer)

uon'L sorL clusLers from Ma[or Lo SupporLlng, and Lhen Leach Lhem ln LhaL order. 1o do so would sLrlp
Lhe coherence of Lhe maLhemaLlcal ldeas and mlss Lhe opporLunlLy Lo enhance Lhe ma[or work of Lhe
grade wlLh Lhe supporLlng clusLers.
MAlS.8.LL.1.1 know and apply Lhe properLles of lnLeger exponenLs Lo generaLe equlvalenL
numerlcal expresslons. lot exomple, J = =1/J=1/27

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 1: 8ecall
MAlS.8.LL.1.2 use square rooL and cube rooL symbols Lo represenL soluLlons Lo equaLlons of
Lhe form x = p and x = p, where p ls a poslLlve raLlonal number. LvaluaLe
square rooLs of small perfecL squares and cube rooLs of small perfecL cubes.
know LhaL v2 ls lrraLlonal.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 1: 8ecall
MAlS.8.LL.1.3 use numbers expressed ln Lhe form of a slngle dlglL Llmes an lnLeger power of
10 Lo esLlmaLe very large or very small quanLlLles, and Lo express how many | #ILStandards
2014, llorlda ueparLmenL of LducaLlon. All 8lghLs 8eserved.
Llmes as much one ls Lhan Lhe oLher. lot exomple, estlmote tbe popolotloo of
tbe uolteJ 5totes os J ooJ tbe popolotloo of tbe wotlJ os 7 , ooJ
Jetetmloe tbot tbe wotlJ popolotloo ls mote tboo 20 tlmes lotqet.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 1: 8ecall
MAlS.8.LL.1.4 erform operaLlons wlLh numbers expressed ln sclenLlflc noLaLlon, lncludlng
problems where boLh declmal and sclenLlflc noLaLlon are used. use sclenLlflc
noLaLlon and choose unlLs of approprlaLe slze for measuremenLs of very large
or very small quanLlLles (e.g., use mllllmeLers per year for seafloor spreadlng).
lnLerpreL sclenLlflc noLaLlon LhaL has been generaLed by Lechnology.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 2: 8aslc AppllcaLlon of Skllls & ConcepLs

C|uster 2: Understand the connect|ons between proport|ona| re|at|onsh|ps, ||nes, and ||near
equat|ons. (Ma[or ClusLer)

uon'L sorL clusLers from Ma[or Lo SupporLlng, and Lhen Leach Lhem ln LhaL order. 1o do so would sLrlp
Lhe coherence of Lhe maLhemaLlcal ldeas and mlss Lhe opporLunlLy Lo enhance Lhe ma[or work of Lhe
grade wlLh Lhe supporLlng clusLers.
MAlS.8.LL.2.3 Craph proporLlonal relaLlonshlps, lnLerpreLlng Lhe unlL raLe as Lhe slope of Lhe
graph. Compare Lwo dlfferenL proporLlonal relaLlonshlps represenLed ln
dlfferenL ways. lot exomple, compote o Jlstooce-tlme qtopb to o Jlstooce-
tlme epootloo to Jetetmloe wblcb of two movloq objects bos qteotet speeJ.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 2: 8aslc AppllcaLlon of Skllls & ConcepLs
MAlS.8.LL.2.6 use slmllar Lrlangles Lo explaln why Lhe slope m ls Lhe same beLween any Lwo
dlsLlncL polnLs on a non-verLlcal llne ln Lhe coordlnaLe plane, derlve Lhe
equaLlon y = mx for a llne Lhrough Lhe orlgln and Lhe equaLlon y = mx + b for a
llne lnLercepLlng Lhe verLlcal axls aL b.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 2: 8aslc AppllcaLlon of Skllls & ConcepLs

ClusLer 3: Analyze and solve llnear equaLlons and palrs of slmulLaneous llnear equaLlons. (Ma[or ClusLer)

uon'L sorL clusLers from Ma[or Lo SupporLlng, and Lhen Leach Lhem ln LhaL order. 1o do so would sLrlp
Lhe coherence of Lhe maLhemaLlcal ldeas and mlss Lhe opporLunlLy Lo enhance Lhe ma[or work of Lhe
grade wlLh Lhe supporLlng clusLers.
MAlS.8.LL.3.7 Solve llnear equaLlons ln one varlable.
a. Clve examples of llnear equaLlons ln one varlable wlLh one soluLlon,
lnflnlLely many soluLlons, or no soluLlons. Show whlch of Lhese
posslblllLles ls Lhe case by successlvely Lransformlng Lhe glven equaLlon
lnLo slmpler forms, unLll an equlvalenL equaLlon of Lhe form x = a, a = a, or
a = b resulLs (where a and b are dlfferenL numbers).
b. Solve llnear equaLlons wlLh raLlonal number coefflclenLs, lncludlng
equaLlons whose soluLlons requlre expandlng expresslons uslng Lhe
e | #ILStandards
2014, llorlda ueparLmenL of LducaLlon. All 8lghLs 8eserved.
dlsLrlbuLlve properLy and collecLlng llke Lerms.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 2: 8aslc AppllcaLlon of Skllls & ConcepLs
MAlS.8.LL.3.8 Analyze and solve palrs of slmulLaneous llnear equaLlons.
a. undersLand LhaL soluLlons Lo a sysLem of Lwo llnear equaLlons ln Lwo
varlables correspond Lo polnLs of lnLersecLlon of Lhelr graphs, because
polnLs of lnLersecLlon saLlsfy boLh equaLlons slmulLaneously.
b. Solve sysLems of Lwo llnear equaLlons ln Lwo varlables algebralcally, and
esLlmaLe soluLlons by graphlng Lhe equaLlons. Solve slmple cases by
lnspecLlon. lot exomple, Jx - 2y = 5 ooJ Jx - 2y = 6 bove oo solotloo
becoose Jx - 2y coooot slmoltooeoosly be 5 ooJ 6.
c. Solve real-world and maLhemaLlcal problems leadlng Lo Lwo llnear
equaLlons ln Lwo varlables. lot exomple, qlveo cootJlootes fot two polts of
polots, Jetetmloe wbetbet tbe lloe tbtooqb tbe fltst polt of polots
lotetsects tbe lloe tbtooqb tbe secooJ polt.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 2: 8aslc AppllcaLlon of Skllls & ConcepLs

C|uster 1: Def|ne, eva|uate, and compare funct|ons. (Ma[or ClusLer)

uon'L sorL clusLers from Ma[or Lo SupporLlng, and Lhen Leach Lhem ln LhaL order. 1o do so would sLrlp
Lhe coherence of Lhe maLhemaLlcal ldeas and mlss Lhe opporLunlLy Lo enhance Lhe ma[or work of Lhe
grade wlLh Lhe supporLlng clusLers.
MAlS.8.l.1.1 undersLand LhaL a funcLlon ls a rule LhaL asslgns Lo each lnpuL exacLly one
ouLpuL. 1he graph of a funcLlon ls Lhe seL of ordered palrs conslsLlng of an
lnpuL and Lhe correspondlng ouLpuL.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 2: 8aslc AppllcaLlon of Skllls & ConcepLs
MAlS.8.l.1.2 Compare properLles of Lwo funcLlons each represenLed ln a dlfferenL way
(algebralcally, graphlcally, numerlcally ln Lables, or by verbal descrlpLlons). lot
exomple, qlveo o lloeot fooctloo tepteseoteJ by o toble of voloes ooJ o lloeot
fooctloo tepteseoteJ by oo olqebtolc exptessloo, Jetetmloe wblcb fooctloo bos
tbe qteotet tote of cbooqe.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 2: 8aslc AppllcaLlon of Skllls & ConcepLs
MAlS.8.l.1.3 lnLerpreL Lhe equaLlon y = mx + b as deflnlng a llnear funcLlon, whose graph ls
a sLralghL llne, glve examples of funcLlons LhaL are noL llnear. lot exomple, tbe
fooctloo A = s qlvloq tbe oteo of o spoote os o fooctloo of lts slJe leoqtb ls oot
lloeot becoose lts qtopb cootolos tbe polots (1,1), (2,4) ooJ (J,9), wblcb ote oot
oo o sttolqbt lloe.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 2: 8aslc AppllcaLlon of Skllls & ConcepLs | #ILStandards
2014, llorlda ueparLmenL of LducaLlon. All 8lghLs 8eserved.
C|uster 2: Use funct|ons to mode| re|at|onsh|ps between quant|t|es. (Ma[or C|uster)

uon'L sorL clusLers from Ma[or Lo SupporLlng, and Lhen Leach Lhem ln LhaL order. 1o do so would sLrlp
Lhe coherence of Lhe maLhemaLlcal ldeas and mlss Lhe opporLunlLy Lo enhance Lhe ma[or work of Lhe
grade wlLh Lhe supporLlng clusLers.
MAlS.8.l.2.4 ConsLrucL a funcLlon Lo model a llnear relaLlonshlp beLween Lwo quanLlLles.
ueLermlne Lhe raLe of change and lnlLlal value of Lhe funcLlon from a
descrlpLlon of a relaLlonshlp or from Lwo (x, y) values, lncludlng readlng Lhese
from a Lable or from a graph. lnLerpreL Lhe raLe of change and lnlLlal value of a
llnear funcLlon ln Lerms of Lhe slLuaLlon lL models, and ln Lerms of lLs graph or
a Lable of values.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 3: SLraLeglc 1hlnklng & Complex 8easonlng
MAlS.8.l.2.3 uescrlbe quallLaLlvely Lhe funcLlonal relaLlonshlp beLween Lwo quanLlLles by
analyzlng a graph (e.g., where Lhe funcLlon ls lncreaslng or decreaslng, llnear
or nonllnear). SkeLch a graph LhaL exhlblLs Lhe quallLaLlve feaLures of a
funcLlon LhaL has been descrlbed verbally.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 2: 8aslc AppllcaLlon of Skllls & ConcepLs

Doma|n: GLCML1k
C|uster 1: Understand congruence and s|m||ar|ty us|ng phys|ca| mode|s, transparenc|es, or geometry
software. (Ma[or ClusLer)

uon'L sorL clusLers from Ma[or Lo SupporLlng, and Lhen Leach Lhem ln LhaL order. 1o do so would sLrlp
Lhe coherence of Lhe maLhemaLlcal ldeas and mlss Lhe opporLunlLy Lo enhance Lhe ma[or work of Lhe
grade wlLh Lhe supporLlng clusLers.
MAlS.8.C.1.1 verlfy experlmenLally Lhe properLles of roLaLlons, reflecLlons, and LranslaLlons:
a. Llnes are Laken Lo llnes, and llne segmenLs Lo llne segmenLs of Lhe same
b. Angles are Laken Lo angles of Lhe same measure.
c. arallel llnes are Laken Lo parallel llnes.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 2: 8aslc AppllcaLlon of Skllls & ConcepLs
MAlS.8.C.1.2 undersLand LhaL a Lwo-dlmenslonal flgure ls congruenL Lo anoLher lf Lhe
second can be obLalned from Lhe flrsL by a sequence of roLaLlons, reflecLlons,
and LranslaLlons, glven Lwo congruenL flgures, descrlbe a sequence LhaL
exhlblLs Lhe congruence beLween Lhem.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 2: 8aslc AppllcaLlon of Skllls & ConcepLs
MAlS.8.C.1.3 uescrlbe Lhe effecL of dllaLlons, LranslaLlons, roLaLlons, and reflecLlons on Lwo-
dlmenslonal flgures uslng coordlnaLes.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 2: 8aslc AppllcaLlon of Skllls & ConcepLs | #ILStandards
2014, llorlda ueparLmenL of LducaLlon. All 8lghLs 8eserved.
MAlS.8.C.1.4 undersLand LhaL a Lwo-dlmenslonal flgure ls slmllar Lo anoLher lf Lhe second
can be obLalned from Lhe flrsL by a sequence of roLaLlons, reflecLlons,
LranslaLlons, and dllaLlons, glven Lwo slmllar Lwo-dlmenslonal flgures, descrlbe
a sequence LhaL exhlblLs Lhe slmllarlLy beLween Lhem.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 2: 8aslc AppllcaLlon of Skllls & ConcepLs
MAlS.8.C.1.3 use lnformal argumenLs Lo esLabllsh facLs abouL Lhe angle sum and exLerlor
angle of Lrlangles, abouL Lhe angles creaLed when parallel llnes are cuL by a
Lransversal, and Lhe angle-angle crlLerlon for slmllarlLy of Lrlangles. lot
exomple, ottooqe tbtee coples of tbe some ttlooqle so tbot tbe som of tbe
tbtee ooqles oppeots to fotm o lloe, ooJ qlve oo otqomeot lo tetms of
ttoosvetsols wby tbls ls so.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 2: 8aslc AppllcaLlon of Skllls & ConcepLs

C|uster 2: Understand and app|y the ythagorean 1heorem. (Ma[or ClusLer)

uon'L sorL clusLers from Ma[or Lo SupporLlng, and Lhen Leach Lhem ln LhaL order. 1o do so would sLrlp
Lhe coherence of Lhe maLhemaLlcal ldeas and mlss Lhe opporLunlLy Lo enhance Lhe ma[or work of Lhe
grade wlLh Lhe supporLlng clusLers.
MAlS.8.C.2.6 Lxplaln a proof of Lhe yLhagorean 1heorem and lLs converse.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 2: 8aslc AppllcaLlon of Skllls & ConcepLs
MAlS.8.C.2.7 Apply Lhe yLhagorean 1heorem Lo deLermlne unknown slde lengLhs ln rlghL
Lrlangles ln real-world and maLhemaLlcal problems ln Lwo and Lhree

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 2: 8aslc AppllcaLlon of Skllls & ConcepLs
MAlS.8.C.2.8 Apply Lhe yLhagorean 1heorem Lo flnd Lhe dlsLance beLween Lwo polnLs ln a
coordlnaLe sysLem.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 1: 8ecall

C|uster 3: So|ve rea|-wor|d and mathemat|ca| prob|ems |nvo|v|ng vo|ume of cy||nders, cones, and
spheres. (AddlLlonal ClusLer)

uon'L sorL clusLers from Ma[or Lo SupporLlng, and Lhen Leach Lhem ln LhaL order. 1o do so would sLrlp
Lhe coherence of Lhe maLhemaLlcal ldeas and mlss Lhe opporLunlLy Lo enhance Lhe ma[or work of Lhe
grade wlLh Lhe supporLlng clusLers.
MAlS.8.C.3.9 know Lhe formulas for Lhe volumes of cones, cyllnders, and spheres and use
Lhem Lo solve real-world and maLhemaLlcal problems.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 2: 8aslc AppllcaLlon of Skllls & ConcepLs | #ILStandards
2014, llorlda ueparLmenL of LducaLlon. All 8lghLs 8eserved.
Doma|n: S1A1IS1ICS & kC8A8ILI1
C|uster 1: Invest|gate patterns of assoc|at|on |n b|var|ate data. (SupporLlng ClusLer)

uon'L sorL clusLers from Ma[or Lo SupporLlng, and Lhen Leach Lhem ln LhaL order. 1o do so would sLrlp
Lhe coherence of Lhe maLhemaLlcal ldeas and mlss Lhe opporLunlLy Lo enhance Lhe ma[or work of Lhe
grade wlLh Lhe supporLlng clusLers.
MAlS.8.S.1.1 ConsLrucL and lnLerpreL scaLLer ploLs for blvarlaLe measuremenL daLa Lo
lnvesLlgaLe paLLerns of assoclaLlon beLween Lwo quanLlLles. uescrlbe paLLerns
such as clusLerlng, ouLllers, poslLlve or negaLlve assoclaLlon, llnear assoclaLlon,
and nonllnear assoclaLlon.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 2: 8aslc AppllcaLlon of Skllls & ConcepLs
MAlS.8.S.1.2 know LhaL sLralghL llnes are wldely used Lo model relaLlonshlps beLween Lwo
quanLlLaLlve varlables. lor scaLLer ploLs LhaL suggesL a llnear assoclaLlon,
lnformally flL a sLralghL llne, and lnformally assess Lhe model flL by [udglng Lhe
closeness of Lhe daLa polnLs Lo Lhe llne.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 2: 8aslc AppllcaLlon of Skllls & ConcepLs
MAlS.8.S.1.3 use Lhe equaLlon of a llnear model Lo solve problems ln Lhe conLexL of
blvarlaLe measuremenL daLa, lnLerpreLlng Lhe slope and lnLercepL. lot
exomple, lo o lloeot moJel fot o bloloqy expetlmeot, lotetptet o slope of 1.5
cm/bt os meooloq tbot oo oJJltloool boot of soollqbt eocb Joy ls ossocloteJ
wltb oo oJJltloool 1.5 cm lo motote ploot belqbt.

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 2: 8aslc AppllcaLlon of Skllls & ConcepLs
MAlS.8.S.1.4 undersLand LhaL paLLerns of assoclaLlon can also be seen ln blvarlaLe
caLegorlcal daLa by dlsplaylng frequencles and relaLlve frequencles ln a Lwo-
way Lable. ConsLrucL and lnLerpreL a Lwo-way Lable summarlzlng daLa on Lwo
caLegorlcal varlables collecLed from Lhe same sub[ecLs. use relaLlve
frequencles calculaLed for rows or columns Lo descrlbe posslble assoclaLlon
beLween Lhe Lwo varlables. lot exomple, collect Joto ftom stoJeots lo yoot
closs oo wbetbet ot oot tbey bove o cotfew oo scbool olqbts ooJ wbetbet ot
oot tbey bove osslqoeJ cbotes ot bome. ls tbete evlJeoce tbot tbose wbo bove
o cotfew olso teoJ to bove cbotes?

coqoltlve complexlty. Level 3: SLraLeglc 1hlnklng & Complex 8easonlng

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