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QM Quality Management

Functions and Features of the Quality Management Module
Quality Management in the Logistical Processes
Quality Planning in the QM Module
Quality Inspection in the QM Module
Basic Data
Maintaining QM Master Data
Master Inspection Characteristics
Inspection Methods
Inspection Catalogs
Dynamic Modification
Quality Management Data in the Material Master Record
Where-Used Lists and Replacements
Inspection Planning
Inspection Plans and Reference peration !ets
Material !pecification as a Planning "ool
Inspection Processing
Inspection Lots
Inspection Results
Defects Recording
Inspection Processing Using the Wor# List Function
Inspection Completion
Quality Le$el
Quality-Related Costs
Quality Notifications
Quality %otifications
Quality Management in the Logistical Processes
Quality Management in Procurement
Inspection During Production &'ith Inspection Points(
Control Charts
Quality Management in !ales ) Distri*ution
Quality Certificates
Quality Management Information !ystem
+rchi$ing Quality Management Data
Interface to u!system
QM-IDI Interface
Overview of the Functions in the QM Module
The ISO 9000 series of standards defines the functions of quality management and the elements of a
quality management system. The functions in the SAP Quality Management module support the
essential elements of such a system. The other integrated modules in the SAP System complement
this functionality.
The ISO standards require that quality management systems penetrate all processes ithin an
organi!ation. The tas" priorities# according to the quality loop# shift from pro"uction
$implementation phase% to production planning and product de&elopment $planning phase%# to
procurement and sales # "istri!ution# as ell as into the entire usage phase. In the area of
production# quality assurance is no longer &ieed in terms of inspection and the elimination of
defects alone. Instead# the production process itself 'ecomes the focus of attention.
(ust as the requirements for quality management systems ha&e changed as a result of the ISO 9000
standards# the term $omputer)Aided Quality Management $*AQ% must also 'e redefined.
$omputer)Integrated Quality Management $*IQ% is a more appropriate term 'ecause an isolated
*AQ system cannot carry out the comprehensi&e tas"s of a quality management system. The SAP
System ta"es this into consideration 'y integrating the quality management functions into the
affected applications themsel&es $for e+ample# procurement# arehouse management# production
and sales,distri'ution%# instead of delegating them to isolated *AQ systems. As a result of this SAP
approach# the processes descri'ed in the quality manual can 'e implemented and automated in the
electronic data processing $-.P% system.
The representation of the elements of a quality management system ithin the SAP System is not
only the responsi'ility of the QM module. Instead# the /,0 System must 'e considered as a hole#
in hich all integrated modules contri'ute their part. 1ithin the frameor" of the SAP System# for
e+ample# the 2uman /esources $2/% module handles personnel)related matters# the *ontrolling
$*O% module handles the management of quality)related costs# and the Plant Maintenance $PM%
module handles the monitoring of test equipment. As a part of the 3ogistics application# the QM
module handles the traditional tas"s of quality planning# quality inspection and quality control. 4or
e+ample# it supports quality management in procurement# product &erification# quality
documentation and in the processing of pro'lems.
The functions in the QM module are di&ided into the folloing to areas# to differentiate 'eteen
the tas"s relating to *IQ and *AQ5
Comprehensi$e Functions of the QM Module $$IQ%
Internal Functions of the QM Module $$AQ%
Comprehensive Functions of the QM Module
The integration of Quality Management in the SAP /,0 System pro&ides considera'le ad&antages
'ecause only an integrated system can support all of the elements of a quality management system
according to ISO 9000. The integration allos the quality management functions to influence all
processes ithin a company# there'y affecting all phases of a product6s life cycle.
The QM module uses the SAP System6s integration to lin" the tas"s of quality management ith
those of the other applications# such as materials management# production# sales,distri'ution and
cost accounting. An inspection that is triggered automatically upon goods receipt is an e+ample of
The QM module is integrated ith the master data and processes of the folloing 3ogistics
materials management $purchasing# in&entory management# arehouse management# material
requirements planning%
production $or" scheduling# shop floor control%
sales and distri'ution $deli&ery# creation of quality certificates%
The QM module supports the e+change of data ith other applications in order to pre&ent related
data from 'eing recorded and stored redundantly. 4or e+ample# the information pro&ided 'y a goods
receipt posting relating to the material# &endor and lot si!e is automatically transferred to the
inspection lot data record hen an inspection is triggered.
$IQ %as&s in the QM Mo"ule
The QM module fulfills the folloing functions of a $IQ system5
'eneral (unctions
Integrates the QM inspection data in the material master
Manages the material)rele&ant quality information for &endors and customers or sales areas
3in"s the quality characteristics ith the inspection characteristics in the material specifications
Manages the quality)rele&ant documents in the central document management system
3in"s the tas"s for quality inspection and pro'lem processing $quality notifications% to the SAP
1or"flo function
Materials Management
/eleases &endors
Manages the release status of supply relationships $for e+ample# for model deli&eries or other
types of deli&eries%
-&aluates &endors on the 'asis of quality
Manages and dispatches &endor)related technical deli&ery terms and quality assurance
Triggers goods receipt inspections
/equests and monitors the receipt of quality certificates
Triggers inspections for goods mo&ements $for e+ample# goods receipt%
Manages the stoc" of goods during inspection
*onsiders the goods in inspection stoc" for material planning purposes
Transfers inspection results to the 'atch classification
Manages pro'lems in procurement
Integrates inspection planning and or" scheduling
Triggers inspections during production
3in"s inspection and production operations
Supports the integrated confirmation of operating and quality data
Monitors the production quality ith the help of control charts
Manages partial lots of a single material ith different qualitati&e attri'utes
Manages pro'lems in production
Triggers an inspection hen the deli&ery note is created
Automatically creates quality certificates for the deli&ery
Manages pro'lems in sales and distri'ution
Settles appraisal and nonconformity costs
ee also*
Quality Management in the Logistical Processes
Quality Management in Production
Quality Management in !ales ) Distri*ution
Internal Functions of the QM Module
The QM module6s internal functions do not directly interact ith the data or processes of other
modules. The QM module fulfills the folloing functions of a $AQ system5
Quality Planning
Management of 'asic data for quality planning and inspection planning
Material specifications
Inspection planning
Quality Inspection
Trigger inspections
Inspection processing ith inspection plan selection and sample calculation
Print shop papers for sampling and inspection
/ecord results and defects
Ma"e the usage decision and trigger follo)up actions
Quality $ontrol
.ynamic sample determination on the 'asis of the quality le&el history
Application of statistical process control techniques using quality control charts
Quality scores for inspection lots
Quality notifications for processing internal or e+ternal pro'lems and initiating correcti&e action
to correct the pro'lems
Inspection lot processing and pro'lem processing lin"ed to the SAP 1or"flo function
Quality Management Information System $QMIS% for inspections and inspection results
Quality Management Information System $QMIS% for quality notifications
ee also*
Quality Planning in the QM Module
Quality Inspection in the QM Module
Chapter 1: Quality Management in the Logistical
This section pro&ides a 'rief o&er&ie of the integration of the QM module in the 'usiness)related
applications of the /,0 System# 'ased on the logistical processes procurement# production and
QM in the Logistical Processes, $er$ie'
QM in Procurement
QM in Production
QM in !ales and Distri*ution
QM in the Logistical Processes: Overview
The QM module is integrated in the folloing logistical processes in the /,0 System5
QM in Procurement
QM in Production
QM in !ales and Distri*ution
The quality inspection and the inspection lot play an important role in these processes.
The inspection lot data records or inspection lots# as they are more commonly called# fulfill a
num'er of different functions from the time they are created until they are archi&ed. Most
importantly# they document an inspection requirement7 an e&ent has ta"en place that ma"es it
necessary to carry out a quality inspection. .uring the inspection process# the inspection lot
'ecomes the central control record that documents the current status of the inspection. It is the
repository for all inspection data# including the inspection specifications# inspection results and
usage decision.
Quality inspections are usually not triggered 'y the quality department. In most cases# the request
for an inspection comes from the &arious applications in the logistics chain $for e+ample# from
materials management or production%. In such cases# the affected modules in the /,0 System create
the inspection lots and place them at the disposal of the QM module. Of course# the quality
department ) or another department ith the proper authori!ation ) can also create inspection lots
ee also*
Quality Planning in the QM Module
Quality Inspection in the QM Module
Inspection Lots
QM in Procurement
The QM module is in&ol&ed in the folloing decision)ma"ing phases of the procurement processes5
inquiry# &endor selection# purchase order# goods receipt# incoming inspection and release of goods
receipt quantity.
+en"or ,elease
The quality department releases a &endor for a specific material. It can restrict the release or limit
the release to a certain quantity. If the &endor consistently has critical quality pro'lems# the quality
department can 'loc" inquiries# purchase orders or goods receipts for specific materials supplied 'y
this &endor.
As a supplement to the inquiry# the &endor can automatically recei&e the technical deli&ery terms for
the material as defined 'y the quality department. If the material has to 'e released 'y the quality
department# the purchasing agent is notified accordingly.
+en"or election
The Materials management $MM% module informs the purchasing agent of the &endor6s deli&ery
relia'ility and price 'eha&ior. The QM module pro&ides information on the quality of the pre&iously
deli&ered goods and the &endor6s quality management system. 4or this purpose# the system
maintains summari!ed quality scores that are automatically updated for the &endor e&aluation.
In many industries# &endors must maintain quality management systems that conform to recogni!ed
standards $for e+ample# ISO 9000% and are certified 'y accredited organi!ations. The QM module
allos you to define the quality management systems you require# o'ser&e and e&aluate &endors6
e+isting quality management systems and compare &endors.
Purchase Or"er
1hen the purchase order is issued# the &endor must ha&e 'een released 'y the quality department to
deli&er the material in question $if this requirement has 'een specified%. The release of the supply
relationship may 'e limited to a specific period of time and a specified quantity. 1ith the purchase
order# the &endor automatically recei&es information a'out the latest technical deli&ery terms and the
currently &alid quality assurance agreement# as ell as the &endor6s o'ligation to include a quality
certificate ith the deli&ery.
Inspection at the +en"or.s Premises
Occasionally# inspections carried out at the &endor6s premises ill replace a goods receipt
inspection. In such cases# the system permits the user to monitor the scheduled deli&ery dates and
create inspection lots in time for the recei&ing dates.
'oo"s ,eceipt
If a certificate is required for a material# it must 'e a&aila'le no later than hen the goods are
recei&ed. A certificate may 'e required for each indi&idual purchase order item# 'atch or goods
8ormally# the quantity of goods recei&ed is posted to inspection stoc& for the duration of the goods
receipt inspection. This stoc" is classified as 9not a&aila'le.9 It is managed solely ithin the scope
of inspection lot processing and cannot 'e posted separately using the functions of materials
management. The duration of the goods receipt inspection is also ta"en into consideration 'y the
material requirements planning $M/P% department.
Inspecting an" ,eleasing the 'oo"s ,eceipt Lot
Inspection lot processing is automatically triggered upon goods receipt. In addition to the goods
receipt document# the system also creates an inspection lot record. 4urthermore# it selects an
appropriate inspection plan and determines the sample si!e for all inspection characteristics 'ased on
the quality le&el. The inspection can no 'e initiated and the necessary documents# such as the
sample draing instructions and inspection instructions# can 'e printed out.
Quality Inspection
1hen an inspection lot has 'een processed in the QM module# the inspector must ma"e a usage
decision for the inspected goods. :nder special circumstances# the inspection lot quantity can 'e
ithdran from the inspection stoc" in ad&ance# pro&iding the user has the proper authori!ation to
ma"e the ithdraal. 8ormally# hoe&er# the stoc" posting ta"es place after inspection completion
in con;unction ith the usage decision.
/sage Decision
After the inspection has 'een completed# the accepted inspection lot quantity is posted to
unrestricted)use stoc". A special posting is possi'le for re;ected quantities. 1hen the goods receipt
quantity has 'een released# the QM module no longer has the responsi'ility for managing the stoc".
1ith the usage decision# the system updates the quality le&el and ma"es the inspection lot quality
score a&aila'le for the &endor e&aluation. It also updates all data in the quality information record
relating to material and &endor. 4or e+ample# the status of the supply relationship can 'e changed
from prototype deli&ery to production deli&ery# once the inspection lot has 'een accepted.
(ollow0up Actions
After the usage decision has 'een made# the system may trigger an additional series of indi&idually
programmed follo)up actions. 4or e+ample# if defecti&e goods ere recei&ed# the &endor can 'e
notified of this 'y a letter of complaint or a system)supported quality notification.
tatus of upply ,elationships
The QM module monitors ho the supply relationships are released. The user can define certain
statuses such as prototype# preliminary series or production series. These statuses represent the
stages a &endor6s material deli&ery must sequentially pass through. The system then creates
inspection lots ith an inspection lot type that matches the status of the supply relationship and
automatically updates the statuses# 'ased on the usage decision.
QM in Production
Integrate" Planning
Production operations and inspection operations in the production process are 'ecoming
increasingly more interdependent or are 'eing com'ined altogether. As a result# teams from 'oth the
production and quality inspection areas typically create the routings together.
Inspection Operations
<ou can integrate the QM inspection characteristics into the or" scheduling and production
processing acti&ities of the Production Planning $PP% module. <ou create the characteristics $either
inspection characteristics or process characteristics% for a production operation and you can assign
test equipment as production resources and tools. <ou can com'ine 'oth production and inspection
acti&ities ithin the same production operation. In all other respects# the operation is treated as a
production operation.
Inspection Lots
1hen a production order is created# the system also creates a special inspection lot record for
managing the inspection specifications and inspection results for all operations.
It is possi'le to lin" the confirmation of inspection results in the QM module ith the confirmation
of production operations the PP module.
Inspection Intervals
The routings may prescri'e regular inspection inter&als for a production run. It is possi'le to define
inspection points 'ased on time# quantity or e&ents. 1ith the help of the inspection points# the
production process can 'e monitored continuously ith respect to the process or inspection
Partial Lots
The total quantity of a production order can 'e processed in se&eral partial lots. This may 'e
necessary# for e+ample# if the quantity for a production order has different qualities. If the final
product is maintained in 'atches# the partial lots can 'e assigned to indi&idual 'atches hen the
production order is completed. The inspection results ill 'e used as 'atch characteristic &alues.
$ontrol $harts
.uring production# you can apply statistical process control $SP*% techniques to monitor and control
the production process. This in&ol&es the use of control charts to display the mean &alue and
standard de&iation of samples. *ontrol charts are graphical tools that document the quality trend in
a production process.
The QM module supports the folloing types of control charts for inspection characteristics ith a
normal distri'ution pattern5
mean &alue chart ith tolerances $acceptance chart%
mean &alue chart ithout tolerances $Shehart chart%
standard de&iation chart
*ontrol charts are updated and displayed during results recording. The system calculates the action
limits and arning limits upon request# 'ased on the current inspection results or the results from a
pre&ious inspection. A control chart may include se&eral inspection lots or production orders.
Although control charts are primarily intended to 'e used for QM applications during production#
they may also 'e used ith inspection lots of other origins $for e+ample# goods receipt%.
Process $apa!ility In"e1
A process capa'ility inde+ is created hen the mean &alues calculated on the 'asis of inspection
results and the &ariances of inspection characteristics are &ieed in relation to the predefined limits
set 'y the planner.
ee also*
Inspection During Production &'ith Inspection Points(
Control Charts
QM in ales and !istri"ution
Inspection of 'oo"s
1ithin the scope of sales processing# the system allos goods to 'e inspected on the 'asis of the
deli&ery note $or deli&ery as it is commonly referred to%. 1hen the deli&ery is created# the system
also automatically creates an inspection lot. <ou can coordinate the pic"ing and inspection
procedures fle+i'ly# since the system does not prescri'e any specific procedures.
Batch pecification
If the stoc" of a material is managed in 'atches# the QM module can automatically transfer
inspection results to the 'atch specification. In this ay# a 'atch can 'e selected on the 'asis of
specific 'atch characteristics.
In some industries it is customary to include quality certificates ith the deli&ery. Quality
certificates document the material specification or the inspection results for a 'atch. Triggered 'y
the central message control function in the SAP System# the certificate is printed hen the shipping
documents are created.
To 'e a'le to use the certificate processing capa'ilities# the user must5
design the forms for the certificate layout $using SAPscript%
create certificate profiles to represent the characteristics contained in the certificates
assign master data such as materials
determine the method for distri'uting the certificates $recipient# language# shipping method%
pro&ide a means of documenting the information in se&eral languages
Once these requirements ha&e 'een met# the system automatically generates the quality certificates
and distri'utes them &ia the folloing output de&ices5
-.I interface $planned for a later release%
The system can store the quality certificates in the optical archi&e using the SAP Archi&e3in"
1hen the quality certificates are created# the system retrie&es information from its en&ironment.
This includes data from5
quality management
- inspection lot
- usage decision
- inspection results
materials management
- material master
- 'atch master
sales and distri'ution
- deli&ery
- sales order
- customer master
Occasionally customers may not 'e satisfied ith the deli&ered goods. *ustomer complaints can 'e
processed 'y the quality notifications component of the QM module.
ee also*
Quality Management in !ales ) Distri*ution
Chapter #: Quality Planning in the QM Module
This section pro&ides an o&er&ie of the 'asic data necessary for inspection planning and
processing. <ou must maintain this 'asic data in the system 'efore you create an inspection lot and
record inspection results.
Quality Management Data, $er$ie'
-asic Data in QM Module
QM-!pecific -asic Data
-asic Data for Inspection Plans
Quality Management !ata: Overview
<ou can maintain the data rele&ant to inspection planning and inspection lot processing ithin the
Quality Management module and in other SAP applications. =efore you can create an inspection lot
or record inspection results# you must maintain the 'asic data for inspection planning.
The folloing data is required in the QM module for quality planning purposes5
-asic Data in QM Module
QM-!pecific -asic Data
-asic Data for Inspection Plans
ee also*
.raphic, Usage of Master Data in Inspection Plan from .oods Receipt /ie'
Functions and Features of the Quality Management Module
Quality Inspection in the QM Module
/se of QM0pecific Basic Data for 'oo"s ,eceipt
Quality assurance
Goods receipt
Insp. catalog
Inspection plan
Inspection lot
Inspection results
Usage decision
Vendor master
Quality info record
Insp. method
Master inspection
Quality level record
Material master
Tech. delivery
Work center
Test equipment
modification data
$asic !ata in QM Module
Together ith other logistics applications# the QM module uses5
material masters# &endor masters and customer masters
info records
document management function
material specifications
Material Master
The material master is used 'y se&eral logistics applications and ser&es as an important integrating
element. The material master controls5
quality management in procurement. 4or e+ample# it references such quality documents as the
technical deli&ery terms and stipulates hether a certificate must 'e included ith a deli&ery.
the quality inspection processes. Among other items# the material master determines hether a
quality inspection must ta"e place# hether the inspection ill 'e carried out ith or ithout an
inspection plan# and hether characteristic results must 'e recorded. This is determined for
each inspection lot origin $for e+ample# goods receipt or production% or inspection type $for
e+ample# preliminary inspection or production series inspection%.
Info ,ecor"s
Some processes in quality management not only depend on the material# 'ut also on such o';ect
types as &endor or sales organi!ation. 4or this reason# there are master data and information records
related to such o';ect lin"s that pro&ide additional information for quality management. The release
of e+ternally procured materials is an e+ample of this7 the release applies to a specific material and
its &endors. In addition to the information concerning the release and 'loc" status of the material#
the info record for this o';ect lin" also contains information on the status of the supply relationship
and a reference to the quality documentation $for e+ample# quality assurance agreements%.
=ecause the system manages separate info records for each re&ision le&el of a material# changes in
master data can 'e reflected 'y the supply relationship.
Quality Documents
All quality)rele&ant documents such as the quality assurance agreements# technical deli&ery terms or
inspection draings are centrally managed in the 3ogistics system6s general document management
The features of the general document management function# in particular its status and &ersion
management capa'ilities# ensure that the applica'le requirements for quality documents can 'e
fulfilled. The document management function can also manage e+ternal documents such as P*
Material pecification
If a company uses the 'atch management function# it can create material specifications on a
company)ide 'asis 'y assigning the material to a 'atch class and assigning specific &alues to the
class characteristics.
In the material specification# the quality characteristics assigned to the 'atch classes can 'e lin"ed
ith the corresponding inspection characteristics in the QM module. The default &alues in the
material specification can then 'e used to create an inspection specification# hich may supplement
or e&en replace the inspection plan at the plant le&el.
The material specification also determines hich class characteristics ill 'e supplied ith the
corresponding inspection characteristic &alues that ere recorded in the inspection. The material
specification there'y controls the automatic transfer of inspection results to the classified 'atches.
<ou can then select the 'atches on the 'asis of the 'atch characteristic &alues in sales and
ee also*
Quality Management Data in the Material Master Record
Material !pecification as a Planning "ool
QM%pecific $asic !ata
The 'asic data for the QM module includes5
inspection characteristics
inspection methods
'asic data for sample determination
This independent master data are the 'uilding 'loc"s that you use to create inspection plans. The
inspection characteristics# inspection methods and catalogs are maintained in se&eral languages and
are su';ect to a status management function.
Inspection $haracteristics
Inspection characteristics can 'e stored as master records in the system. The classification system
pro&ides a means of systematically defining# retrie&ing# and reusing the master inspection
characteristics. A &ersion management function ensures that all changes are documented.
The master inspection characteristics can 'e used as 'uilding 'loc"s in the inspection plan7 they
ensure that the inspection plan is de&eloped systematically# uniformly and efficiently. The system
pro&ides central here)used lists and replace functions for maintaining the inspection plans. <ou
can also use master inspection characteristics as copy models to create inspection plan
Assigned in the material specification# the master inspection characteristics pro&ide the lin"s to the
general characteristics in a material class.
ee also*
Master Inspection Characteristics
Inspection Metho"s
The inspection methods descri'e the procedures for carrying out inspections. The inspection
methods are assigned to the inspection characteristics. The system pro&ides central here)used lists
and replace functions assist the inspection planner in maintaining the master data. A &ersion
management function ensures that all changes are documented.

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