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Name: Dina Mustafa Darwich section: 62

ID number: 201310256

Assignment 1 :

As people come of age, their friends are often an important
influence on their growth. Its hard to find a friend like that.
My best friend called also Dina; shes one of my university mates
and before the university we were chatting on facebook without
seeing each other. She was with me in the same class computer
skills sits next to me. She really was good in this subject, we was
actually so knotty and laughing in the class.

She looks shy only with people that she doesnt know well; on the
contrary shes very social when she gets to know you. Also she have
her own smile and special nice speaking makes you be interested
about what she's talking about, and I really like this kind of her

What I like best of her is that shes always ready to help you
anytime and anywhere. Dina having a lot of activities, but she have a
special and favorite one is writing thoughts.
Shes the kind of person that I could never lie to. Our friendship is
so strong that we can get through anything and confrontation the
life together.

Im just so lucky to have her, and I cant imagine my life without her
being with me.

Ds shadia ..

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