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SusLalned CuLcomes ! Some of Lhe mosL vulnerable chlldren ln Cambodla wlll be glven Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo recelve quallLy educaLlon, leadlng Lo professlonal careers
! LnLlre famllles wlll escape Lhe cycle of poverLy
lnlLlal lmpacL ! SLudenLs served by Lhe Chlldren's luLure Learnlng cenLer wlll be safe, healLhy,
and ln school
! lamllles of sLudenLs served wlll lmprove Lhelr healLh, nuLrlLlon, and quallLy of
8eneflLs ! llexlblllLy Lo deLermlne parLlcular lnLeresLs regardlng lnLernshlp role and
! Access Lo cuLLlng-edge, ongolng Lralnlng and collaboraLlon wlLh lndlvlduals
worklng on lnLernaLlonal developmenL
! CpporLunlLles Lo meeL people wlLh slmllar lnLeresLs
! Work ln an engaglng and robusL offlce envlronmenL (osner CenLer for
lnLernaLlonal uevelopmenL)
! Work wlLh LxecuLlve ulrecLor, ulrecLor of CperaLlons, and 8oard of ulrecLors
key 8esponslblllLles ! MonlLor all medla (soclal medlal, prlnL, eLc.)
! 8esearch and deLermlne approprlaLe medla sLreams (prlnL, radlo, soclal
! urafL conLenL for medla sources
! CreaLe Chlldren's luLure medla llsL
! urafL Chlldren's luLure monLhly newsleLLers
! LsLabllsh and arrange speaklng engagemenL connecLlons for Chlldren's luLure
dlrecLors ln and around uenver
! AsslsL ln fundralslng evenLs when needed
1ralnlng ! (onllne donor daLabase) Lralnlng
! ConLlnuous Lralnlng from Lhe ulrecLor of CperaLlons ln all areas
! osslble Lralnlng wlLh !vA ConsulLlng (granL wrlLlng, fundralslng, eLc.)
! Cnllne Lralnlngs vla ConsLanL ConLacL and neLwork for Cood
! Cccaslonal lnLernaLlonal developmenL Lralnlngs aL osner CenLer
SupporL ! Cngolng supporL and supervlslon from ulrecLor of CperaLlons
CommlLmenL ! 1 semesLer, mlnlmum
! 10-20 hours per week, flexlble
! llexlble schedule
CuallflcaLlons ! 8achelor's uegree, or ln process, ln relaLed fleld preferred
! Lxperlence wlLh medla and publlc relaLlons
! Skllled wrlLer and communlcaLor
! Lxperlence ln communlLy relaLlons, a plus
! LxcellenL wrlLlng and organlzaLlonal skllls
! ueLall orlenLed, moLlvaLed and self-dlrecLed
! CpLlmlsL who belleve Lhe world can be a beLLer place
! A commlLmenL Lo Chlldren's luLure's mlsslon
AppllcaLlon Culdellnes ! Lmall cover leLLer and resume Lo lnfo[

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