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Welcome to 1

Welcome to the beginning of the school year! I am so excited to have your children
in my class. I am Mrs. Nedrebo and our teaching assistants are Ms. Houdyshell and
Ms. Johnson. This is going to be a great year! Our days and ee!s ill be "lled ith
many onderful ex#eriences and o##ortunities for learning and groing.
Breakfast is served from $%&'($%)) each morning. If your child #lans to eat
brea!fast at school they should enter through the north door by the gym. The doors
ill be o#ened at $%&'. *ost for brea!fast is +,.)'.
-t 7:50 su#ervision begins on the #layground. If your child is not eating brea!fast
they cannot arrive at school prior to 7:50 AM. The "rst bell rings at .%'' and the
tardy bell rings and school starts at .%'). -ll students must be dro##ed o/ either for
brea!fast or at the #layground. There ill not be su#ervision in the classroom or
hallay. In case of inclement eather students ill be alloed in and ill be
su#ervised in the hallays until the start of school.
Our lunch time is from ,,%,'(,,%0'. 1ou may #urchase lunch tic!ets in the o2ce or
send the money ith your child in a labeled envelo#e. The cost of a student lunch is
+3.3). 1ou are elcome to come and eat ith your child4 but are as!ed to sto# in the
o2ce or call in the morning 5by .%0)6 if you #lan to eat so you may #ay 5+&.''6 and
also get added to the list so the lunch sta/ has an accurate count.
1our child ill also need to #urchase milk tic!ets as e ill be having a mil! brea!
each afternoon. 1our child may only have mil! if you have #urchased a mil! tic!et in
the o2ce. The cost is +&.)' for ten #unches. If your child does not have a tic!et
they ill be alloed to have a drin! of ater. I ill send you a note hen you are
running lo on mil! #unches. 7lease do NOT #urchase another tic!et until I have
sent you a note.
-long ith mil! e ill occasionally have a snack. I ill be as!ing each family to
donate snac!s for our class. 7lease bring enough for 3) friends! 8eminder that e
are a Nut 9ree school! If you ould rather not #urchase snac!s but ould li!e to
donate +)4 I ould be ha##y to #urchase them.
We ill have P tice a ee! ith Mr. :eyes on Monday and Wednesday. It is very
im#ortant that your child ear running shoes on these days!
We ill have music tice a ee! ith Mrs. *hristo#herson on Monday and 9riday.
We go outside for recess three times a day. It is im#ortant to send a ;ac!et or
seatshirt to school <=<81>-1! <ven if it seems nice enough in the morning the
eather can change very ?uic!ly. It is also sometimes a little chilly in our classroom.
If you believe your child is ill and should not go outside for recess than they should
#robably not be at school. I fre?uently have #layground duty and am not able to
su#ervise both the classroom and the #layground. 1our child cannot be left alone in
the classroom. 7lease revie the #layground safety@rules #age ith your child.
Achool is dismissed at !:55 each day. -t that time e ill al! students out the east
door B. It is very im#ortant that you !ee# me and the o2ce informed if there ill be a
change in ho is #ic!ing u# or ho@here your child is to go after school. I cannot let
them go if I have not received a note or #hone call. We all ant the children to be
safe and sound and I cannot ;ust ta!e your childCs ord if there is a change.
- "reen take#home folder is sent home ith your child each day. 7lease loo!
through this because there may be im#ortant notes or forms that need to be returned
to school. There also may be homeor! or activities that need to be com#leted at
home and returned. The folder should be returned to school <=<81>-1! This is their
I am sending you a list of the class rules and the disci#line system I ill be using this
year. If you have any ?uestions4 comments4 or concerns4 #lease feel free to contact
me about them.
$ am lookin" for%ard to a %onderful &ear %ith &ou and &our child! Please
feel free to contact me if &ou have an& 'uestions or concerns!
Mrs. Jennifer Nedrebo
$$&($&3' 5school6
3.'()3E& 5cell6

(lass )ules:
,. 9ollo >irections Fuic!ly
3. 8aise 1our Hand for 7ermission to A#ea!
&. 8aise 1our Hand for 7ermission to Beave 1our Aeat
0. Ma!e Amart *hoices
). :ee# 1our >ear Teacher Ha##y
*iscipline +&stem:
In our classroom e reinforce good behavior and give #ositive recognition hen !ids
are doing the right thing!
Bucket ,illers:
Achool ide e use GHuc!et 9illersI. The idea is that e ant to "ll each otherCs
buc!ets by doing #ositive and caring things for one another. When a student is
caught doing that they ill receive a Huc!et 9iller card hich ill be #laced in our
classroom buc!et. <ach ee! a student ill be chosen from our class as our Huc!et
9iller of the Wee! and ill get s#ecial recognition on the announcements and ill get
to ear a T(shirt for the day.
+top and -hink:
We ill be using a red sto# sign to remind us to ma!e good choices.
,. Ato#!
3. Thin!J
&. Ma!e a good choiceK Or ma!e a bad choiceK
0. Ma!e a good choice!

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