MathewsAndrew Resume Sept2014

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Andrew Mathews

8565 85
Ave. Milaca, Minnesota 56353
Email | Phone 763/8!"#3$3
Objective %o o&tain an 'egislative (irector or Assistant )osition which will *tili+e m,
s-ills .or )*&lic )olic, and constit*ent services
Experience Legislative Aide
!/#! | Minnesota 0o*se o. 1e)resentatives
Provided legislative s*))ort services to 0o*se Ed*cation 2ommittee, and entire
legislative &od, d*ring session.
Pre)ared and organi+ed &ills, amendments, research, and materials needed at
committees. 1es)onsi&le .or hel)ing the 2hair r*n each committee smoothl,.
Assisted with co),ing, .a3ing, t,)ing, word")rocessing.
Legislative Aide
!/## | Minnesota 4tate 4enate
(irect aide .or 4en. 5arren 'immer, and his 2ommittee Administrator.
Polic, research .or 4enate 6*diciar, 2ommittee.
Pre)ared and organi+ed &ills, amendments, research, and materials needed at
committees. 1es)onsi&le .or hel)ing the 2hair r*n each committee smoothl,.
Answered )hones, greeted constit*ents and lo&&,ists in the
Legal Assistant/Paralegal
6an*ar,"Ma, !/# | 2riminal (e.ense Assistant
5or-ed one semester in law school as a 2riminal (e.ense Paralegal.
'egal/4tat*tor, research, answered )hones, legal .ilings and motions.
Legislative Intern
!//7 | Minnesota 0o*se o. 1e)resentatives
7nterned .or 1e). 4ondra Eric-son d*ring the !//7 'egislative session.
Education Oak Brook ollege o! Law, 8resno, 2ali.ornia | 6( 'aw Program
!/##"Present | 3' 'aw 4t*dent9 :rad*ation e3)ected in !/#5
Planning to sit .or 2ali.ornia ;ar E3am in 8e&r*ar, !/#6.
International Ministerial Institute, ;*rnet, %e3as
!//8"!/#/ | :rad*ated with a certi.icate in ;i&le and ;i&lical Ministries
"ho#as Edison $tate ollege | ;4;A (egree Program
<ne ,ear remaining to com)lete ;*siness ma=or degree.
$kills 'egal > Polic, 1esearch, 4trong -nowledge o. 'egislative )rocess,
'egislative Administrative assistant e3)erience, 5ord)rocessing, (ata Entr,,
%e!erences 6onathan 2ove, | ?/$@ 33"8!7$
1e). 4ondra Eric-son | ?763@ 38$"$8

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