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North and South Pole Assessment

There were 13 students in the after school program SciTalks. Most of the students had
simple one word answers for the pre-test questions, and 10 out of the 13 students got every
question corrects. The other 3 students only missed one question. I had been working with the
students for weeks now, so they knew a great deal about magnets already, so that is why their
pre-test scores were so good. For the post-test, the students did pretty well, because I made sure
that when they were doing the experiment I would ask them questions that pertained to the pre-
test. The results of the post-test show that there was evidence of active engagement in their
learning, because every student got every question correct. The lesson was a success and the
students had fun doing it. They learned by doing a hands on experiment that they had fun doing.
They were able to access prior knowledge to answer the questions on the pre-test, and get every
question correct on the post-test.

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