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Bylaws of Southern Off-Road Bicycle Association:

Flagler Area Biking Association

1. Name and Purpose
a. The name of the organization is the SOUTHERN OFF-ROA !"#$#%E
ASSO#"AT"ON& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N' ASSO#"AT"ON) a.*.a. SOR!A&
F%A'%ER AREA !"("N'.
b. The +ission of SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N' is to assist the Southern
Off-Road !i,-,.e Asso,iation /0SOR!A12 in an attempt to ,reate area trai.s) 3i*e
paths) 3i*e .anes4 ensure their future use4 heighten ,-,.ing safet- a5areness4
organize group rides4 prote,t the ha3itat ,ontained 5ithin the 3i*e trai.s and 3i*e
paths4 3ui.d re.ationships 5ith .ando5ners and .and managers4 and pro6ide an
informati6e 5e3site for .o,a. riders.
7. Prin,ipa. Offi,e
a. The prin,ipa. offi,e of the SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N' is Pa.m #oast)
F.orida) or the 6i,init-) at a .o,ation to 3e determined 3- the !oard of ire,tors.
8. +em3ership
a. +em3ership is open to an- mem3er of SOR!A 5ho 5ishes to 3e ,onsidered a
mem3er of SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N'. A.. go6erning
mem3erships sha.. 3e set 3- a,tion of the SOR!A !oard of ire,tors or as
out.ined in the SOR!A 3-.a5s.
9. Offi,ers and !oard of ire,tors
a. Officers and Duties& There sha.. 3e four Offi,ers e.e,ted from the mem3ership of
SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N'. These Offi,ers sha.. 3e&
i. President& The president sha.. 3e responsi3.e for ,arr-ing out the
dire,ti6es of SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N':s !oard of ire,tors.
The president sha.. 3e the ,hairman of the SOR!A& F%A'%ER
AREA !"("N' !oard of ire,tors. uties in,.ude strategi, p.anning)
ensuring the SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N' :s goa.s are ,onsistent
5ith SOR!A and SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N' mem3er:s
desires) and attending SOR!A meetings or se.e,ting a rep.a,ement.
ii. ;i,e-President& The 6i,e-president sha.. dis,harge the duties of the
president in the e6ent of a 6a,an,- in that offi,e) or in the e6ent the
president is a3sent or una3.e to dis,harge those duties) the 6i,e-president
sha.. assist the President in SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N'
iii. Se,retar-& The se,retar- sha.. 3e responsi3.e for *eeping the ro.. of
mem3ers) re,ording the minutes of the !oard of ire,tors) maintaining a
,urrent 6ersion of the 3-.a5s) maintaining SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA
!"("N' ar,hi6es) pro6iding information to mem3ers and others)
esta3.ishing the .o,ations and ,ontent of the month.- meetings.
i6. Treasurer& The treasurer sha.. 3e responsi3.e for reporting on the status of
a.. mone- and propert- of the SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N')
maintaining re,ords of a.. finan,ia. transa,tions) resear,hing and pursuing
funding) and reporting the finan,ia. re,ords to SOR!A Treasure.
Re6ie5ed 17<1=<7>18
b. Board of Directors& There sha.. 3e from fi6e /?2 to ten /1>2 mem3ers e.e,ted to
the !oard of ire,tors 5ho sha.. ser6e as the go6erning 3od- for SOR!A&
F%A'%ER AREA !"("N' and sha.. 3e responsi3.e for&
i. Setting a.. po.i,ies of the SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N'4
ii. +a*ing de,isions regarding the SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N' :s
operation4 and
iii. Nominations of Offi,ers as addressed herein.
?. @ua.ifi,ations) Nominations) E.e,tions) Tenure of Offi,ers) and ;a,an,ies
a. Qualifications&
i. An- mem3er of SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N' ,an ho.d an- offi,e
in the SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N' after 3eing a mem3er of the
,.u3 for one fu.. ,a.endar -ear.
b. Nominations of:
i. Officers&
1. !oard of ire,tor Nominations& The !oard of ire,tors sha..) at its s,hedu.ed fa.. e6ent) ea,h -ear) nominate Offi,ers for the
term 3eginning Aanuar- 1 of the fo..o5ing -ear. A person sha.. 3e
deemed to 3e nominated if he<she re,ei6es at .east t5o /72
7. Offi,ers or +em3ership Nominations& An- mem3er not nominated
3- the !oard of ire,tors ma- 3e nominated for an- offi,e upon
the nominations of t5o /72 Offi,ers or ten /1>2 mem3ers) other
than Offi,ers) of SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N'. Su,h
nominations ma- 3e made ora..- at the nominations meeting) or in
5riting at an- time 3efore the nominations are ,.osed.
ii. Board of Directors&
1. !oard of ire,tor Nominations& The !oard of ire,tors sha..) at its s,hedu.ed fa.. e6ent) ea,h -ear) nominate a mem3er or
offi,er to the !oard of ire,tors for the term 3eginning Aanuar- 1
of that -ear. A person sha.. 3e deemed to 3e nominated if) on the
6ote upon the nominations for that offi,e) he<she re,ei6es at .east
t5o /72 6otes.
7. Offi,ers or +em3ers Nominations& An- mem3er not nominated
3- the !oard of ire,tors ma- 3e nominated upon the reBuest of
either t5o /72 Offi,ers or fi6e /?2 mem3ers) other than Offi,ers) of
the SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N'. Su,h reBuests ma- 3e
made ora..- at the nominations meeting) or in 5riting at an- time
3efore the nominations are ,.osed.
iii. Other Positions&
1. An- other positions 5i.. ser6e at the p.easure of the four e.e,ted
i6. Closing of Nominations&
1. The !oard of ire,tors sha.. set a date for the ,.osing of
nominations for the mem3ers at the annua. SOR!A& F%A'%ER
AREA !"("N' fa.. e6ent.
c. Elections:
Re6ie5ed 17<1=<7>18
i. E.e,tions for mem3ers of the !oard of ire,tors and Offi,ers sha.. ta*e
p.a,e during the 5inter meeting) fo..o5ing the nominations.
ii. !oth the !oard of ire,tors and the Offi,ers sha.. 3e e.e,ted 3- simp.e
maCorit- 6ote of the mem3ers of SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N'.
d. Terms of Officers&
i. A.. Offi,ers sha.. ser6e for a term of one /12 -ear) or unti. their su,,essor
has ta*en offi,e.
e. Vacancies&
i. A 6a,an,- o,,urring eD,ept upon the remo6a. of an offi,er or the ,reation
of an additiona. offi,e sha.. 3e fi..ed 3- the !oard of ire,tors.
ii. A 6a,an,- 5hi,h o,,urs upon the remo6a. of an offi,er ma-) at the
dis,retion of the !oard of ire,tors) 3e fi..ed 3- a spe,ia. e.e,tion) or at
the neDt e.e,tion.
iii. A 6a,an,- o,,urring 3- an in,rease in the num3er of Offi,ers sha.. 3e
fi..ed 3- a e.e,tion or a spe,ia. e.e,tion ,a..ed for that purpose.
i6. "n a.. ,ases of a spe,ia. e.e,tion to fi.. a 6a,an,-) reasona3.e opportunit-
sha.. 3e afforded to the mem3ership to ma*e nominations in the manner of e.e,tions.
=. Remo6a. of Offi,ers or mem3er of the !oard of ire,tors
a. An- offi,er or mem3er of the !oard of ire,tors ma- 3e remo6ed from offi,e at
an- time) 5ith or 5ithout ,ause) either 3- a,tion of the !oard of ire,tors)
Offi,ers) or mem3ers.
b. Removal of an Officer&
i. An- offi,er ma- 3e remo6ed at the reBuest of a mem3er of the !oard of
ire,tors) and su,h reBuest) if se,onded) sha.. 3e 6oted on at the neDt meeting of SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N') or at a spe,ia.
meeting ,a..ed for that purpose not .ess than t5o 5ee*s after the reBuest is
se,onded. Upon the affirmati6e 6ote of 8<9 of the 6otes ,ast 3- the !oard
of ire,tors) the offi,er sha.. 3e remo6ed.
c. Removal of a Member of the Board of Directors&
i. An- mem3er of the !oard of ire,tors ma- 3e remo6ed at the reBuest of
an offi,er) and su,h reBuest) if se,onded) sha.. 3e 6oted on at the neDt meeting of SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N') or at a spe,ia.
meeting ,a..ed for that purpose not .ess than t5o 5ee*s after the reBuest is
se,onded. Upon the affirmati6e 6ote of 8<9 of the 6otes ,ast 3- the
Offi,ers) the offi,er sha.. 3e remo6ed.
d. Removal of an Officer or a Member of the Board of Directors by members&
i. Upon the petition) in 5riting) signed 3- at .east ten /1>E2 per,ent of the
mem3ers of the SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N') reBuesting the
remo6a. of an- offi,er) the President sha.. order that a 6ote of the
mem3ership 3e ta*en on the remo6a. of the offi,er) and if 8<9 of the 6otes
,ast fa6or remo6a.) the offi,er sha.. 3e remo6ed.
F. A,tions and +eetings of the !oard of ire,tors
a. The !oard of ire,tors sha.. ha6e three /82 meetings at a p.a,e and time
as announ,ed.
Re6ie5ed 17<1=<7>18
b. A spe,ia. meeting ma- 3e ,a..ed 3- the president or at the reBuest of a maCorit- of
the Offi,ers. Ten /1>2 da-s noti,e must 3e gi6en to the Offi,ers. Su,h noti,es sha..
3e deemed ,omp.ete if in 5riting and mai.ed 3- first ,.ass mai.) to the offi,erGs
address as sho5n on the ro.. of mem3ers.
c. A.. meetings of the !oard of ire,tors sha.. 3e open to an- mem3er of SOR!A&
F%A'%ER AREA !"("N'. A mem3er in attendan,e sha.. ha6e the right to 3e
re,ognized and to parti,ipate in an- de3ate or dis,ussion 3efore the !oard of
d. A maCorit- of the Offi,ers present at an- meeting sha.. ,onstitute a Buorum for the
,ondu,t of an- 3usiness) 5hi,h Buorum sha.. ,ontinue unti. adCournment
regard.ess of the departure of an- offi,er.
e. At an- meeting of the !oard of ire,tors) the order of 3usiness sha.. 3e) in
seBuen,e) as fo..o5s&
i. Ro.. #a..) Reading of +inutes of pre6ious meeting) Treasur- report)
Nominations) O.d !usiness) Ne5 !usiness) and AdCournment.
f. The affirmati6e 6ote of a maCorit- of the !oard of ire,tors present and 6oting
sha.. 3e reBuired for an- a,tion of the Offi,ers) un.ess other5ise pro6ided in these
3-.a5s. An- mem3er of the !oard of ire,tors present at the meeting sha.. 3e
deemed to ha6e 5ai6ed noti,e thereof) and to ha6e assented to a.. a,tions ta*en
therein un.ess he<she sha.. reBuest spe,ifi,a..- that his<her dissent 3e re,orded in
the minutes.
. A mem3er of the !oard of ire,tors ma- assign his<her 6ote 3- proD- to an-
registered mem3er of at .east one /12 -ear of the SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA
!"("N'. The assignment must 3e in 5riting and de.i6ered to the se,retar- at the
3eginning of the meeting. Said assignment sha.. 3e for on.- one meeting.
h. The Offi,ers) 3- unanimous 5ritten ,onsent) ma- ta*e an- a,tion 5ithout a
meeting as ,ou.d ha6e 3een ta*en at a meeting) in,.uding su,h matters 5hi,h
reBuire the assent of more than a maCorit- of the Offi,ers and su,h ,onsent sha..
3e,ome a part of the minutes of the fo..o5ing meeting.
H. #ompensation and "ndemnifi,ation of Offi,ers and mem3ers of the !oard of ire,tors&
a. No offi,er sha.. re,ei6e an- ,ompensation for ser6i,es in an offi,ia. ,apa,it-) 3ut
ma- 3e reim3ursed for preappro6ed eDpenses in,urred.
I. "ndemnifi,ation
a. SOR!A) per its ,onstitution) sha.. ha6e the po5er to indemnif- an- offi,er)
mem3er of the !oard of ire,tors) or mem3er against .osses 5hi,h he<she might
sustain in the ,ourse of performan,e of duties for the SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA
!"("N' to the fu.. eDtent pro6ided 3- the .a5) and sha.. pur,hase insuran,e to
pro6ide for su,h indemnifi,ation.
1>. SOR!A Finan,es
a. A.. propert- and mone- 3e.onging to the SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N'
sha.. 3e he.d in the so.e name of SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N'.
b. A.. mone- re,ei6ed 3- the SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N' sha.. 3e
prompt.- deposited in the SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N' a,,ount) and a..
pa-ments of mone- 3- the SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N' sha.. 3e made
3- ,he,*s or other drafts.
Re6ie5ed 17<1=<7>18
i. A.. spending must 3e appro6ed 3- the !oard of ire,tors.
11. Re,ords and Finan,ia. Reports
a. A.. re,ords of SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N') in,.uding mem3ership ro..s)
minutes) and finan,ia. re,ords) sha.. 3e a6ai.a3.e at a.. !oard meetings for
inspe,tion 3- an- mem3er of SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N'.
17. Fis,a. $ear
a. The fis,a. -ear for the SOR!A& F%A'%ER AREA !"("N' sha.. end on
e,em3er 81st of ea,h -ear.
18. Amendments of !-.a5s
a. These 3-.a5s ma- 3e amended 3- the affirmati6e 6ote of 8<9 of the Offi,ers at
an- meeting of the !oard of ire,tors) or an- spe,ia. meeting ,a..ed for
that purpose) pro6ided that a.. Offi,ers ha6e 3een notified) at .east ten /1>2 da-s
prior to su,h meeting.
b. Not5ithstanding the a3o6e) an- amendment 5hi,h su3stantia..- a.ters the rights
of mem3ers sha.. ta*e effe,t on.- upon the affirmati6e 6ote of 8<9 mem3ers.
c. An amendment sha.. 3e deemed to su3stantia..- affe,t the rights of a mem3er on.-
if it&
i. #hanges the rights of a mem3er to 6ote or ma*e nominations4
ii. Affe,ts a mem3erGs rights to re,ei6e noti,es or his<her a,,ess to
information a3out the SOR!A4 or
iii. A.ters the rights of mem3ers to remo6e Offi,ers or mem3ers of the !oard
of ire,tors or the rights of mem3ers to e.e,t Offi,ers or mem3ers of the
!oard of ire,tors to fi.. 6a,an,ies.
d. A.. mem3ers sha.. 3e notified of an- amendment of the 3-.a5s as soon as
reasona3.- possi3.e.
Re6ie5ed 17<1=<7>18

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